Hello everyone, glad to see that the site is still around. Here is a story that I hope you enjoy,

Reader Discretion is advised as this contains sexual content and gets intense, if that bothers you, then read no further, for those who will enjoy !

This particular bust happened about 6 months ago, it started out soft and sensual, but ended pretty brutal and is one of the times I really let it all out. Me and my husband decided to go out dancing for a date, the energy of the music and the bump and grind sent my libido into overdrive that night. I wore a black short tight dress, the sleeves were fishnet, and the boots I had on went up to my knees. We had drank a little while we were out, but I wasn't trashed. When we got home, I was beyond horny, and decided to break out the glasses and some wine for rest of the night. I was anxious and antsy, I couldn't keep still. We sat down in the front room, getting decent buzz going on. Now I usual don't drink, and when in do, I limit myself. I got to a good point and could no longer contain myself, I wanted my mans hands on me in a bad way. I stood up and went over to my husband in his chair and straddled him, mauling at his clothes, getting the wonderful taste of his lips. He was wearing a white button down shirt, one of his good ones. I grabbed it and ripped it open, you could hear his buttons hit the floor as they all tore off. His hands slid to my ass and he pressed me into him, kissing me like I was going to run away.  My heart was already hammering, lust had overtaken me by surprise, my head was already on cloud nine as I ran my tongue down his chest working my down towards his belt buckle. His pants were nice, black slacks that he had picked out. He was already bulging inside them as I worked his belt open making him spring out. I instantly took him into my mouth, and started to go down on him. His breath came short and heavy, it was little overwhelming how quick it hit me. He had my hair in a tight grip in his hand and was pulling it hard at the scalp, it gave me shivers with the pain it was sending through me. I took him out of my mouth, lightly dragging my teeth across his shaft as I did. I grabbed his dick in one hand, the other reaching underneath to gather up his balls in the other. Once I had found my toys, I squeezed,  digging my fingernails into them as I did. He gasp, letting go of my hair. I stood up in front of him, pulling his hips up by his balls, placing my boot heel into his chest, stopping him from getting up. The boots I had on had  heels, large and thick. I told him to take off his pants, he kicked his shoes off and striped down as best as he could with his balls in my hand. The short dress had slid up past my hips, I released his nuts as he leaned in taking advantage, kissing me through the the red lace underwear I had chosen that night. Each kiss made me shiver, sending tiny lightning bolts up my spine, sending my further into la la land. I grabbed his head and pressed him harder between my legs, i wanted to feel his tongue on me, in me. He pulled my panties to the side and started to lick me as I moaned at the moistness of him going down on me. I put my leg up, resting the heavy boot on top of his balls, stepping on them. I pressed down trying to crush them, as they occasionally slip out from underneath my boot. My breath was getting quicker and heavier, as he continued to lick me, I pressed down on  his balls harder until his legs started shaking, he gasped in pain. I whispered to him, “please baby, don't stop. It feels so good”. I Managed to trap  one ball under my foot , he moaned and slid his hands to my ass, grabbing it, putting  more pressure into my groin. It was mind numbing as I  heard myself whisper to him heavily, “I want you inside me”. He moved me back, balls underfoot, and pulled down my panties with a quickness. I straddled him backwards in the chair, reverse cowboy style as he pulled the dress up over my breast, breaking my bra as he tore it open. Payback for  the shirt maybe? He grabbed a breast in each hand and squeezed them so hard it made my eyes water as he entered me. It felt so good and so bad at the same time. I gathered a nut in each hand crushing  them as I grinded back and forth in his lap, desperately wanting that release. He bucked a bit in the chair as my gripped became harder and harder as I came closer to climax, pushing deep into me, fucking me even harder. I vaguely wondered if his nuts were going to give before I did, the thought bringing me closer to orgasm. I rode him fast and hard as I came closer to cumming, feeling like a wild animal wanting release. I was panting hard, sweating with the effort as I started to lift off, my orgasm about to set off like a volcano. He yelled out in pain and pleasure when I started to cum, his balls were on the verge of exploding as I lost control of my body, he pumped as hard as he could until I finally stopped, the aftershocks of it radiating through my body. He was still hard as a rock as I slowed my grinding down,  he was panting and I realized I had  beat him the punch. “Don't stop babe, I am about to cum” he said short of breath, so I picked up the pace again, grabbing his now swollen balls in one hand, slamming my fist into them as in rocked back and forth.  He bucked with each shot, only making it to four before he exploded inside me, I pulled his balls and squeezed them between my fingers as hard as I could  until he's crescendo had ended. He looked completely drained, but my mind was already buzzing from the afterglow and the sound of him yelling out was turning on part of my mind, i was getting horny again. One of the disadvantages of having an extremely libido. I got off his lap and held out my hands to help him stand up. I smiled at him and said “I don't know love, i really want to break your balls right now”, and he knew that i wasn't' done playing with him yet. I took the dress completely off, as he eyed me up and down and I could see that he wasn't going to deny me anything tonight. His breath was still heavy from the exhaustion, “well babe, they are yours for tonight” he said with some nervousness in his voice . I walked up to him and kneed him in his bear balls hard and savage, putting him on the floor. “Take off my boots”, I said calmly. He got to it quickly and afterward caressed my leg. I told him to kiss my foot, and he went straight to it, kissing my foot all the way up my leg. I told him “Go to the room and kneel at the end of the bed”. All he said was “Ok”. I Raised my eyebrow at him and pointed to the room. When he stood up, i grabbed his balls in my hand squeezing them hard as he tried to walk away, stopping him. I said “I’m waiting” and squeezed them harder making him almost buckle. I wasn't letting him go, but he tried to go any way, causing me to pull up on them until he was on his tippy toes. I laughed at his attempt and  told him to get by the end of the bed where the straps were at., finally releasing him.  