A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
I know this won't win me any love here but I've been reading all of the stories of girls hitting guys for for being annoying, too forward, for no reason at all etc. I'll be honest, I'm majorly turned on by these stories but the fact is hitting somebody, especially in such a devastating way, is actually criminal and if guys weren't ashamed, there would likely be prosecution of these kinds of actions. Think about if a guy just walked up to a girl and decked her in the face. Don't you think the authorities would be brought in?
So, if you think a guy assaulting a woman sexually or otherwise is a problem, then this should be a problem for you too. Now, if you think committing a violent crime against someone is 'ok' because you think it's fun or arousing, then so be it. But I would be curious to unerstand how you can justify that and (presumably) still consider yourself a good/decent person. I know I often feel bad about myself just getting off on this stuff.
What about you?
in base i have heard and read here i think that woman usually like more when "assault" (non consentual) a men. because it`s more empowering. If you see the kick coming and decide don`t blocking the people who recive punishemnt will have the option to say himnself (i could block it), in this act the guy borrow the power to woman (he always could block in the next ocation).
When the woman surprise the guy with a kick or grab, how he couldn`t see it he can`t block, and he doesn`t have the security of the next time they will be able to block it (in fact for the things i read it`s rare that the man could ever stop this assault (the woman usually planified her bust very well)) , here the woman take the power from him, it`s real dominance because she has the power (or skill) to crush his nuts and he can`t do nothing.
The moral aspect, in legal terms i agree with you, but i don`t believe that the people who do this really care, in fact overcome the risk gives them more power..
Had to look that one up. I'm no Men's rights hack :)
I'm responding to the many stories I have seen on the people's profiles here (I can dig up examples if you like but peruse some of the female profiles and you'll find them rather quickly). These stories may in fact be bullshit.In fact I often suspect some (many? most?) of these posters are actually males. But I think this stuff needs to be responded to appropriately (i.e. "really? what the fuck is wrong with you?") so that people don't get the idea that this is somehow normal or acceptable.
I've dealt with MRAs before. Their usual tactic is to stand on a soapbox and inform us all that we have been feminized by television or our grade school teacher or something and that's why we like BB. I find that funny, considering I was raised on the part of the planet farthest from wherever such a thing is, without a TV. :D
True story, I recall once in my town seeing MRA posters and they actually ripped recognizable BB comics off the internet to prove society was out to get them. You just can't buy that kind of entertainment.
Please check my other posts. I'm not here to condemn this fetish. Far from it. But you can definitely be into BB (as I am) and not want innocent guys to be assaulted in real life. I mean, someone can have a bondage fetish but that doesn't mean he would advocate or applaud someone actually going and enslaving a woman against her will, right?
Gary, I hear what you're saying but I think you have to take what you read here on this site with a huge grain of salt.
When I first started exploring here, my reactions could probably be summed up as, "What?!", "No freakin' way", and "Come on, nobody actually does that."
And this is coming from me, a guy who is very open to and interested in the subject of ballbusting.
After a while I realized that this site is mostly about fantasy. Some of it is real, but much is not. I wish people would reliably label the fiction as such and post it to the appropriate section of the website, but often they don't. Oh well. The fiction falls into several categories:
1. Men pretending to be women and posting their fantasies as fact. Many of these characters are quite obvious.
2. Women posting their fantasies as fact.
3. Men and women taking real life experiences and embellishing them, and posting the semi-fictionalized account as fact.
I wasn't bothered by the "assault" angle as you are (though I understand what you are saying). My frustration stemmed from a desire to learn about what ballbusting is really like, how it feels, etc., because at the time I hadn't really experienced it full-strength. And I was reading all these wild accounts that just seemed unbelievable. And now that I have experienced real BB, I know for sure that some of these accounts are indeed, wild and unbelievable. :)
So I agree with the other posters here. Just relax and enjoy the fantasy here because that's what most of it is: pure fantasy.
The women here who appear to be real (not men posing as female) seem to be nice people who aren't going around assaulting men in their lives in ways that truly upset the men, so I don't think there's any reason for us to be upset about it either.
Thanks for this reply, as well as Pinballs. I will try to relax, as suggested :)
Thing is, there is an inherent dissonance in all of this for me as I hate actual violence in principle and would never EVER want to encourage or celebrate it in any way. On the flip side, I have this fetish and its power over me is considerable. But if participating in this kind of site somehow encourages actual violence, then I'm out (not that anyone would miss me).
I guess I will tell myself the more disturbing stories of girls taking down guys "just to see what it's like" etc.. are pure fantasy. They probably are. But the idea that these could lead someone to actually engage in this kind of behavior is unsettling.
I think you are right that the "just to see what it's like" is mostly fantasy, and the portion that is real generally took place among younger people, sometimes even just kids, who are naturally curious and also don't have the maturity to curb their own impulses at times. I think there are very few adults who engage in that sort of nonconsensual activity except in fantasy, even here on this website.
Another thing to remember is that consensual rough play and violence might look similar but they're polar opposites. A couple of months ago a woman kicked me in the balls. Hard. I mean as hard as she could!
And then I hugged her and we both smiled and laughed.
I had asked her to kick me. It was consensual. Was it forceful? You bet! I suppose you could say it was "violent" in a manner of speaking but she had my full permission to do it. She told me that she enjoyed my pain but really she was being kind to me, albeit in a rough way, because she helped me explore my fantasy. I think she is great. :)
I suggest focusing on the consensual side and just ignore the stuff you see here that doesn't float your boat. My personal "Yuck" moments happen when I see people post here about brother-sister BB and eroticize it. I am not judging them, but I know it's not for me, so I just ignore it. You should probably do the same with any content that strikes you as violent.
All I'm going to say here is that the vast majority of stories you read here is fictional and so are the characters in them and by 'vast majority' I don't mean just 70 ish or 80 ish percentage wise...
As a matter of fact, I could probably count on one hand the ones I actually think are legit. Just my opinion...
Hmm, as it happens I just read an exchange between you and "Leanne" in one of the discussion boards where she describes recently kicking a guy who lifted her friend's skirt. She definitely seems legit and you responded favorably to her.
Now perhaps you think that bust was justified. But though the guy was an asshole, they could have called security in the club, even the cops. But she committed an act of violence, not in the name of defense (she said he was just standing there smiling).
So, don't you think the fact that people in this board encourage this kind of behavior may have led to that act of violence? Or do you think that was bogus too?
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