Which do you feel is more painful, a well placed kicked from the front or from behind wether on all 4's or just bent over?

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I've very rarely been busted from behind - the only times that has happened (with a few exceptions) have been when I'm kneeling, and then it's mostly squeezes. Overall, I'd say kicks from the front tend to hurt more.

Never been kicked from behind before. I am usually on my knees and she kicks me. I would imagine it hurts all the same, lol. Standing I think hurts more than on your knees. The momentum from her leg is great because it has more distance to travel.
All force being equal the kicks from behind have hurt me more but it's looking like that's not as universal as I thought. It's never been a 'real life' scenario, just during paid sessions, but typically I'm in a plank position and the girls get them pretty good from behind. Still the worst strike for me has been a stomp... women have so much leverage from that position that a direct hit can be devastating if they put any real force behind it.

i feel like getting kicked while youre kneeling down hurts the most 

I think a well placed kick from the from will hurt more, but you can see when the kicker is doing so and can prepare yourself for it. With Kick from the back it's more scarier as you don't know what's happening, only issue with kick from the back is theres more chance of missing the balls.
I'd say a kick from behind. I've been kicked so many times with a girl in front and the only time i got my balls bruised was when i had a girl kick me from behind. I think it has to do with if she gets them just right, your balls will end up being smashed between her toes and your pelvic bone

I've never been kicked from behind. The thought of it and the not knowing is terrifying yet intriguing! I imagine it would be so incredibly painful and would to experience it some day.

I got kicked in the wheel barrel position. She picked me up by my ankles, I had my hands holding me up on the floor. I asked her to start of softly. The soft kick was devasting! This was my only shot from behind, and it seemed too dangerous if even a light kick could be that painful

omg I am so jealous! If only I could find a way to get my girl to do that to me! 

I find when i have been kicked from behind the accuracy isn't as good she will miss 3 quaters of the time but when it hits it really does hurt, front kicks are more accurate and hurt just as much



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