Howdy! Here's another story I wrote for my blog (, enjoy!
It had been only a few weeks after graduation, and I was already starting to feel the euphoria of college graduation wear off. Despite my degree that I worked so hard to obtain, the economy was not kind to people just entering the work force, and I struggled to find employment. I had a couple of job interviews, but they didn't go so well; I had no experience in the field I was attempting to enter. Also, I was too proud to take a lowly entry-level job, one that I actually did deserve, so I put myself in a rough situation. Adding to my increasingly poor mood was the fact that my girlfriend was now almost a 4-hour drive away, instead of the 3-minute walk I was used to. I had to see her, no questions about it. One particular night in early summer (while she was on break between school years), we IM'd with each other:
Me: hey babe, what's up? how's your summer so far? (which was a goofy thing to ask, we spoke on the phone or IM everyday lol)
Stacey: just got home from a friends house
Stacey: i miss you :-(
Me: i miss you too. do you have anything going on this weekend? i wanna come to visit
Stacey: you should definately come over! do you have to wait for the weekend though?
Me: lol no i guess i don't have to. how about tomorrow? and it's definitely ;-p
Stacey: lol shut up jerk
Stacey: ill ask my dad if i can borrow his car so i can take you to the hidden room :-)
Me: babe, i have a car lol. and what is the hidden room?
Stacey: its an adult store. i want to get handcuffs
Me: oh. wow. tomorrow it is
After that conversation, I... umm... took care of myself and then started packing to head to her place. I wasn't sure how long I was staying or even when she'd intended for me to show up, but I couldn't wait to get on the road, get there and see her, and... maybe get a beating or two.
I didn't sleep that well, the excitement of being able to see Stacey nearly overloading my brain. She wanted handcuffs. Handcuffs!! She has a submissive side too, so I was wondering if she intended to use them on me, or have me use them on her. So many possibilities!
I woke up from that glorified nap, called Stacey to solidify our hasty plan, and then I got on the road, probably driving a tad too fast (I was able to shave over an hour off the travel time lol). I arrived just before noon on a weekday, so her house looked like nobody was home. I'm a little embarrassed to say but that gave me an immediate erection; having the house all to ourselves made my mind jump from fantasy to fantasy. I knocked on the door and she answered and, to me, she'd never looked hotter before. She wasn't dressed super sexy (her tight jeans and a simple navy blue blouse-y shirt) but it felt like forever since I'd seen her. And, also, the empty house thing haha. Stacey flung her arms around me and kissed me with an intensity that matched mine, but she suddenly pulled back and looked at me.
"Sorry, just needed to do that," she said slightly breathlessly. She looked at me a little longer and giggled, adding "Down boy, you should at least come in before you look at me like that. You look like you want to tear me to shreds." I followed her inside and said "You have no idea." Stacey giggled again and asked "Do you want to go to the Hidden Room? We can get the cuffs and try them while my parents are at work." I was slightly surprised we weren't going to get down and dirty right then, but not disappointed; my seemingly sweet, sexually shy girlfriend was as adventurous as I was, if not more so. She put her stilts on (and my penis jumped a little in my pants) and we started to head out to my car when she took my hand and stopped walking, prompting me to stop, too. She moved so we were facing each other and said softly "Thank you for coming here, all this way. I know it was far, but I really missed you." Like I was doing her a favor lol. Stacey let my hand go and slid both of her hands on my shoulders, leaning in to kiss me very gently, sweetly. Out of the blue, I felt something that felt like a padded bat slam between my legs and a nanosecond later, I realized that she kneed me, hard. She giggled again, slipping past me to the door and saying over her shoulder "More of that when we come back home." I followed her, gingerly, to my car and we were on our way. I had no idea where this place was, so she directly me... perfectly, as if she'd been there before... and we got out of the car to go into The Hidden Room.
Now, I have been in an adult store or two (umm... for research on papers I had to write in college...yeah... that's why), but this place was really big inside. There were all kinds of toys, lubes, outfits, you name it. Stacey made a beeline for the bondage section. She started looking for handcuffs when she saw something else. She picked up an item with bright packaging and a picture of a woman, bound and looking helpless.
