For those of you that have been following my posts, you know my story. I met my new dom for a session and I loved it! I walked in the door to her studio and was greeted by her, a 22 year old latin girl who looked just as good in real life as in her photos. She showed me the shoes she was going to use on me and I loved them. They were brand new heels she got from Victoria's Secret. And they were new because I looked at the bottoms and there wasn't a scuff mark on them. My balls were the first for these shoes! They were black suede platform heels with at least a five inch pencil thin heel. They had a rounded toe on them rather than a pointy one. I got on the floor and she started stepping on my balls. Her feet looked incredible in those shoes, showing some toe cleavage. Just looking at those perfect feet in those perfect shoes as she stepped on my balls started to get me hard. Then she switched to some kicks, easy at first, then becoming much more brutal. She laughed at my pain, which turned me on more. Then she gagged me to keep me from screaming and to give me something to bite down on to endure the pain. When she kicked me she would do so with continuous rapid fire kicks, about 15-20 at a time. I was taking hard kicks in groups of 15-20! I was biting down on that gag big time. Then she would go back to stepping on them. I felt incredible pain as she crushed them and ground them under her shoe, again biting down on the gag, but at the same time being excited looking at her feet in those towering high heels showing off her toe cleavage. It was so hot! It lasted for an hour and by the time it was over my balls were seriously swollen and hurting. I love the aching in my balls for hours after the bust. I've had my balls busted by a pro now with pointy toe heels and rounded toe. I'm not sure which hurts more because I was in a lot of pain with both. All I can say is that with this bust she used those rounded platforms like a hammer, making contact with every kick. For those that have been following my posts and are asking if I will keep seeing this dom, my answer is hell yes! Just try and stop me!

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Charles you must have a monster pain tolerance.  How do you manage to withstand a whole hour of hard kicks to your balls?  I tip my cap to you, sir!

I did take a small break about halfway in, I had to. Plus she was stepping on them a lot too. I don't think anyone can take a full hour of kicks. She did tell me that I lasted longer than anyone in her ballbusting sessions.

In my two sessions with my pro domme, who has very strong legs and kicks hard, it goes differently in the sense that she starts out kicking hard and keeps kicking hard, LOL, so there's no way I could even go ten minutes much less a whole hour.  OMG, not even close.  But it sounds like you do something pretty similar.  Maybe she goes sort of easy (kind of) on you for short stretches while she stands on you, or lets you take the one short break, but wow dude, you can really take a lot.

What does it feel like when the pain really starts to build up?  Does it bring you to your knees?  Do you ever get scared by how much it hurts?

I can take full-force kicks - several of them, even - from my Domme with the strong legs so I'm no wallflower but I have to admit that after she kicks me that hard a few times in a row I start to chicken out.  :) 

I start to think, OK, I'm still standing, she kicked my balls as hard as she can and I'm still on my feet, not harmed, but my balls do hurt quite a lot and... OMG... she's got that look... she's going to kick me again and again and again...  and I chicken out!  LOL

I know, I need to stay strong.  Next time I have asked her to "force" me to take the kicks, not to let me get out of it.  And she will.  But that's why I'm asking you if you've felt anything like that, where the pain is really extreme, and continuing onward despite that, and what is that like?

I was on the floor already, so she didn't have the chance to drop me but I would just keep my legs spread and take whatever punishment she could give me. I just never covered up or asked her to stop no matter how much it hurt. I didn't want it to stop.
I don't think I fully answered your question. I think a lot of us including myself feel a little fear, its only natural. I can't pinpoint what it is that makes me continue on. No matter how much pain I'm in I won't give in. I think it may actually be a number of things now that I think about it. Although I have a little fear because I have no control and a young dom controls my balls fate, it is such a turn on for me. The more pain, the more I get fired up. Another part is venturing into the unknown. How much punishment can I take? It forces me to continue. I think part of it is pride. During my last session she told me I wouldn't last 20 minutes with her. I think its all those things combined that make me continue.
I hope to find out how that feels very soon, like next week. I'll tell you one thing about this last bust that was different from the others, this girl likes to use the heel of the shoe as well. Seeing that five or six inch heel being placed on my nut as she starts to add pressure is so hot! And it hurts like hell!

Your words resonate with me because I've felt that same desire to fight through the pain, to continue on, not to give in.  I thought I was the only one who felt that way so it's good to hear you see it the same way.

And I don't know what causes it either, although you suggested it's pride and that's probably right.  Maybe I am trying to prove something?  That I'm tough?  I don't know.  I'm not really like that in other ways.  I don't picture myself as Mr. Tough Guy.  But for some reason, specifically with being hit hard in the balls, I don't want to go down.  I fight it.

I fear the pain to some degree, but perhaps I fear the (potential) humiliation even more?  I would not feel humiliated if I fell to my knees after being kicked in the balls really hard lots and lots of times.  I mean we all have our limits, so that would not be a big deal (except for the pain!) but if, just for the sake of argument, a girl walked up to me and kneed my balls and I just collapsed in helpless agony from it I do think I'd feel a complex mixture of emotions, some good and some bad, but in that mix would be a heavy dose of humiliation.

So on one hand I'm attracted to that idea of a girl overpowering me, but at the same time I fear the possible humiliation I'd feel if it was too easy for her to do it.  So I guess I try to navigate to the middle, where I can experience the ballbusting in all its glory but stand tall through multiple hits to my balls and not give in, so I can feel like I was "tough" while it happened, and don't feel weak and humiliated after.

Just some thoughts.  Do you guys ever feel that way at all?

I totally agree with your last statement. I love having a beautiful girl have her way with me, just overpowering me. But I don't want to make it easy for her either. Maybe its an outlet for me because I'm always seen as the tough guy. I'm a big guy who likes heavy metal music, covered with tattoos and I ride a harley. So I have that image everywhere I go and everybody expects that from me. So when I'm with these pretty little doms I just like to surrender to them and let them beat me. The thought that this gorgeous girl is going to pummel my balls and enjoy doing it just fires me up.

Man, I totally get that.  

Female power is beautiful and we're attracted to it, and to the women who wield it.

Yet at the same time we're strong men, and we don't want to lose that completely.  So it feels best to surrender to this lovely girl, but to feel like we have some control over surrendering, like we could fight through the pain if we want to or need to.  

Who knows, maybe we all need serious therapy. LOL! But we are having fun, that's why we go back for more.

LOL!!  My therapy is called, "Miss?  Will you please kick me in the balls as hard as you can?  Thank you!"  

Seriously.  After a good kick in the balls from a pretty lady I feel like I am on top of the world (ironic, I know).  It's incredibly cathartic and therapeutic and freeing to the soul.

I agree with everything you just said. As a matter of fact I just scheduled my next therapy appointment for next week.



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