I was starting to get giddy as he  kneeled down before me, as i strapped his hands up and his ankles as well. I have bondage rope that I used to tie his legs open by using the bedpost to make sure he couldn't close his legs. My mind had shifted into a very different state as my heart hammered in my chest, and my body started to shake. I threw my red silk robe on and tied it the waist, leaving my chest exposed. I grabbed him by his hair and twisted his head forcing him to kiss me, and then i stepped back, taking aim with my foot carefully between his legs. The first kick i gave him was a tester kick to get comfortable, it was light, making him jump a little. I made sure I had enough leg room to really get a good swing and plenty of momentum behind my kicks as I started off soft, slowly increasing the streangth of  each kick until i was kicking him almost full force. Each kick  stung the top of my foot as I kept launching it into his balls over and over again. He was completely immobile, and let “ooffs” and “ughs” as my kicks got harder. His breath started to get heavy as i kept on it, he was squirming against his restraints, the image sending  a jolt of adrenalin up my spine, i started to get light headed, my body felt tight all over and it had so much energy and only one place i wanted it to go. I forcefully grabbed his hair again and shoved his head into my breast, he tried to get them in his mouth, but i kept pulling them away from his lips, teasing him. I pulled back and stood back up, this time rearing my leg and foot all away back, swinging it with as much force as i could into his balls. The smack was loud as was his reaction, his back arched and all his muscle tightened on impact as he strained against his captivity. I stepped back and did it again, it was just as hard as the first one. He is hips pushed forward as he tried to bypass some of pain somehow. I took a big step back and kicked him again harder, so hard it hurt my foot. He yelled out as his whole body jerked and was tight and taunt, all of his muscles were flexing and straining. I Launched 3 more just the same, his head was rolling back and forth, his hands started to shake as did his legs. He whimpered when i opened the gap between us so could take a few more steps to get more force when i was kicking him. The next shot took him to tears and yelled out “oh my god babe”. I felt like a shark in water at this point, every reaction sparked the fire to hurt his balls even more. I squatted down in front him to get eye level with him, putting my finger under his chin and lifted his head up so i can look into his eyes. “ Are you OK?” i asked, my voice sounded like it was far away in my mind. He nodded his head that he was, and i could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted more. I touched our foreheads together and kissed his lips lightly and asked if he was ready for the worst, my tone serious. My husband always said i get a far away look in my eye when i am about to go into a ballbusting rampage, i get a hot flash through my body and it almost like I become someone else. I reached down and gathered his balls into my hand, they were red, and i already knew that they were going to be pretty swollen by the time i was done. I dug my finger into his left nut and asked him again if he was ready, he bucked and squirmed in my hand as i squeezed it and then he finally let out a loud “yes, yes!”. I stood up and pulled on his balls as he tried to push his hips up so i wouldn't rip them off. All i could do was smile at him as i looked down and  watched him struggle, those little jolts of electricity were shooting through my body, i was coming close to “unhinging” as my husband likes to put it. This is that point where everything becomes distorted, where that inner bitch is let off the chain completely. It is a hungry feeling, overpowering and almost hard to control. I let go of his nuts, letting him sink back down, I positioned myself to make the most of my leg power, I wanted to give him full force, mercy was the furthest thing from my mind at that moment. Everything got extremely intense at this point, as i pulled my leg back so i could step into the kick and launched my foot into his balls with all the momentum and force behind it as i could build, sending a shockwave of pain through his body taking his breath away. He wasn't even done registering that kick before i gave him another one, and then another, and then another. His eyes were wide in shock and his body thrashed violently against his restraints, most of which had to be reinforced to he couldn't break them. I kept the kicks coming, one after another, as he started to yell out with each shot, some sounded like he was holding back from crying, others were whimpers and some screams. I didn't stop or slow down, i was vaguely keeping the number in my head, he must have took 25 to 30 of those shots before he yelled  loudly “Stop, Fuck, Stop please!” I gritted my teeth as i kicked him one more time  before grabbing his head in my hands. His body was shaking so bad and he was starting to sweat, I looked at his balls, they were bigger then when i started and a deeper shade of red this time. I asked him “Are you done?”, my voice surprised me as it had came very cold and cruel sounding. I pulled his hair harder and asked again, so he shook his head no unable to get the words out and i started to kick him immediately as hard as i could again. He bucked and thrashed about, as he looked so helpless. I only got about 12 more kicks in until he started to cough and he started  to have trouble breathing. He looked delirious from the pain, so i stopped and observed him to make sure he wasn't about pass out or worse. His heart was racing, i could tell with the pulse in his neck,  and he was still shaking uncontrollably.  