The type of bb that turns me on the most by far is non-consensual, particularly when done in self-defense or to punish a pervert. Nothing turns me on more than the thought of a hot girl leaving the gym in tight yoga pants, some guy grabbing her perfectly round and taut ass, and her turning around, looking him in the eye, placing her hands on his shoulders, smiling at him, and then slamming her knee into his nuts, causing him to fall to the ground and lose his lunch.

On the other hand, I would never actually perv on a woman like that, and I have never been kicked in the balls except when I asked for it (literally). HOWEVER, once I started being more open with my bb fetish, I would ask most women I slept with if they had any real-life bb experiences. The vast majority did not, but a handful did, and their stories turned me on insanely. I will present for you now the ones I remember:

J. J was half-Japanese, 5'1", and a dancer with an incredibly tight ass and toned legs. On our first date, while eating dinner at an Italian restaurant, before we even kissed and well before I brought up anything related to bb, she talked about how she had been in Vegas a couple of weeks earlier. "I was walking down the strip in a short skirt and high heels, when some random guy grabbed me, so I turned around and kicked him." She paused, watching my face. "In the balls. I did karate for years and have a black belt--it's the single most effective move and I'm pretty good at it. He went down, and I left him there." At this point I had a huge boner under the table...what turned me on even more was knowing that she had definitely kicked other guys in the balls before...and probably would again.

V. V was Vietnamese-American with long black tail nearly down to her ass. She was only 5 feet tall (maybe half an inch shorter), and always wore very high heels. When she was a senior in college (UCLA--Go Bruins!), she went to a frat party with her friends. When her best friend went to the bathroom, the friend's drunk boyfriend "forced himself" on V. V said she grew red with anger and kneed him as hard as she could, and then got another fierce kick in before he fell to the ground. "Did he cry?" I asked. "Not in front of me," she replied, "but he managed to crawl to the bathroom and was there for at least another half hour or so, until I left the party."

T. T was a Russian girl with long, red, wavy hair and huge DDs. She liked to go to shows in small local venues. During one show she went outside to smoke a cigarette and talk with the bouncer, who was her friend. As she was smoking, a drunk guy stumbled out of the bar and leaned into her trying to kiss her. She pushed him away and told him to back off, but he kept reaching for her. The bouncer stood up and she said, "don't worry, I got this" and then grabbed him by the collar and rocketed her knee into his balls. She said after that the whole thing felt like it was in slow motion--he slowly sunk to his knees, then curled into the fetal position and started convulsing. She finished her cigarette, tossed it right in front of his face and stamped it out with the toe of her boot, then turned around and went back into the bar, while the bouncer stared on with his jaw dropped.

M. M was Chinese-American (okay yes folks, I had a type for a while) with long thick legs, who always wore extremely tight jeans. She had a lot of sass, and would probably be considered a "bitch" to a lot of guys. She said she had used her knees on many guys, usually grabby guys in bars, but the best knee she had ever given was to her boyfriend her freshman year of college. He was a junior star athlete on the baseball team. After dating a few months, she learned that he had cheated on her. She went to pick him up after baseball practice like she often did, and when he came out with his teammates, she grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the balls as hard as she could. He fell down and started bawling his eyes out, with all of his teammates staring in horror. He had to go to the hospital and missed his games that weekend. When I asked how she felt about injuring him, M looked me in the eye and said "zero fucks given". THAT was hot.

G. G was half-Chinese, half-Swiss with a beautiful face and perfect body (objectively one of the hottest women I ever hooked up with). She had a fucked up childhood and moved around a lot, got into a lot of crazy shit. When I asked if she had ever kicked a guy in the balls, she just said "yes." When I asked for details, she said, "he didn't like it."

While I get turned on thinking of all of these stories and these beautiful women destroying men's manhood, I will say that NONE of them were particularly into busting me. In fact, I have had far more awesome bb experiences with "bb virgins" who had never done it before (including my wife). Part of me believes that this is because if a woman has experience busting a guy out of self defense or anger, she's probably seen first-hand the absolute devastation a bust can incur, and doesn't want to do it to a guy they like whom they're dating. I remember really encouraging M to go at it--she would knee me very lightly--and her saying "I sent a guy to the hospital with my knee. I'm not going to do that to you, sorry."

Anyhow, hope you like these tales from past lovers. Does anybody have any other "heard" stories they'd like to share?

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Comment by Rooomer on October 20, 2021 at 5:35pm

I'll add a fun threat I've shared with a few people in chat.  I was at a party and bumped into an acquaintance.  I had volunteered to help out with a charity thing she was running and for some reason decided to tease her that I had to bail out.  She looked up at me and said in an even, straightforward voice, "OK, then I'll just have to kick you in the balls.  I'm going to step back and kick you in the balls as hard as I can"  Alcohol definitely played a role and she was very embarrassed then next day.  But every time I bump into her, I think "you're definitely a ballbuster" 

Comment by Lord Plums on October 19, 2021 at 5:48pm

Here is another I heard from a woman I knew at a social media group.
I dont recall her name but she was Indian ethinicity,middle aged (though she was 15 when this took place) and from her social media picture looked an averaged sized, curvy lady.

