I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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@ Lil Suzy,


Yes, if he's giraffe-walking, then he's basically incapacitated almost the same as going down. Suddenly his entire world is about how your knee just racked his balls and there's very little he can do about it.

Either way the power of what you dished out would be clear for all to see.  I can imagine that would be very enjoyable for you.

Sorry, I should add, that i totally agree about the years later thingy and still getting aroused from it. For example, I do find myself looking back on that Track and Field knee i did so many years ago and it still feels so fresh and strong.

Another thing i really love is when i give out threats and fake knees. Guys get that confused look on their face with threats, it's hard to describe. With the fake knees, if coming at a total surprise, it's great watching him squirm and jump with fear. BB is just so much fun : D 

I think as time passes we learn more about the nuance and the erotic quality of what happened, sometimes from things we learn afterwards, like discussions here on this board.  By talking to you I am learning so much about the female perspective on busting and it's eye opening and really amazing.  Thank you!

I have less experience with threats and fake knees, but I can tell you that when I've been given them, I am usually at a loss for how to respond.  I am a little scared, since the ball-pain kind of flashes in my brain even though it's not real, LOL, but I also like women who talk to me this way, so I'm kind of flattered and flirty-bashful, and I also don't quite know what to say, because if I spoke truly honestly I'd say something like:

"I really like it when you threaten to knee my balls because you're super fun and attractive and I like strong women and I don't mind some erotic pain if it excites you!"

And I am not sure that would go over very well, LOL!  Well maybe here on this website it would.  :)

I've learned a lot on this site too, DV did a wonderful job here on helping us kinky people learn and understand out excitement about BB. I've learned a lot from you and other guys here too. It makes me wonder what guys think when I do threaten them with kicks, knees or squeezing.

Until I found this site I did not know that there are a significant number women who enjoy ballbusting.  The interest varies from giggles to having it be a big part of their erotic world, but the female interest is definitely there and to me this was eye-opening and wonderful.  You're part of that, so thank you!

As to what guys think when you threaten them, I think it varies dramatically.  Some guys are offended (the ones who are not happy that their testicles are vulnerable to women), some are intimidated (they fear the pain), some laugh (they think it's funny and/or like to flirt), and some will light up and love it (guys who like you and appreciate the erotic quality of BB). :)

I can see how threats can come of ass flirty, especially if we're being playful about it. I didn't go through the whole, "I'm the only person in the world into this" like the other members here, My fetish got ramped up very quickly so I didn't have that time to think about it. I'm clad I'm not alone anyway : ) 

I think there's a larger group of people out there who are interested in or titillated by ballbusting in various forms but just not in a way they're consciously aware of. 

This can be anything from finding it humorous, to teenage curiosity, to playfully threatening or busting male friends, to enjoying the kick and knee to the groin moves in a self defense class.  Not so much an erotic or preoccupying thing, but an occasionally enjoyable (guilty?) pleasure - at least to dish it out!

I think quite a lot of people fall into the above description.  It's not too far out of the mainstream.

And I think most of us here started off like that, but then took it a step further when the desire matured into a conscious erotic pleasure. 

It's definitely developed into a guilty, erotic pleasure for me, it's getting stronger too it seems.

@ Lil Suzy,

That is cool.  What do you think is making the interest even stronger for you now? 

PSSSST I HEARD THAT LIL SUZY!!! Mallory was massively KEY to the KITG culture as well ... lets never forget.. sob sob


OOPS, Sorry Mallory, I didn't mean to leave you out, thank you for helping the site become what it is now.

And the memories never fade! They are exciting even years later.



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