UPDATED: November 15, 2010

Q. How old are you?
A. I was born in Dec, 1959, I'm a mature Filipina.

Q. May i ask if u would ever consider kicking a guy you met on a site like this?
A. No, not even if he paid me.

Q. Do you have any Martial Arts training?
A. Nope, I'm just a natural bitch ; )

Q. If you calculate all your busts do you think you busted more males in Canada or more males in the Philippines?
A - It's not even close, I've busted way more in the Philippines than i did anywhere else combined.

Q. I know that you have a regular ballbusting buddy outside of your husband... If you did not have this man in your life how would you get your fix?
A - My husband isn't into busting at all, that's why he approves, he knows the guys i bust, he's actually friends with them and he says better them then him. If i didn't have my buddies? This arrangement isn't that old, I'd just be like i was in 2008 and deal with it. I've lived with out busting, I would be able to do it again.

Q. How did you find your busting buddies?
A. A while back my husband told one of his business acquaintances/friends about some of the busts I've done in my past. This sparked a big interest in his friend and he told me that my husband gave him a brief synopsis of what I've done with ballbusting. Initially it was just his friend talking to me about it and asking questions about it, It took him about two years to work up the courage to ask me if I wanted to do some sessions. My husband knew i had that kinky side and figured it would be good for me to release my pent up fetish. He figured i would eventually be going for his balls and maybe he was right. He trusts his friend and knew it would go no further then swollen and bruised balls. My first buddy introduced two new buddies to me, one left after 2 or 3 sessions and the other i had to stop busting for a year because be wanted it everyday, Eventually friend #2 came around and now he enjoys a couple of sessions a month.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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i love it...promise to never ask you know what
Part of our jobs as admin is to encourage our members to be engaging and discover new ways to appreciate the website. This Interviews section is our newest experiment and it looks promising. If you can't think of questions to post is simple just look in your inbox, look on your comment wall or in the chat room next time you are on... you will find all you need there to build on to your Interview.

Q. If you calculate all your busts do you think you busted more males in Canada or more males in the Philippines?

Q. I know that you have a regular ballbusting buddy outside of your husband... If you did not have this man in your life how would you get your fix?

Hi Kimmie, I love your profile.  But, it sounds like 2 sessions a month are not enough to keep your fetish satisfied?  I would guess that you might need to have a second ballbusting buddy, who you see once a week.  Ofcourse, I am volunteering for that job.  I only need 90 days notice to retire, and then can move anywhere in North America, once I establish a bank account where my monthly pension check will be going.  Feel free to ask me any further questions you'd like answered about this proposal.



It's actually more then two sessions a month, it's around four, and four is perfectly fine because i don't get burnt out on doing it. I think if i was to do eight to ten sessions a month it would start to loose a lot of it's appeal for me. I actually do have two buddies at the moment.

Todd Struppa said:

Hi Kimmie, I love your profile.  But, it sounds like 2 sessions a month are not enough to keep your fetish satisfied?  I would guess that you might need to have a second ballbusting buddy, who you see once a week.  Ofcourse, I am volunteering for that job.  I only need 90 days notice to retire, and then can move anywhere in North America, once I establish a bank account where my monthly pension check will be going.  Feel free to ask me any further questions you'd like answered about this proposal.



OK, Kimmie, now I understand your ballbusting buddy schedule.  Can I ask how you do each of your 4 monthly sessions with each of the 2 guys?  Do you start out slowly, with light kicks, and then work up to your final hardest kick, which usually leaves them unable to take anymore, unless they rest for at least a week?  If you rupture one of their balls, do you plan on having them stop ballbusting with you, in order to prevent them from experiencing having both balls ruptured, and having to be removed?  If that happens in the future, I would like to volunteer to be your next victim. 

It alternates from Buddy number 1 on one week and then Buddy number 2 the following week. I get them both about 2 times a month. No, i don't have a script on how we do it, it's never the same, it never starts out the same, i walk in and what ever i feel like doing, thats the way it rolls.


We never came across the situation of a rupture nor do we plan to so there is no answer for that question.You seem too eager to volunteer so I'll probably pick someone else if one of my boys quit on me.

Todd Struppa said:

OK, Kimmie, now I understand your ballbusting buddy schedule.  Can I ask how you do each of your 4 monthly sessions with each of the 2 guys?  Do you start out slowly, with light kicks, and then work up to your final hardest kick, which usually leaves them unable to take anymore, unless they rest for at least a week?  If you rupture one of their balls, do you plan on having them stop ballbusting with you, in order to prevent them from experiencing having both balls ruptured, and having to be removed?  If that happens in the future, I would like to volunteer to be your next victim. 

That is an interesting and detailed interview, thank you, interesting to see how you copped with your husband, that do not have the fetish.

Q: So do your buddies just go home with their memories ? Is your husband present ? Do your buddies get aroused during the session and how do they cope with it ?

do you think about after-effects of kicks?)

Do you like to understand, that testicles are hurt for weeks sometimes?)))

Hi Kimmie, thanks for doing the interview :)

I read on your profile that your first busting experience was wrestling with your brother's friend and that you did everything to take advantage of your male opponent. Can you describe the experience? What did you do to take advantage of the boy's weakness and what was his reaction?

It wasn't as hard as you're implying. I basically just hit him with a hard slap, grab and squeeze. He jumped off me very quickly, he let go and stopped wrestling instantly and was curled up on the floor. This happened a long time ago so a lot of the details are very cloudy.



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