"Bondage Tape," she read off of the packaging. We read together and her face brightened the more she read. Apparently, it's shiny black (or red) tape that you can use, but it only sticks to itself, making it perfect for sexual play. She grinned at me, saying in a hushed tone "This is more realistic to my rape fantasy than handcuffs would be. A mugger is more likely to have tape, right?" I was so busy thinking about getting her back home to try it that I missed the huge confession she just made and only nodded. Stacey blushed a little and smiled a bit, asking if I was ready to go back to the house and try it and I started to say yes when something caught my eye across the store, and I let out an audible gasp. Stacey's face went from sheepish and coy to alarmed, and she asked "What's the matter?" I was barely able to speak, so I answered "Look. Those." She followed my gaze to rows and rows of shoes: clear-heeled stripper shoes, platform pumps, thigh high boots, stiletto strappy sandals... all with very high heels. Stacey let out a relieved laugh, saying "You scared me half to death, I thought you saw someone you recognized." She took my hand and asked "You want me to try some on?" I nodded and answered enthusiastically "Oh yeah! Very much so!" She smiled sweetly and we headed in thevery direction of every high heels fetishist's dream. We started looking around and she said in a bit of a small voice "I can't wear a lot of these." It took me a few seconds to realize that she was referencing how wide her feet were, so I just adjusted my search of shoes I wanted to see on her.
"Not to worry, you look sexy in the heels you do wear, so we can find ones in here I think we'll both like," I said sappilly but honestly. I felt her give my hand a little extra squeeze. I was about to turn to her and give a reassuring smile when I saw them. They were shiny black platform pumps, open on the sides, rounded toe, ankle strap with a little buckle, and probably about 6" high. I was afraid I'd drool so I quickly blurted "These! Will you try these on?" She giggled and said she would, taking on of the shoeboxes and sitting on a little padded bench in the aisle. Stacey kicked off her stilts and, still wearing her thin pink and blue socks, slipped the shoes onto her feet but stood before buckling them. She looked down at them and said "These feel pretty good! And look how tall they make me!" I came over to her and she was significantly taller, almost able to meet me eye-to-eye (she's 5'2" and I'm 5'11").
"Wow," was all I could mutter; I was immediately turned on and throbbing. She sat back down slowly and made a little show of trying to buckle the ankle strap but failing, so she asked "Can you help me, baby?" I didn't even bother saying anything, I just got down on my knees in front of her and fastened the buckle of both shoes. Stacey smirked, saying quietly and barely above a whisper, "Spread 'em a little," and in that moment, I realized what she'd done; she just wanted me on my knees. I complied immediately, spreading my knees to give her plenty of access to my groin and, after she looked around a bit to make sure nobody could see, kicked her foot out between my legs. The rounded toe of the shoe crashed into my balls and I let out a surprised "OOOMPH!" more caught off guard that she would kick me so hard in public. When I bent at the waist to cradle my now-burning balls, she hissed "Shh! Someone's going to hear you!" I bit my tongue and straightened back up, spreading my knees apart again and before I could brace, she kicked me again, much softer this time but, since I was already in pain, I bent over at the waist again. I managed to stay silent though lol. After a few seconds, I straightened again and got back up to standing so we wouldn't get caught, and she started taking the heels off so she could put them back in the box.
"We're so getting them," I said, my voice a little more strained than I would have liked and, before she could protest, I added quickly "I'll buy them for you! I NEED you to have these!" A gutsy move for a recent college graduation with no job, but god, she looked so amazing in them and she was in socks and jeans...
After we bought the Bondage Tape and platform pumps, we just heading back home. I pulled into her long driveway... only to see two cars already there. Stacey gasped next to me, a look of horror and embarrassment on her face. "I'm so sorry, baby; I didn't know they were coming home so early. We can't have out fun yet." I was just starting to try to hide my disappointment when she went on, "How are we going to explain what we just bought?" I'm still impressed with myself for how quickly and calmly my response came: "Why don't we just say we went to eat and leave the stuff in the car?" She visibly relaxed, and nodded her agreement that it was a good idea. We went inside and hung out with her parents a long while, then ate dinner, and shot the breeze a little more before her parents started to get ready to go to bed. With the previous night's considerable lack of sleep catching up to me, I thought going to bed was a great idea. And, with us talking to her parents for so long that day, I wasn't exactly thinking about wild crazy fetish sexual acts. Her parents went to their room and I went to the bedroom I was staying in, got changed, and got into bed. I'm not sure if I was asleep for 5 minutes or 2 hours, but I felt someone quietly slip into bed under the covers. I was laying on my back and felt the person cuddle up right next to me and half lay on me, her hands on my far shoulder, her thigh moving up and down on my growing erection, and something that felt like a sharp heel on my shin and another thing that felt like the rough sole... my eyes snapped open to see the dark outline of Stacey.
