You cried, puked, passed out, had swelling or bruising? If so tell me about it. Was it during a session, accident? Self-bb or a partner?

~Miss Princess Candy

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My gf has stomped on my balls a few times so hard that I've been unable to breathe! They were all during sessions and definitely weren't by accident :p

Ooo sounds like fun >:-)

Indeed it was! Loved those boots getting stomped down on my balls! ;)

Oh my! That sounds like a fun video !
Hmm stomping seems popular. Any injuries? Did you fear for your nuts? Was there good reason for that fear?

Yeah stomping is fairly popular on here, probably cos its such a great way to be busted ;) and yeah I have feared for my nuts! Having a pair of doc martens over my balls will do that hehe

I had a session with my partner where I took about 50 kicks with tennis shoes and about 10 were hard and 2 were all out and I ended up sack full of blood and swelled up to about the size of a large orange.  It took about 3 days for the body to absorb the blood back and another 3 weeks for the bruising to go away.  She kicked the shit out of my nuts the pain wasn't real bad but I choose not to use shoes anymore.

Oh man she got you good! Balls went back to normal tho?

Yes, they returned to normal... I'm going to see her next week Princess and I'm looking for some busting ideas. 

I was toying with the idea of using a big water bottle, like the biggest personal sizes evian bottle, as something to drop on a set of balls as well as rollover them. I would try to position the balls and the bottle in such a way that it's rolling over one ball directly after the other. They're both being smashed at the same time but in order to give relief to one smashed ball you have to make the other take on the full pressure.

It's hard to describe but it makes sense in my head haha

The water bottle gave me an idea for a manufactured toy I want to call "the ringer" hehehe

Hi Princess. I've had a past gf drop things on mine. The big, heavy water bottle would work well, especially if dropped straight down on it's bottom side onto the balls, not on the softer side of the bottle. Other things that might work for you are large shampoo/conditioner bottles and detergent bottles. They are usually made of a heavier plastic and won't flex or give in when dropped and would force the balls to do the "giving in", if that makes any sense.
Have you ever tried the toilet seat trick with one of your guys?

Once girl kicked me around 10 times in hard winter shoes and i was in jeans,kicks was real hard but i did not drop. My tolerance was real high and i was drunk,it hurt a lot but not for drop so i take all kicks in just 5 min. My balls were a swollen a little for 5 days but bruise i had on left nut was big all over nut and it take 3 weeks to go away, also i was in big pain for week and some for next one,she fucked me more in 5 min then sessions that last all night.

Sec time girl kicked and stomped me in converse sneaker on naked balls,some of the kicks was real hard and dropped me for some time i but i did not quit,some of stomps look like she will destroy them but was not dangerous like kicks with rubber toe of sneaker. I was swollen much more then in 1 st one for days but no bruise this time and pain was so sharp for days like i was kicked min before.

After that i quit with shoes



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