Tears escaped as his eyes  watered. I grabbed him by his hair again, he stopped coughing for a bit, he said in a broken voice “I feel like i am going to be sick babe”. For some reason this made my heart flutter, and I got close to his ear and whispered “Good”. I walked over to get the waste basket by the bed and i could see the fear in his eyes when i brought it back and set it to the side of me. I said “I don't want you fucking up my carpet”, He know what i meant and his breath became quick and short, he know what was about to come and i could see the panic.  I pulled the silk belt from my robe, letting it fall open. I used it  to tie his balls off at the base of his sack to trap them at the bottom. They were red and swollen, the red belt made the color stand out, his balls looked like an early Christmas present and i laughed. I put my hands above his head on the bed to support my weight, as I  rubbed his sore swollen balls with my foot. I continued to rub his nuts until he was hard as a rock again. I raised my foot back and slammed into his nuts, the position i was in let me use my leg and foot like a hammer, raising it and slamming it back home. His back arched as he  yelled out. I rose my foot back and slammed it into him again, harder this time. He made a squealing sound and let all the air out his lungs. I let out a laugh as he struggled, and raised my foot back again and started to hammered my foot repeatedly into his nuts, one after another. I gritted my teeth as I kept kicking him, putting everything i had into them as he yelled and whimpered, thrashing against me and the bed. What came over me was pure excitement and satisfaction as I pulverized his balls with my foot. He actually started to cry a bit and fell into a coughing in fit, it drove me to kick him even harder and faster. He started to dry heave so I quickly stopped and undid his hands so he could fall forward and put the basket close to him, he grabbed on on to it and pulled him self as close as he could, as his legs were still attached to the bed. He managed to get up on alI fours so I  sat down on his back facing his nuts and yanked them  up in my hand, they were dark red and you could see the the bruises starting to show in spots, they had swollen to a pretty good size. I squeezed them and he jerked suddenly, they were extremely sore and tender to the touch. He sounded like he was going to throw up so grabbed his beaten balls in one hand and started to slam my fist into them. He jerked and bucked with every shot, as I keep hammering away at them. I was starting to sweat with the exertion and I started to breath heavy as i wailed on his nuts. I never counted or kept track of how many times I hit him. I never stopped until I could hear him start to heave,  and when he did I grabbed his balls and started to squeeze them again, he was bucking like a bronco as he tried to escape my grip as he threw up into the wastebasket. I started to laugh when he got done, I couldn't control it. He begged with desperation for me to let him go. My hands were sore when I did, he sagged instantly, his body was still shaking with pain as sounded like he sobbed at bit.. I could feel myself  coming down from my ballbusting high, I realized that I was shaking almost as bad as he was. My knuckles had a little bit of blood on them, it took a minute to realize what i was looking at as my hand shook. I looked down to find that  i did manage to draw blood when i was punching him, though it wasn't a lot. His balls looked completely busted, they had already swollen three time there size and the bruises were starting to set in, giving them a reddish purple tent. I undid his ankles in a daze, the silk belt was still around his nuts, the two ends in my hand so it was like having him on a leash. I laid down on his back, pressing my body into his as I ran my hand through his hair. I asked if him if he was alright, and i was sincere about it. He shook his head yes, and i asked him him again if he was sure “Don't lie to me about this”. He said “yeah, i need some water though, please”, he sounded utterly drained and out of it. I told him I would go get him some, but if he moved or comforted his balls in anyway i was going to tie them to the bedpost and leave him like that the rest of the night. He managed a chuckle and i said, “what? You don't think i will?”. He said he was laughing because he knew i would. I took the basket out of the room on the way out and brought him back some water, he hadn't  moved at all. I helped him sit up so he could drink, when he was done,  he just leaned into me so I hugged him. We were both pretty shaky and needed to calm down. The top of my foot was throbbing and it hurt, i had ended up bruising in it in the process. When we had both stabled out a bit, I made sure he was ok one more time. He said yeah, and i asked if he wanted to go to bed? He nodded his head yes. I said “you better brush your teeth first if you think your going to be kissing me”. I stood up and pulled on the silk belt around his balls and he yelped, “Come on big boy, to the bathroom”. He stood up and i followed him in and waited for him to finish. I wasn't about to let his balls go just yet. Once he was done i pulled him back into the room by the belt, and we laid down, I pulled his balls taunt and told him that it was staying on until the morning. It was tight, but i loosed it up a little to make sure i wasn't cutting off any circulation, but on enough so his balls wouldn'ta slip out of it. I kissed him and told him good night, he said i love you and i smiled at him and told him “Good”.
The aftermath left him swollen for a week, the bruise went aways in about two. His nuts were busted up really good. It took him a little longer to recover because i would kick him in the nuts during that time. He was so sore that he would drop with one kick or a knee and i loved it. He couldn't close his legs when he sat down and he usually had to sit on the edge of any chair so his balls wouldn't touch it. This is one busting that i will never forget and hopefully neither will you.