"Hey," I said weakly. She whispered back "We didn't get a chance to try what we got." She stopped moving her thigh on me and asked, mock-concerned "Oh, wait, did I wake you up?" I quickly moved to act more awake and answered "No, no, I'm good." She giggled because she knew she woke me up but also knew that I'd be up for breaking in our purchases. I made her stop her laugh a little short when I maneuvered us so that I had her pinned to the bed, me on top with her legs wrapped around me. I leaned down and kissed her fiercely, passionately. After several minutes of kissing each other, I asked with a voice hoarse with arousal "Did you bring the Tape with you?" When she half-moaned that she had, I got off of her and went to her light switch so I'd be able to see, and I bent to take the Bondage Tape out of the black bag. I had it in my hand and, when I straightened and turned back to the bed... Stacey was standing right in front of me. She smiled devilishly at me and said "You first," before driving her knee up into me, very hard. I groaned and crumpled to the floor at her feet, cradling my balls in my hands, and I got an up-close view of her new shoes. They looked so amazingly sexy on her, so I stared, not seeing her take scissors and cut a very long strip of the tape. She said, a little confused, "This isn't sticky at all, not even a little." I struggled to get enough breath in my lungs so I could answer and when I could speak, I answered "I think that's how it works; it'll only stick to itself." Stacey's face showed sudden understanding and she crouched next to me and said "Okay, let's see if it works. Here, come to the bed post." I scooted myself so that I was sitting on her carpeted floor with my back was against the post and I felt her wrapping my wrists together around the post behind my back. When she was done, she stood and walked into the V that my legs made. She kneeled down and began removing my pajama pants and boxers, and I flexed my hips up so that I wasn't sitting on them. Once I was naked from the waist down, Stacey stepped onto my hard cock, pushing it down to the floor gently. She asked "Does that feel okay?" To be honest, it hurt like a bitch lol the soles were brand new, so the grips were extra rough, but it looked really hot watching her.
"Mm-hmm," was my moaned response. She said in her sexy voice "I shaved my legs just for you, baby. Go ahead, touch them, feel how smooth they are." My wrists were taped behind my back to the bottom of the bed post, but I'll be damned if I didn't try to get them loose so I could touch her legs. Of course, I couldn't get loose. She giggled and asked mockingly "Aww, can't get your hands free?" As she asked, she started to grind cruelly and roughly, adding more pressure onto me. I squirmed and groaned but kept my hard-on. After a little more pressing and grinding she took her foot off my cock and let my erection take its course away from the floor to stand in front of my stomach... but away from my balls. Stacey kicked the rounded toe of her shoe into my balls once... twice... and very hard the third time. When I let out a loud groan, I guess she figured that I couldn't take any more, and got the scissors to cut me loose. Once I was freed, I started kissing her again and I got so involved in the kiss that I didn't notice that she had me pinned against a wall. She slowly broke and took a half step back, sliding her hands onto my shoulders, and she lifted her knee up slowly to my balls.
"Kneeing you is so much easier in these!" she mused aloud and, to prove her point, let her knee fall away a little before sending it back up in a blur to slam between my legs. Before I could fall, she dragged my weak and somewhat limp form over to the bed. Before I even knew what was happening, Stacey had me in her warm mouth. I bit my lip as hard as I could, but a grateful moan slipped through my lips. It did not take long...
After we both cleaned up and changed (her taking her shoes off and me putting my boxers and pants back on), we cuddled a bit in bed. As I started to fade to sleep, Stacey got up to go to a different room to sleep but before she left, she whispered "Maybe we'll try the tape on me tomorrow morning. But... I might the big black heels on again and... we'll see." She kissed me goodnight, and I immediately passed into beautiful dreams.
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