Since 2009, KITG has been a free membership based site. Its secure from outsiders viewing our content. For years a person or people from this site have taken content made exclusively for this site and uploaded it to other sites. Currently there are about 4000 members on this site, someone(s) among us has been uploading this content spanning from my old site USBBONLINE, WU, Joe, AW and now Eric & Chaiyles. This really does have to stop!!!! Content that has been uploaded exclusively to KITG is meant for this site for a reason. We pride ourselves for respecting all paid BB and CB content by not allowing picts, videos or other content on this site without express permission form the owner of that content. Additionally we have amateur free content that is only meant for this site. We need to protect and support the wishes of all content providers and fight every single chance we get to prevent this from happening. Granted it will happen regardless but if we fight this and report it here, to the content owners and the owners of the offending websites who allow all this to be posted. When you see KITG content being posted on Pornhub, Ballbustingtube or other video sharing sites please report it here and let the content owners know. I'm going to make a plea to other site owners that we should all band together to fight the Pornhub, Ballbustingtube and other sharing sites because this problem hurts this entire community. Voice your thoughts below. 

Views: 812


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Comment by Jason Clown on June 26, 2017 at 8:01pm

I thought the little warning at the beginning of Eric's last video was a good start.  Just a title card to say the video is exclusive to kitg or something.  It's just a shame that idiots repost good stuff, even after the video producers here say "If you post this elsewhere, we will stop making videos".  The idiots must not comprehend english.

Comment by Steven Williams on June 26, 2017 at 7:56pm

Can someone please explain to me why people like this even feel the need to post the video elsewhere, like, you have access to the video so why do you need to share it with the whole world. some people even go as far to claim it as there own. and like @weeZ said, we are losing our favourites due to it.

Comment by WeeZ on June 26, 2017 at 6:40pm
I can definitely understand that. A lot of people who post videos don't want everyone and their grandparents to be able to see these videos. We trust that we can post on KITG to a strictly bb community without our videos being posted around the entire internet. When you do this you're hurting everyone. We've already lost a.w and Wu because of this. And now probably Joe. I've seen my videos other places also I just don't get as bothered by it. But I can understand why others do. If you want these great exclusive non nude original bb clips to continue then please stop stealing. Because all your doing is making great video makers prefer to keep their videos private
Comment by ItsJosh!! on June 26, 2017 at 1:16pm
I can see what you mean. People.with no comments or liking videos even.

If we can stop them downloading then that would work but I'm not sure if there's a way we can stop that fully
Comment by Destin on June 26, 2017 at 1:11pm

It does, and I with deleting members who don't post, I mean people who do not comment. But just come here to watch videos, download them and leave.

Look at the amount of members and people online, many of them don't contribute at all. I am positive that the people uploading the videos to pornhub are all people who don't feel part of this community.

I think if this website does not become more exclusive and take action then videos will continue to be stolen. This message, this warning, It might help, but I don't think it will be enough.

Comment by ItsJosh!! on June 26, 2017 at 1:01pm
@Destin i disagree with deleting inactive members or members who don't upload as much. We can see that you haven't uploaded any videos or photo's yourself. But like me you join in groups and convo's and liking and commenting on videos. So it would also be unfair to people like us who can't upload content like that at the moment but enjoy reading and joining in with stories etc. This isn't a personal dig at you. I just think it would punish people who can't do everything they like if that makes sense.

But it is a shame that it could effect people who don't deserve it. If we just keep reporting things that we see then we will catch out the people doing it for sure. Maybe we could just stop them being able to copy the links or downloading the videos. There must be a way to do that? Again @Destin please don't take it personally, I just think it would maybe effect the wrong people.

Us true people can stop it and we will. I think how people comment is a give away as well. We had that chap harras Joe and violet to make certain videos and his manner was not how us true fans would comment. Does that make sense?
Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on June 26, 2017 at 12:56pm
For the ones who steal this great art, you are worthless.
Comment by Destin on June 26, 2017 at 12:50pm

Can we not delete inactive members? Or members who don't post as much? I feel like the ones doing this are most likely people who do not feel like they are part of the community.

An idea is that the video section is only available for users who have been active for at least one year and have 100+ comments longer then 300 words. New people can still join the site and chat, read blogs, look at photos... but keep the video section more exclusive. But if you decide to share your own content, you get free access to all sections of the website.

Back when I used to play videogames, my teams sometimes had their own forums. We made some parts of the forums only available to trusted members. Otherwise, other clans would steal our videos and team information. This worked like a charm.

Comment by david armstrong on June 26, 2017 at 11:07am

here is some old content with kat there are several videos posted i don't they put on there

Comment by Soulfire on June 26, 2017 at 8:55am

Most of the stuff, exclusive content from KITG or paid content from shops is on VK.Com. I've talked with Knave about this and there's simply no way of stopping them. It's not like those russians would care.


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