Thank if you have read this experience, i currently working on my Halloween BB bonanza of what i did during the Halloween Weekend. Since i have the time on my hands these day and i will be working on more as well. So the question that i ask is what do you want to hear about next? Sensual, Playful, or How brutal i can become. Look forward to the comments and suggestions. Hopefully i caught all the typos in this one and it flows well for you guys and gals. Later :)

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Comment by KingMe on November 27, 2019 at 4:56pm

I would have to agree with Shay on this. You have some of the best stories that this site has to offer. 

Comment by Shay on November 27, 2019 at 3:38pm

I have been on this site for a while. Read alot of stories and watched alot of videos and I have to say your stories wheather they are playful or brutal makes me want to get out there and break some BALLS!! You and your stories and experiences are amazing! 

Comment by James (LH) on November 1, 2019 at 1:40am

Amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on February 14, 2018 at 7:00pm

@ Jake. Thank you love! This really does help. I am impressed with how you proof read it . This is priceless to me so thank you.

Comment by Jake on February 7, 2018 at 2:27am

Hi Melinda, 

Great story!

So a couple people have mentioned adding paragraphs. You agreed it was a good idea but I'm not sure anyone bothered to give you any help with how to do that or what it might look like with this narrative. (Writting.com probably uses other motifs for it's examples hahaha.)

