Since 2009, KITG has been a free membership based site. Its secure from outsiders viewing our content. For years a person or people from this site have taken content made exclusively for this site and uploaded it to other sites. Currently there are about 4000 members on this site, someone(s) among us has been uploading this content spanning from my old site USBBONLINE, WU, Joe, AW and now Eric & Chaiyles. This really does have to stop!!!! Content that has been uploaded exclusively to KITG is meant for this site for a reason. We pride ourselves for respecting all paid BB and CB content by not allowing picts, videos or other content on this site without express permission form the owner of that content. Additionally we have amateur free content that is only meant for this site. We need to protect and support the wishes of all content providers and fight every single chance we get to prevent this from happening. Granted it will happen regardless but if we fight this and report it here, to the content owners and the owners of the offending websites who allow all this to be posted. When you see KITG content being posted on Pornhub, Ballbustingtube or other video sharing sites please report it here and let the content owners know. I'm going to make a plea to other site owners that we should all band together to fight the Pornhub, Ballbustingtube and other sharing sites because this problem hurts this entire community. Voice your thoughts below. 

Views: 812


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Comment by Katie Hoffman on June 28, 2017 at 1:12pm

The ex posted some (of our) content on ballbustingtube once. A few years later it was reposted by someone else! On the same site! No idea why! That's why we always kept our faces out of it just in case.

Comment by Jake e on June 27, 2017 at 10:20pm
My thoughts/suggestions on the matter are that this is an area everyone including C4S and pay sites struggle with as well. One thought I did have is our community most likely won't be able to implement technical enforcement of bringing down these types of videos but a larger community might. Pornhub does have programs for amatuer content producers to sign up and upload videos. Those videos can be made private and individual content creators from this site would have to manage access to the videos (at least thats my assumption). Once the video is on Pornhub though Pornhub knows who owns the content and they use something called mediawise to digitally fingerprint videos to automate copyright enforcement. That said all this does require the content producer reveal their offline identity (to pornhub) which I wouldn't much care for. Anyways this is just a thought wrought with problems but maybe someone else on here could build on the idea or knows of a more secure video distribution method we could leverage?
Comment by John Franks on June 27, 2017 at 3:03pm

Having posted content here, and then found it elsewhere - it is definitely a sad feeling. 

But to @Steven's point - I'm guessing it's because they haven't created content themselves and want the glory for it. That's my only thought.

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on June 27, 2017 at 2:44pm
This is the reason I have never considered doing video's and uploading them, especially here. They get stolen far to often, and then posted all over the place. This is peoples privacy that are being affected, and it is bullshit. Im sure if they wanted there videos all over BBtube and Pornhub then they would have put it there themselves. So to who ever is STEALING, i give you a big F**K you.
Comment by John Ashton on June 27, 2017 at 2:22pm

On deleting inactive people because they *might* have done something. Lets not turn this into a witch hunt. I know for a fact that some people here add videos posted to playlists. So although the videos are unlisted, the playlists are visibile. So it is entirely possible that someone who isn't a member has managed to view videos posted here without ever having an account.

My view as always is stealing is bad, respect people's wishes. On the other hand don't post anything your not comfortable with. This is the internet everything gets spread.

Comment by Andre on June 27, 2017 at 9:13am
I dunno, I don't post much but even I agree there really needs to be a clean up of sorts- just to see if it does anything to change. I don't know what the conditions could be, but comments are probably the easiest way to figure it out.
Comment by aus bustee on June 27, 2017 at 8:24am
This sucks so much, whoever is doing it stop. It's not your content so stop sharing it, these lovely folks have been kind enough to provide us with quality content so respect that. If I find any I'll post here.
Comment by Liquid Metal on June 27, 2017 at 7:50am

I wonder if there'd be a way to gather info on who downloaded/uploaded by username here. I think it might be possible if we hosted the vids here.. Using metadata, or somesuch, it would be possible to track who is doing it. 

Comment by Allen Witts on June 27, 2017 at 2:01am

Here's the thing, though- deleting people who don't post much won't do a damn thing.  Whoever steals the videos can just comment on things occasionally to avoid that.

@Jason- it's actually possible that they don't speak English :\

Comment by Tim Bowens on June 27, 2017 at 1:35am
Yeah, fuck that. Just because I don't comment much doesn't mean I'm guilty if downloading and reposting. In fact I do have videos I've made but there is just no way I'd take a chance uploading them. I'm certainly not blaming the victims here. They made a request and it should be respected, but we live in a world filled with dickheads that you can't control so you must operate under the assumption anything you upload will be shared and live on the net forever. It's like "loaning money". I always assume the money is gone and I'm never getting it back. This is the same problem we face in our country with drugs, guns, et cetera. People want to make laws to stop unwanted behavior but all it does is make things harder for honest people and the scumbags still do what they want to do. Content makers are going to have to realize they cannot control others and either stop uploading or just say fark it and upload them. I pay fir my clips at c4s. Maybe content uploaded could charge for the videos. They would still get shared but at least they'd make a couple bucks initially. No?


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