Since 2009, KITG has been a free membership based site. Its secure from outsiders viewing our content. For years a person or people from this site have taken content made exclusively for this site and uploaded it to other sites. Currently there are about 4000 members on this site, someone(s) among us has been uploading this content spanning from my old site USBBONLINE, WU, Joe, AW and now Eric & Chaiyles. This really does have to stop!!!! Content that has been uploaded exclusively to KITG is meant for this site for a reason. We pride ourselves for respecting all paid BB and CB content by not allowing picts, videos or other content on this site without express permission form the owner of that content. Additionally we have amateur free content that is only meant for this site. We need to protect and support the wishes of all content providers and fight every single chance we get to prevent this from happening. Granted it will happen regardless but if we fight this and report it here, to the content owners and the owners of the offending websites who allow all this to be posted. When you see KITG content being posted on Pornhub, Ballbustingtube or other video sharing sites please report it here and let the content owners know. I'm going to make a plea to other site owners that we should all band together to fight the Pornhub, Ballbustingtube and other sharing sites because this problem hurts this entire community. Voice your thoughts below. 

Views: 812


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Comment by Robert Whitney on October 16, 2017 at 9:17am

There is no solution to this!  Look at the big companies that follows the copyright guidelines set forth by the fed's and yet you rarely hear of anyone prosecuted.  They have a hard time shutting down torrent sites due to they are in fact foreign, and we have no jurisdiction or don't recognize our laws!!  This is called Organized Crime.  

As for this topic....this will continue and there is nothing that can be done!  Due to the internet, any video you can watch on your laptop, you can still record,,,,,thus even if you block downloading the video is still in the hands of many.  I know someone will try to argue this.....conduct a research in video downloaders and high end commercial programming companies.  These programmers are under constant challenges, and yet one is still smarter than the other and their product is sold. And videos remain downloadable..

Many of you may remember the underground pioneers in this fetish....Lusa Entertainment.   They did everything by the book - Tax Id, DBA filed in Michigan, etc., and yet still shut down due to bankruptcy and video theft!!  Most amateur sites will not copyright their video product due to high costs along with the legal outlays.  Even though a logo appears on a given video this does not mean copyrighted!  The logo is in fact strictly for advertisement!!  For a violation in piracy to be recognized there has to be supporting proof of a copyright infraction.  Since copyrights is a federal issue and thus, all states will walk away from.  At a state level however, the best outcome would only be larceny......since less than $100 in value this charge will be a misdemeanor at best.....and only if a given state will consider prosecution and its expense!!.  .

Today with the numerous video hosting sites, this issue will increase.  We now have sites that offer Affiliates like intporn where affiliates receives minimal kickbacks.  Not bad.....make money at the expense of others!!!

Comment by None on August 14, 2017 at 6:30am

NOT QUITE, @Kulkuset.

You can actually add people to a whitelist for a private video. So, if you put it up on YouTube as private and then let people PM you their email addresses, you can let yourself and those accounts you add to the whitelist view those videos.

Comment by Kulkuset on July 11, 2017 at 8:27am

It could indeed be that the Mark418 guy isn't even a member here. I was just checking a popular Youtube bb playlist, and Eric's and Chaiyles' videos were there. It's because there are only 3 privacy settings in Youtube: 1) public 2) hidden and 3) private. Hidden videos can be embedded here but they are also visible if someone adds them to a Youtube playlist and that playlist is public! The "private" setting means no one except you can watch the video, so that doesn't help. I prefer Vimeo, but sadly their "hidden" option is available only if you upgrade.

Comment by Destin on July 7, 2017 at 1:42pm

Its the same pornhub-user who steals and uploads multiple videos.

Comment by Chaiyles on July 6, 2017 at 2:37pm

Sadly our recently uploaded video Painful Patriotism has been taken and uploaded onto Pornhub now as well. Thank you to Angelo for letting us know. Luckily we know who uploaded it, for it was posted as a private video. Eric and i have sent the owner of the Pornhub account a message asking for the video to be removed and asking if he is a member of KITG. However I dont believe he speaks English, his entire page was in Italian i believe. Here's a link if any of you wish to see or something.

Comment by Nick on July 2, 2017 at 8:17am

They are very stupid to share this amazing clips. What if the guys will stopo sharing videos with us? Let's find who did it!

Comment by Knave! on June 29, 2017 at 2:00pm

@Soulfire - If people pay for it they'll be even more likely to share it for free. Their reasoning is always: "I paid for it, I can do what I want with it!"

Nothing will stop this behavior.

Comment by Soulfire on June 29, 2017 at 11:14am

This community simply has become too big. Everyone can join this site and that's exactly the problem. Especially russians on KITG tend to not give a fuck about people's privacy, VK.Com and their russian communities is the biggest source for stolen content after all. I guess the only way to stop the sharing of free content is to make people pay for it. Like a monthly subscription fee for KITG or something like that. In the end, as always, all have to suffer because of some minority retards.

Comment by Knave! on June 29, 2017 at 10:32am

I wish there was a solution. I wish people weren't assholes, but the more you tell people not to do something, the more they'll find ways to do it. The internet is full of anonymity. As a guy who is literally dependent on the income I make from my bb cartoons, it stabs my heart every time I find them being shared for free without permission.

I find it all the time and it's killing me in more ways than one.

I always try to bring solutions to problems. I try to be positive. There is no solution to this. There is no positive outcome. You can't police the internet, it's too big. It's too wild.

Honestly, the only way is to not share videos. That's really it. It sucks. I'm trying desperately to remove my dependence on my cartoons because it's not worth it. The less I draw, the less stress and heartache I experience in my life.

My condolences to everyone who knows how it feels. Protect yourselves. Stop posting.

Comment by comrade on June 28, 2017 at 11:38pm

I'd suggest pushing the community to report and flag videos with content if you find links. the more reports, the easier it will to get them taken down. Use the community to fight against those who are doing this.


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