I'm not an English professor or English Major, but I have some writing skills. So my advice here might not be awesome but it will hopefully help give you some ideas. I basically took the first chunk of your story and looked for what seemed like natural breaks. I added brackets around my rationale for making the text that followed a seperate paragraph. Check it out!


This particular bust happened about 6 months ago, it started out soft and sensual, but ended pretty brutal and is one of the times I really let it all out.

[setting; and couple lines that bring reader to place where most of the action will go down]]

Me and my husband decided to go out dancing for a date, the energy of the music and the bump and grind sent my libido into overdrive that night. I wore a black short tight dress, the sleeves were fishnet, and the boots I had on went up to my knees. We had drank a little while we were out, but I wasn't trashed. When we got home, I was beyond horny, and decided to break out the glasses and some wine for rest of the night. I was anxious and antsy, I couldn't keep still.

[These things are different because they belong to the story of actions in the house (the last 2 setences could have been placed here too); You were drinking and the alcohol makes you wild so this paragraph incorporates your sexy aggressive actions. Topic sentence was "... buzz going on" The other sentences are details supporting that statement]]

We sat down in the front room, getting decent buzz going on. Now I usual don't drink, and when in do, I limit myself. I got to a good point and could no longer contain myself, I wanted my mans hands on me in a bad way. I stood up and went over to my husband in his chair and straddled him, mauling at his clothes, getting the wonderful taste of his lips. He was wearing a white button down shirt, one of his good ones. I grabbed it and ripped it open, you could hear his buttons hit the floor as they all tore off.

[Now we move to his "response" to your sexgression. This paragraph is you two going back and forth and ends with the beginning of a blow job]

His hands slid to my ass and he pressed me into him, kissing me like I was going to run away. My heart was already hammering, lust had overtaken me by surprise, my head was already on cloud nine as I ran my tongue down his chest working my down towards his belt buckle. His pants were nice, black slacks that he had picked out. He was already bulging inside them as I worked his belt open making him spring out. I instantly took him into my mouth, and started to go down on him.

[Now we are describing the details of the bj. The bj only lasts for 2 sentences so you might as well include some of the following actions.]

His breath came short and heavy, it was little overwhelming how quick it hit me. He had my hair in a tight grip in his hand and was pulling it hard at the scalp, it gave me shivers with the pain it was sending through me. I took him out of my mouth, lightly dragging my teeth across his shaft as I did. I grabbed his dick in one hand, the other reaching underneath to gather up his balls in the other.

[Now we transition from BJ to some ball abuse (hurray!). "I found my toys" is your topic sentence so the paragraph ends when you stop talking about what you did with his balls]

Once I had found my toys, I squeezed, digging my fingernails into them as I did. He gasp, letting go of my hair. I stood up in front of him, pulling his hips up by his balls, placing my boot heel into his chest, stopping him from getting up. The boots I had on had heels, large and thick. I told him to take off his pants. He kicked his shoes off and striped down as best as he could with his balls in my hand. The short dress had slid up past my hips. I released his nuts as he leaned in taking advantage, kissing me through the the red lace underwear I had chosen that night.

[you let his balls go, new paragraph; this paragraph is about his tongue and what it does to you. the ball stuff is fine as a part of the "his kisses" paragraph because it's all adds to how and why he's kissing you]

Each kiss made me shiver, sending tiny lightning bolts up my spine, sending my further into la la land. I grabbed his head and pressed him harder between my legs, I wanted to feel his tongue on me, in me. He pulled my panties to the side and started to lick me as I moaned at the moistness of him going down on me. I put my leg up, resting the heavy boot on top of his balls, stepping on them. I pressed down trying to crush them, as they occasionally slip out from underneath my boot. My breath was getting quicker and heavier, as he continued to lick me, I pressed down on  his balls harder until his legs started shaking, he gasped in pain. I whispered to him, “please baby, don't stop. It feels so good”. I Managed to trap  one ball under my foot , he moaned and slid his hands to my ass, grabbing it, putting  more pressure into my groin. It was mind numbing as I  heard myself whisper to him heavily, “I want you inside me”.

