Ask me anything and I will let you know my thoughts as a mature Ball Busting woman!!

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Jackie, do you mean that sometimes you get more pleasure out of ballbusting than John does because he's the one in pain and you're the one in control?

I might have misunderstood, in which case I am sorry.  But if I understood you correctly, then please do not feel that busting your man's balls is wrong, even when it's painful for him, when he has told you that he enjoys this activity.  What you're doing with him and what you're allowing him to experience on the end of your knee or kick or squeeze is a wonderful thing for him.  Painful, yes, but also intimate, sexy, trusting, connecting with you.  You are being good to him.  

I agree with what you are saying! I sometimes don't enjoy it as much as other times, but there are also the occassions I get more satisfaction than John!

There have been some times when a girl busted me, and the thought that runs immediately through my mind is, "Oh my god, I forgot how much this makes my balls hurt!!"  :)  And as I try to cope with the sudden pain in my testicles and not lose my composure in front of her from the pain, then I see her smiling at me, happy with what we're doing, the playfulness, the intimacy, her power over me, and that makes me feel really good.  When she enjoys it, then I do too, even though it hurts.  I suspect that's true for John too.

Well, so do you think that playing just you with two or more males, would be funny? And how do you would like it run?
Have you ever used your knee? Do you like to knee someone in the nuts? Why or why not?

I have kneed a few men in the nuts who have anoyed me, but now I prefer kicking as it is easier at my age!!!!

How is kicking easier then kneeing?
During chat one time you told me about a few younger guys you busted at a bar for pushing their luck. Can you explain that a little more in depth? Thanks!

This girl and I have been dating for about three weeks and we really connect and I can definitely see this as being a long term thing. We just started having sex and I was wondering how to go about telling her about my ballbusting fetish. How was it brought up to you/how should I do it so I don't freak her out?

John and I just fell into it by accident! We were away on holiday and John kept anoying me when he moved as he flicked sand up in the air. I told him if he did it again that I would make him suffer!!

John, being a man did it again, so while he was laying sunbathing I walked up behind him and gentley kicked his balls.

When we got back to the hotel that evening he told me that he really enjoyed the sensation and I would I kick him again & I just said NO. The next day he asked me again and this time I gave in. Only gentle kicks at first and now quite a bit harder, but never too hard as I need his balls for later......

I must bust his balls at least once a week and we both love it.

You could get her to hit you in the balls by accident when you are having sex and then tell her you found it sexy and see where it leads to.

Good luck


Lucky John, Love you profile picture.

Thanks and I hope you get as much busted balls as you want xx




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