A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
This makes sense. No other term for a woman's groin can be considered less derogatory or offensive.
What do you mean by "if kept healthy"?
I've never been one to crave actual damage, and for me, BB has been a foreplay type of activity for me and my wife. I always thought it would be fun to trade shots, though I don't think I could really want to hit her hard enough for real damage. I am also not wanting permanent damage either. So far, my wife haas not made known any real interest in receiving busts, however she does like for me to be pretty rough with her chest. Is this an indicator that she might be open to busts? How did you realize CB was something you enjoyed?
Well, by 'healthy' I mean if it isn't intensive and solely to cause pain or damage. Some of the content on the site is made to show the vulnerabilities of men and BB in that regard isn't treated as a fun, playful activity, but more as empowerment and dominance.
I don't think that should be the case. Although you should know how to defend yourself, when doing it out of that context it should be more to express and experience love, thrill, trust and pleasure.
Your wife likely doesn't understand the way you feel about taking a hit, which is why she is more skeptical. I would recommend you ask her to trade shots with you, and if she agrees you could try out a few kicks or slaps. If she does show further interest, try taking it a step further. Many women like to see you understand their opinion but they don't mind trying new things so long as you respect their reactions. Since she is more comfortable on the upper body that option is always available to you, but she won't get the same pleasure as if she were to take it south.
DO you think pleasure is possibly universal among women? I have always thought it was a VERY rare thing, that women truly enjoyed pain, that it was more something imposed on them by dominant men. After being married, and my wife seeming to want me to be less than gentle with her, I've learned that there is something to the idea that there is some enjoyment. But, wow it's such a really big taboo if you cause pain to a woman!
In a way, our society has WAY less issue with the idea of a woman enjoying kicking a man in the balls, than the other way around. In fact, society looks down on a man for enjoying the kick from the woman!
What type of impacts do you prefer? Slap, like stinging, or more solid hits, like from a knee?
What advice would you give a man for trying this out? Where exactly would bring pleasure? I mean, for us guys, most of us don't really like getting hit hard on the penis, but the balls feel good, well, at least the pain is a turn on, LOL, whereas a hard enough slap to the other, and arousal is gone completely.
I personally don't like when she grabs, and nails feel like they are tearing my sack, but have been afraid to tell her that, because then she'd be afraid to grab me which I like, LOL.. I assume there are places and ways that also make it not fun for you also. Are there ways of getting CB where it was a total turn off, and not enjoyable? Any warnings to give us men so we don't make this mistake?
I ask these questions acknowledging the fact that all women aren't identically the same, just to avoid the idea that I think all women are the same. I understand each woman is an individual, yet there are a lot of things which are physiologically similar.. :)
Personally, I prefer solid hits (my favorite is kicks). I also don't like stinging because that leaves a sore sensation for a while. Since your wife is new to this but willing to participate, give her a few hits but make them solid and not very forceful. Whatever way you hit a man it is going to hurt and it will last, but with a woman it's a very small area to target if you want to hit a nerve and cause real damage. So if you just want to have fun make sure your toe doesn't go anywhere near the sweet spot, instead use your shin or knee.
The shin is a flat, solid surface and it will give a more blunt strike. The pain she feels won't be stinging but more because of the force, which, by your account, she seems to enjoy. Massaging before exchanges could be useful to tenderize the area although some women prefer to build up a resistance and eventually take more, and stronger, hits at a time.
The knee is more like a smaller blow and should go to the lower stomach - the ovaries - or the front of the vagina. This will hit a few smaller nerves and be quite impactful, but some women find it quite stinging and it can get sore if you hit too low. So don't go for frontal impacts - hit with your knee, thigh and shins from below. The toe is a no-no unless she actually asks you and enjoys it.
That's all the advice I can offer you right now. You have to experiment and see what she enjoys until you can try more things. But take it steady - you don't want to do something too fast and turn her off.
Sounds very similar to how most of the ball busting men like to be kicked, more of a solid, spread out hit, than a sharp concentrated on one small area hit.
If you notice most here advise not to kick the balls with the toe, instead with the top of the foot, and with the knees, not to use the end, but more the top of the thigh, so, this is sounding very similar.
SO far, I haven't been able to get my wife to kick me, I haven't figured out a way to ask without just saying kick me.. LOL.. I know seems silly. She's gotten really good at kneeing me while pushing her chest in my face. I don't know if she'd want to stand and trade shots kicking, but I could see her getting into use trading knees..
I can tell she still holds back because she's afraid to hurt me. I also think I would want to avoid always hitting her harder than she hits me, like you said happened with your ex(?) I am quite abit stronger than her, and also more athletic. However, I was led to believe that the women cold handle more pain there than men can, and so that should even it out.. From your story in that area, saying he hit you harder, and you hurt more that this may not be true?
To you first point - yes it is quite similar although for different reasons. For men, the toe is not advised as you can injure your foot. For women the toe is not advised as you might injure the victim. No matter how you hit balls they will hurt, so there is no 'specific' area to target. The wider, solid attacks are used to generate pleasure and distribute the pain.
For women the wider attacks are used so that there is little chance the more sensitive regions are hit. It is more of a safety precaution thing than a control/failsafe thing as with men.
In my case, my bf hit harder than he realized although in the end he still felt more pain. Women don't have a higher pain threshold, they simply have less of an issue when it comes to the groin since very few men (and women) know where to hit to cause pain. For men, whatever you do, it hurts. You should try out with medium strength hits first amd work your way up or down. Using a hit kick will not be pleasurable enough for a first impression and a hard hit may be too aggressive.
If you knee her, she will not feel pain. It will be an impact, but little nervous response. If you use a shin kick, the response will be possibly higher and faster, although that might be if you hit the pubic bone. When she's kicking you, simply ask her if you can return the favor and trade shots.
With CB the list is indeed very long, although my first one was when I was 12 and I was riding my brother's bike. Since male/sports bikes have an extra bar under the seat I hit myself on it and I fell straddled - it was quite painful. Luckily there wasn't anybody around to see it.
Most of my BB experiences have been defensive; whenever a guy tried to get too close I'd have to kind of wriggle out. I've rarely hit a guy for fun; my first bf liked it so we used to trade shots. He used to hit harder unknowingly since he was stronger, but I enjoyed it.
I would say girls have it easier although it is more surprising for a woman since she is so used to attacking men. For girls I can argue it's more pleasure and for guys it's more pain since you have to be very specific with your hits to cause permanent damage to a woman, although you can be the judge of that.
It doesn't get my hormones flowing instantly but any sort of pain, on any woman, from any source, works the same for me.
This response -- that you enjoy seeing women in pain regardless -- caught me by surprise. It doesn't matter if it's CB or not?
Well I wouldn't enjoy it if a man beats his wife, the same way you guys won't enjoy being punched in the face for no reason. Sorry for not making it clear, but I meant any sort of pain as in any kind of attack (kick, knee, stomp, etc.)
Since that area itself is associated with arousal and pleasure... I think it's obvious why all of us here are aroused by it.
For most straight people, the opposite sex would be a preferred busting buddy, same for me. But even if I watch a woman busting another woman, I do shudder. And laugh. But mainly shudder. I know for some guys if they see another dude getting hit they get a feeling down south, same for some women.
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