[At this point he starts leading, so this paragraph is his initiatives that conclude with him entering you]

He moved me back, balls underfoot, and pulled down my panties with a quickness. I straddled him backwards in the chair, reverse cowboy style as he pulled the dress up over my breast, breaking my bra as he tore it open. Payback for  the shirt maybe? He grabbed a breast in each hand and squeezed them so hard it made my eyes water as he entered me. It felt so good and so bad at the same time. I gathered a nut in each hand crushing  them as I grinded back and forth in his lap, desperately wanting that release. He bucked a bit in the chair as my gripped became harder and harder as I came closer to climax, pushing deep into me, fucking me even harder. I vaguely wondered if his nuts were going to give before I did, the thought bringing me closer to orgasm.

[now it's back to you and what you are doing. you are riding him. that's what this paragraph is about]

I rode him fast and hard as I came closer to cumming, feeling like a wild animal wanting release. I was panting hard, sweating with the effort as I started to lift off, my orgasm about to set off like a volcano. [could do a separate O paragraph of include it in your ride] He yelled out in pain and pleasure when I started to cum, his balls were on the verge of exploding as I lost control of my body, he pumped as hard as he could until I finally stopped, the aftershocks of it radiating through my body. He was still hard as a rock as I slowed my grinding down,  he was panting and I realized I had beat him the punch.

[Your ride, the ride for your O, has completed. These next sentences are about you getting him off. This paragraph ends when you stop talking about getting him off by riding him]

“Don't stop babe, I am about to cum” he said short of breath, so I picked up the pace again, grabbing his now swollen balls in one hand, slamming my fist into them as in rocked back and forth. He bucked with each shot, only making it to four before he exploded inside me, I pulled his balls and squeezed them between my fingers as hard as I could until he's crescendo had ended. He looked completely drained, but my mind was already buzzing from the afterglow and the sound of him yelling out was turning on part of my mind, i was getting horny again. One of the disadvantages of having an extremely libido.

[You stopped riding him.]

[new para; your actions and words]  [this next bit is a bit tricky. I'm not entirely sure how it would work best]

I got off his lap and held out my hands to help him stand up. I smiled at him and said “I don't know love, i really want to break your balls right now”, and he knew that I wasn't' done playing with him yet.

["he knew that I wasn't' done playing with him yet." is a pretty strong line. I would say that serves as the delineation to the "SECOND ACT"]

I took the dress completely off, as he eyed me up and down and I could see that he wasn't going to deny me anything tonight. His breath was still heavy from the exhaustion, “Well babe, they are yours for tonight” he said with some nervousness in his voice . [action, reaction]

[Here you set up the next scene]

I walked up to him and kneed him in his bear balls hard and savage, putting him on the floor. “Take off my boots”, I said calmly. He got to it quickly and afterward caressed my leg. I told him to kiss my foot, and he went straight to it, kissing my foot all the way up my leg. I told him “Go to the room and kneel at the end of the bed”. All he said was “Ok”. I Raised my eyebrow at him and pointed to the room.

[now there is a definite dilemma. He has orders to go to the bedroom. You are preventing him from doing that by grabbing his sac. This paragraph is how that specific drama unfolds]

When he stood up, i grabbed his balls in my hand squeezing them hard as he tried to walk away, stopping him. I said “I’m waiting” and squeezed them harder making him almost buckle. I wasn't letting him go, but he tried to go any way, causing me to pull up on them until he was on his tippy toes. I laughed at his attempt and  told him to get by the end of the bed where the straps were at., finally releasing him.  


And so on. Hopefully that helps. Just look for groupings in action I guess. Sure each action flows into the next. But you can still arbitrarily carve out sections but finding a cluster of sentences that all revolve around an action or dynamic. 

Comment by Joe on November 22, 2017 at 2:19pm

It's a nice story though and we appreciate it.  Thanks for posting it.

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on November 22, 2017 at 2:12pm
Thanks joe, dont be a dick ;). I am woking on that lol
Comment by Joe on November 22, 2017 at 3:52am

The return key is your friend.  Please hit it once in a while.  But it's a nice story.  Thanks for posting it.

Comment by Scared-of-my-ex on November 10, 2017 at 1:28pm
Playful and brutal!
Comment by nolizards on November 10, 2017 at 9:52am

Melinda that is wonderful... i cant wait to read more!


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