A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Pete let out a cry as he moved off her, sitting and carefully holding his scrotum. Grace sat up and watched him rock back and forth, as she rubbed his back gently.
"I told you we should have waited a few days before trying", she told him.
"I just had to see if it still worked.. Vanessa.... that fucking bitch", he grumbled between clenched teeth. He looked up at Grace.
"I'll make her pay for that", he added, after a long pause.
"No, Pete, you won't. She knows how to really make you hurt in unimaginable ways. You're lucky you didn't lose a testicle. Remember what the doctor said?", Grace reminded him. She felt a lump in her throat as she thought back to the moment immediately after Vanessa had kicked him, as she watched him spend an eternity curled up on the ground in the fetal position. She feared the worst, as Vanessa had a history of causing permanent damage to boys she kicked. She once even kicked a boy so hard that he lost one.
Vanessa left right after kicking him, as the crowd grew bigger to watch him. Thankfully, Grace had stayed by his side, as he lay on the ground, gasping for air and making all sorts of faces. By then, a large crowd of women had gathered round to watch him squirm on the ground.
"Should have stopped at the door, young man, before this young lady forcefully ended your love life!", said a middle aged woman who watched the scene unfold.
He arched his neck up to look at her, before another wave of pain shot through his abdomen, forcing him to stop. When she kicked him, he felt something shift inside one of his testicles. He was certain it meant he would never be the same again. Grace eventually got him up and walked him to a clinic;
The doctor showed him an ultrasound of his reproductive organs, with his right testicle that hung much lower than the other, took the impact of Vanessa's foot. It was severely damaged, and would likely not function again.
"You don't want to wind up not being able to enjoy this, right?", she said sweetly, as her hands slowly ran up his thighs. He watched her body, from her slightly sagging bosom and her flat stomach, her pussy, as he remembered her strong flavour. She leaned forward, cupping him. He leaned back and let out a soft moan.
"Now let's see what you've got in that busted sack", she said as she stroked his balls gently, before wrapping her lips around his penis.
And right as he was about to climax, a sharp pain exploded from his damaged gonad, forcing a loud cry from him again as she quickly stopped. Sharp pains emanated from his right testicle, and he felt nausea comparable to what he had felt moments after Vanessa had kicked his gonads.
"Forget it, if we go out now we can still catch the end of that movie", he said in frustration, as he slowly slipped on a pair of boxers.
It was while they were by the television that his sister decided to take over the remote, changing the channel.
"Hey, give that back!", he yelled, as he felt his temper flaring.
"Make me!", she taunted, having had quite a bad day herself. That was when he stood up, moving quick before Grace could stop him. At first they snatched over the remote, but when she refused to let go, Pete shoved her back. She swung her foot out to regain her balance, as Pete watched helplessly. He had been standing right in front of her, his thighs spread partly for balance, and also to avoid risking knocking against his already aching gonads.
Her toes grazed his sack, as he hunched over coughing in agony.
"What! Stop pretending, I barely touched you!", she yelled as he cursed at her in a higher pitched voice, his hands covering his sexual organs. "What's the matter? You're not even a real man!" With an all too familiar ache in between his legs, as well as memories of Vanessa's taunting right after she first booted him in his testes still fresh, he saw red.
All of a sudden, he stood up and struck her in the stomach, and pushing her to the ground when she bent over. "I'll show you what a man can do", he said, as he spread his legs to gain leverage, grabbing her hands with his left hand while raising his right fist. From the ground, she struggled to break free, swinging her foot once again directly into his private parts. He screamed in agony, slowly dropping to his knees, as he began making terrible expressions with his face. Getting up, he reached for a chair to throw at her.
Grace thought to herself, It seems Vanessa's lesson to him wasn't enough, he's still the same hot tempered, violent guy he was before.
"That's enough, Pete!", she yelled as she ran forward to throw herself between them. Pete threw her aside, as he continued moving at his sister, who was crying by now. Grace grabbed his arm mid swing, and he turned and shoved her back, turning to face her now. All of a sudden she was scared again, remembering the times he had gotten angry at her in the past, but she remembered Vanessa's words, as she eyed his crotch, imagining his two most precious organs swinging freely between his spread thighs. He was wide open, she saw, as time seemed to slow down as he moved toward her.
