ive had a lot of people asking me what the worst bust I’ve dished out is but what I want to know is what is the most painful bust you’ve had done to you. What happened? What was you thinking at the time and of of that stuff 

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wau, did u ever thinking to ask her to bust you again

The worst bust I had, and somewhat the best at the same time if you know what I mean, was a kick from my female cousin when she was 13 and me only 11. She was barefoot and she gave me an unexpected hard frontal toe kick for no reason at all. We were alone at our grandma's house, and I was going to the kitchen, when I suddently saw her with a smirk on her face, then I looked down and I saw her leg lifting up to give me a precise swift kick that hit me right in the middle of the scrotum: the pain was sudden and incredibly intense as I was shot, still to this day the most intense groin pain I've ever had. I dropped down for several minutes, with my sight blurred, gasping for air, feeling sick overall but at the same time, I swear, GOOD, being aroused in a manner I never felt during my first eleven years on Planet...couldn't decide if it was seventh heaven or pure hell. One year prior I was already kicked by a school mate girl of mine, but it wasn't even remotely comparable to my cousin's kick, in good and evil. She basically laughed the whole time I was floored, making fun of the fact that my face looked like I was actually enjoying it (oh boy, she was wrong.....NOPE). 

Later she apologised, and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I asked the reason why she kicked me, and got her basically answering that there was no reason at all, she wasn't mad at me or whatsoever: she just loved kicking boys in the balls! She told me that she did that a lot at school, and once she was caught by a professor while kicking a school mate...then got brought to the principal, and the only reason she wasn't suspended was because of her remarkably good grades.

Anyway, I felt a pulsing pain to both balls for the whole day and night, to the point that the day after I was almost lying to my mom that I got unfortunate playing soccer or something like that, in order to get visited by a doctor. Luckily it slowly went away, even if I got some sporadic thicks for several months. Despite it was a "family" episode (always found my cousin incredibly attractive anyway, what can I tell ya...), that was the kick that made me love ballbusting in THE definitive way.

I kicked boys because i loved the way they reacted and that was all i wanted to see.  It was my way of making sexual contact.

What was your favorite reaction from a boy after kicking them?  I normally either lay down/sit or curl up into a ball lol.  My balls don't take it so well I normally don't go hard.

the worst pain i have ever seen a man have.  This kid in school threw a rock from way out in a field and i saw it bounce off a boys groin that was sitting down with his legs spread.  He shot to the ground and coughed and threw up.  He was totally destroyed and had to go to a dr.   I tried to help him but he was totally paralyzed.

wow.This is soo intense.I have never seen boys throwing up from a hit to their balls.I bet it must have been horrible.How did you try to help  him ? and really decent of you that you did.

Groin hits by thrown objects can be the worst, especially if the projectie is moving at a fast velocity. Oncd it's in motion, there's no controlling how hard it will hit.

I was once hit sqaurely between the legs with a football and I doubled over immediately. I can't imagine what I rock must feel like though.

This is one of the worst, and it's definitely my first really hard bust, which makes it stick out in my mind. Friend of mine threw a tennis ball as hard as he could from about 15 feet away. It drilled me dead on in the right nut. There was zero delay -- just an immediate explosion of pain and me collapsing in a heap on the ground. I had been busted before, but never quite like that. I remember curling up and not want to move at all. Someone gave me a courtesy pat on the back and it took a long time before I was walking around normally.
I had a similar experience to the tennis ball bust actually, I was sitting down and someone pegged me with a tennis ball. Hit both dead on, and I fell on the floor for a long time. At some point someone was like "how are you still down?" because it had been a while but back then, I didn't really have a tolerance for ball pain. I'd say I was on the floor for almost half an hour.

a high school one: someone threw a water bottle and caught me in the balls, that hurt quite a bit.

The second is I occasionally film videos, and in some of the most recent ones the dommes had no  mercy and bashed me good. I was red and sore for a week and had a lot of trouble walking and sitting down. no permanent damage or anything but wow.

Are these videos on a clip store somewhere?

xiclips.com !



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