She said that once in her neighbourhood he was cornered by an older guy,who was something of a friend/acquaintance and he attempted to force himself on her.
She said that he cornered her against a wall and she was very scared and panicking and then he tried to kiss her and that's when she remembered some self defense advice and ,in her words , "kicked her knee hard between his legs."
She must have really got him good as she said that he let her go as he bent over, holding himself in pain and was cursing her.She then made her escape.

Comment by playfight on October 17, 2021 at 11:06pm

My best friend in the time was girl and she always aimed for balls to all friends while we have fun or somebody tease her and similar but not for real, rarely she would actually kick and if she did it was off target or lightly.

When we had sex she realized i like bb and bust me a lot and real hard and enjoy it.

One night she was having fun with some guy and at end he walked her home. He try to kiss her and even she liked him she was not in the mood for action so she kneed him lightly and said if he try again she will do it super hard, telling him that she was still holding her knee on his groin feeling his hard on pulsate. Off course he try again to kiss her and she kneed him super hard (in that time i had really high tolerance and she go super hard on me a lot and had perfect aim) and she was drunk and challenged so you can imagine what force she used. He was on the ground for 15 min and then sat for a long not able to walk. He called taxi after long time and hardly limped into it.

Comment by Lord Plums on October 17, 2021 at 9:47pm

This is a cool little thread,lets keep it alive.Love to hear how ladies recount any bb they did.Its something else altogether.
I do know a few such.Here is one small one :

I was in a crowded departmental store and I passed by two young girls,mid teens most likely.Both of them slim and with dusky complexion.One of them was said to the other (referring to someone behind her,not me ) "ughh,such a pervert,he is staring at me over his shoulder ! I wish someone would kick them in their sensitive parts. "

Comment by Dave Less on August 23, 2021 at 3:08pm

Ok think I've got a story I could put here, when I was 1 after a night out I went back to a girls student accomodation, these little "apartments" has about seven individuaul en-suite bedroom and a shared communall area, she went back to her room while I waited and this bloke started laying into me a bit like he wanted to start a fight, she came back and invited me into her room, we started kissing and I asked her what that guy's problem was?. She replied "Oh, don't worry about him" she said, he's still pissed cos we hooked up and I kicked him in the balls", "why?" I asked, she replied, I was really drunk and we were gonna fuck in his room, then I barely felt anything before he was done so I booted him in the balls!" , we were still kissing and taking each others ctothes off, "fuck! " I said " do you kick all the guys you hook up with in the balls?", she put her hand down the front of my boxers, kissed me and whispered " only the ones who dissapoint me" and winked. I won't go into further details but needles to say the implied threat certainly added a bit of eztra spice to our sexual experience!

Comment by Jim Johns on August 19, 2021 at 12:48am

Glad you guys liked!
@anonymous -- love the story of R
@dvhour -- thanks for your kind words!  And I'm all about trying to figure out the theory and psychology behind our weird fetish...but that is another discussion for another time...

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on August 18, 2021 at 2:07am

Cool story @anonymous 

@Jim Johns 

INCREDIBLE STORIES SIR!! I'm inclined to want to share a bit myself but they would be first hand experiences and not stories told by women... HOWEVER I literally posted a story one of my bb partners did about me a handful of years back, heres her story also Caroline Jones is a member.  Anyway you indeed inspired me i'll post some thoughts made by bb gals.

ALSO!!! Good points on why BB virgins are more likely to do it but another HUGE thing you did not mention is that when a woman has to use BB to put a guy in his place or out of anger... The BB was not done from a mindset of sexuality or in a calm cool collected headspace so the association of busting a guy is not one of romance, erotica or sexual in their mind ... which is a HUGE gap between why we men generally have a uniquely sexual and hardwired kink for bb that collectively is stronger in our brains than women .... because usually when we receive the bust its out of attraction or sexual interest in that gal and many of us had it happen in our youth when sexuality is generally confusing anyway. At any rate i have a lot of solid theories on this ... you did a great job sharing thanks again. 

Comment by Lord Plums on August 17, 2021 at 6:46pm

So I shall tell mine. Call her R.
Indian ethnicity girl she was, slim and what one calls an athletic build.Atleast 5,7 tall.Long black hair,Olive skinned complexion.
She once casually told me how once she was once play fighting or just plain goofing around with a guy and ,in her words, she "really beat the pants off the guy, hahaha".
I asked if she actually took his pants off in the playfight ? and she says no but I did knee him in the groin.

I was like whatttt ?  and she says yea we were kind of grappling each other and then I slammed my knee hard in his testicles.He sat down clutching them.
She said all this so clearly and without a hint of embarrassment , she was laughing all the while.

Then she went on to explain that even a mild blow to the male groin hurts badly and incapacitates them for some time.
She said that it took only one solid knee and the guy doubled over, then sank to the ground clutching his balls.He seemed in a lot of pain and stayed there for a while.

She told all this laughing and without any remorse.

Comment by Lord Plums on August 17, 2021 at 5:23pm

WOW brilliant.Do dig around a bit ,Im sure you will find more.
I shall add my own too.

Comment by Chris C on August 17, 2021 at 1:08pm

Some awesome stories.  Thanks for sharing.


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