"Well Grace, the next time he tries that, you really should just slam your knee into his nuts to teach him a lesson. He won't expect you to do it to him, which will not only break his eggs but also his ego! He preys on naive girls like yourself, Grace, and will not even bother dodging", Vanessa told her.
"One little tap and he is already gasping in pain, I would hate to imagine what a forceful knee would do to his particularly fragile little nuts!", Grace admitted uncomfortably.
She remembered her little conversation with her older sister, and his hand rose. She struck first, swinging her instep between his legs. Her manicured foot struck home, as a sound similar to wet paper hitting a wall reached her ears. It was obvious it was a direct hit, as his hand reached to cover his foolishly unprotected jewels. She could tell that this hurt even more than the kick delivered by Vanessa, from the cringe on his face.
She could have stopped by now, as his sister, who had crawled away earlier, watched from a corner, but a anger she had been unknowingly steeping for a long, long time, took over her. She grabbed his hand that was desperately clutching his favorite bits as if it would make the pain go away, and pulled it aside as she swung her foot at him again. He was a lot weaker than she expected, no doubt a side effect from the damage his boy parts had suffered in the past few days, as the tip of her toes barely missed her target, stabbing into the cords that kept his hairy eggs attached to him.
It got the same effect that she wanted, as he grabbed her and threw her to the floor before falling onto a wall. She watched as he squirmed and contorted his facial expressions in pain.
That should have put him in the hospital for at least a week, she thought. And keep him from using them for another ten.
"Fuck.. fuck.. fuck...", he repeated. "You! To think that you, of all people, would do this to me! I loved you!", he screeched. Grace noticed how his voice was now squeakier and higher pitched than his usual baritone like speech.
"Stop it, Pete. That looked like it really hurt you. Just calm down and I'll get you some ice", she consoled the now crying Pete.
He managed to get on his feet quicker than she expected and grabbed her by her hair, as she quickly reached her hands into his boxers and wrapped her thin fingers around his low hanging, hairy nuts. She was about to squeeze, when he gave her a pleading look, instantly letting her go. It took her back to the time she fell in love with him, how he had comforted her every fear, and she loosened her grip.
He was not too good at taking hints, and exploited it to take a swing at her. His movements were already very sluggish by now, and she could tell he was suffering from the very painful kicks she had given him earlier. Feminine instinct took over her body, as she put her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him forward, looking him in the eyes all the time.
"I'm sorry, Pete. Say goodbye to them", she whispered, before her knee ruthlessly smashed into his reproductive region. This was it; possibly the end of his manhood. She moved aside as he snapped forward, curling into the fetal position and wailing like a child. He had a hideous expression, as her last knee overwhelmed his senses. No amount of anger was going to get him up anytime soon, and so she sat by him to watch her handiwork.
"Go and get him some ice", she sighed, as his sister, red in face by now, quickly did.
By now, Pete was beginning to wish that he was a girl, screaming silently. It was not a far off thought that he was sterile by now, and memories of the first time he jerked off, to first time he had nutted into a girl flashed through his mind. He had unknowingly wet himself, to Grace's disgust. Vanessa had been the first girl to actually kick him in his private parts, despite numerous girls making such threats to him in the past. None of them actually ever followed through, which made him feel quite invincible. It hurt a lot, and each subsequent kick he took since then was more and more agonizing.
He was still kicking wildly and thrashing as she tried to keep him still to ice him, and she began to fear the worst.
After all, she still had feelings for him, as she slid down his boxers to assess the damage.
What a waste! she thought, when saw his junk. He was such a handsome boy, and now he'll probably never get to pass on his genes!
The likeliness that he would never come again was evident, as she was unable to find his right nut. His left nut was in bad shape too, and guilt and regret filled Grace very quickly. Earlier he had just been inside her, and now he might never be able to come again.
"Stay with me, Pete, you'll be fine", she lied to him. His vision turned blurry, as he passed out.
great story. You probably have the best stories on this site.
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