I totally get it when you bust for fun but would there ever be a time when you might stop and think that maybe the guy is to young or to old to bust?

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Yeah, I was conflicted too, that's why I definitely don't think I would react on it unless I absolutely had to. She's really sweet, actually a good friend But super flakey and not the smartest mom out of the box. I'll admit to that. so that's why I really didn't take it too seriously knowing that her parenting is pretty sketchy, at times, really she's like a kid raising a kid. No I would agree especially with kids violence is definitely not the answer. Whatever he's doing, he is probably learning from somewhere and acting out for something hes seeing, and the way my she lives I wouldnt be surprised if that's what he is exposed to because there is a lot of drama in that family- pretty sad. Thanks for the comment;)

Hey, no worries, thanks for replying. And yeah, glad that you thought about it all and didn't just wanna hurt the kid. And yeah, sounds like the mum is pretty sketchy, but I hope they all sort everything out, and coz if the boy doesn't learn that his actions affect people negatively, then he might grow up to be a dick, lol. Curious if the mum was a bit tipsy when she suggested you kick her own son in the genitals, I mean... what? Hahah. Thanks for replying once again, I like these discussions. :)

Just wondering (hope this isn't hijacking the thread), how young was everyone (male) here when they were ballbusted for the first time? That might clear things up, too.

The first time I was kicked in the nuts was when I was 13, but only barely. When I was 15, my sister started ballbusting me regularly and hard. But the age disparity (15-17) was not so significant, so I imagine older women here would be a little hesitant to smash a teenager's jewels...

I can say my cousin was fourteen and I was ten when I first got kicked but I chalked that up as a teenage girl using her new found power..lol..but I'm not sure that say a twenty or thirty something female would kick a ten year old..or maybe even an older guy ..say like in his late sixties..:-)

Yeah - I mean, I'd also assume that, irrespective of the age of the people involved, a sufficient age difference would also be enough to disincentivize people from busting. The oldest partner I've had was 37 (I was 18) - she didn't really have to be eased into it, but I also met her off Craigslist, so... in pretty much all other circumstances, it's been someone more or less around my own age (or within 5 or 6 years) busting me, never someone that much older.

I dont know how old he was when he was ever busted, I dont know if he had ever been bustted before ( but by the way he act I can assume he has by now). Hes 15 almost 16 now, im 30 so theres a big difference in our ages, but hes almost 6ft and 230 pounds physically to me, hes a man and slot stronger than little me;)

hello, i got kicked in the groin when i was 10 (after school), got bb related bicycle accident when i was 6..

Aye thats horrible:(
Well Mz Jhoana..now that he's a little bit older and definitely much bigger he might be fair game for you to kick him..certainly he's gone through puberty and he's probably more aware now of how to treat a female and surely he knows what he's doing when it comes to being obnoxious..he just might be at that ripe age to be taught a lesson in good manners
Lol true, lucky for him I havent seen him much since then!! Good point!

Very intriguing question. As someone noted on here long ago, most if us hit or got hit at a somewhat young age, but would never at the age we are now hit someone substantially younger than ourselves. But I have a somewhat different question that i think falls in a similar category as this post from oh so long ago lol: When a younger male gets kicked by say a girl at school or a sister at home or just a friend they got in a fight with and they are both the same age, is that like considered violence by everybody here? Like just a gentle nut tap similar to what many guys on here experienced for the first time that hurts just enough to make him back away. Really would like anybody and everybodys input on this. Thanks - Beth

it probably depends on the boy's reaction... if he's embarrassed (most likely), he may just shrug it off....



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