KneeMyNuts's Blog (15)

Another Forgotten Story

So I took a little break (who am I kidding, a long break) from writing, and finally have a new story!  This one goes back to Stacey, though, so it's a true story.  It's just one that I didn't tell.  When I tell the tales of Stacey and I, I try to paint her in the best light possible (it wasn't particularly hard, she really was a great girl), but we definitely had our tough times.  This was one of those…


Added by KneeMyNuts on September 9, 2019 at 12:48pm — No Comments

Part-time Job, Part 2: Brittany's Return

Months had passed, and, while I thought about Brittany from time to time, I was over the pain of her absence.  The first few weeks going into work at my part-time job and not seeing her were rough for me, even though I loved working there.  Eventually, I'd turned a corner and life was back to normal.

One particular late spring - early summer night, I worked my full-time and headed to my part-time to work until close.  I was…


Added by KneeMyNuts on April 24, 2019 at 3:15pm — 1 Comment

Part-time Job

Sorry it's been so long!  The return of true stories is here, starting with this one!  Enjoy!

It had been years since Stacey and I broke up, and she has since moved on.  I know for sure that she is married (or, at least, she was when I last heard), and she might even have a kid or two.  As for me, it had been several years since I got a good busting, or since a woman wore high heels for the express purpose of…


Added by KneeMyNuts on March 4, 2019 at 5:09pm — 8 Comments

Valentine's Day Hook-up

It had been a little less than a month when Stacey and I broke up, and I was still ambivalent about it.  Yes, I had a bunch of extra time and freedom and wasn't getting into silly arguments with people, but I was badly missing the good times we had (not just the ball busting and cock crushing).  I had just come in from working out when my cell phone rang.

What the hell?  It was Stacey.



Added by KneeMyNuts on April 5, 2018 at 3:07pm — 4 Comments

2 Girls, 1 (Without a) Cup

Please visit my blog! 

This is one of the hottest, erection-provoking memories of my life... but also kind of regretful.  I'm still pretty torn on how I should feel, but hopefully, you at least enjoy the story.  It's also kind of a long story, so hang in there lol.

The summer was over and it was time for Stacey to move back into school.  She kept two of the three roommates that she had last year, and was adding a new…


Added by KneeMyNuts on February 17, 2018 at 4:08pm — 3 Comments

New Shoes, Wedding Edition: Part 2

We arrived at the mall and once we went inside, the sound of her heels on the hard time floor had me more distracted than I already was.  I don't know if I was shaking or drooling, but Stacey saw how crazy turned on I was, and made sure to playfully make fun of me on our way to whatever department store she wanted to go to for a dress.…


Added by KneeMyNuts on January 29, 2018 at 12:36pm — No Comments

New Shoes, Wedding Edition: Part 2

We arrived at the mall and once we went inside, the sound of her heels on the hard time floor had me more distracted than I already was. I don't know if I was shaking or drooling, but Stacey saw how crazy turned on I was, and made sure to playfully make fun of me on our way to whatever department store she wanted to go to for a dress.

Stacey was still giggling softly as we went into the first shop and, although she asked my opinion of a few… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on December 23, 2017 at 4:51pm — 2 Comments

New Shoes: Wedding Edition 

Since our almost break up, Stacey and I were really good, I guess just happy that we were still together.  We were still in a hard long distance relationship, but we became more accommodating of each other, and basically talked on the phone a little more.

A couple of months went by and it was springtime.  I was to be in the wedding of one of my best friends, and Stacey was invited to come, too, since we were together.  So,…


Added by KneeMyNuts on December 4, 2017 at 11:11pm — 1 Comment

Did I Screw Up?

So, I'm in New York City and all these people are going out to clubs (not me, I'm 36 and too old lol). All the women are wearing extremely sexy high heels and I LOVE being busted in high heels. I didn't even proposition anyone to kick me.

Did I fuck up? Should I have? What's the best way to ask a total stranger?

Added by KneeMyNuts on November 24, 2017 at 6:23pm — 7 Comments

First Fight

Here's another story that I wrote for my little blog (, enjoy!

It was now late August and I was really getting into the swing of things at my new job. Stacey, though, was about to start her sophomore year in college, and was heading back. She was moving into the same apartment complex that I'd lived in my senior year and I promised, weeks ago, that I would help her family move her in. This was before… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on August 15, 2017 at 2:24pm — 2 Comments

Got a Job, Part 2

Night comes, and once everyone in the house was asleep, Stacey snuck out of my bedroom and into the one I was sleeping in. I stayed awake and, when she walked in, I saw that she was wearing a large, oversized t-shirt... and her white heels (Easter heels). I gasped and she giggled before asking "Should we go to your bedroom?" I nod and practically flung myself out of the bed, already beginning to sport an erection. I followed her back to my room and, when she stepped over the threshold, she went… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on July 29, 2017 at 10:58am — No Comments

Got a Job!

This one doesn't have a lot of busting, but sets up the next part, hope you like it anyway!

Finally, after months of being unemployed and looking for a job out of college, I'd finally duped someone into hiring me! Well, I'd be working in a mail room for a big company in corporate America, but you gotta start somewhere, right? A month or 2 ago, I'd have turned my nose up at a position like… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on July 19, 2017 at 3:59pm — No Comments

Sex Store

Howdy! Here's another story I wrote for my blog (, enjoy!

It had been only a few weeks after graduation, and I was already starting to feel the euphoria of college graduation wear off. Despite my degree that I worked so hard to obtain, the economy was not kind to people just entering the work force, and I struggled to find employment. I had a couple of job interviews, but they didn't go so well; I had no experience in the field I was attempting to enter.… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on March 29, 2017 at 3:55pm — 1 Comment

One Random Tuesday

Here's another story from my ballbusting blog (, enjoy!

Stacey and I had been together for months, and things were great. We got along extremely well, and she was awesome to hang out with. But, for purposes of this little story area, I'll mention our fetish life: I could not have asked for more. She would bust me very regularly (a lot of the time, randomly and catching me completely off-guard), and our… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on November 21, 2016 at 12:20pm — No Comments

End of the Semester

I just started a ballbusting blog, and all the stories are true!  Here's one of my stories, enjoy!

Finals were wrapping up and the relief of the end coming was starting to wash over me.  I would get to go home, see people I haven't seen in months, and just get to relax.  The only bummer was that I wouldn't get to see my girlfriend while on break, an event I never thought I'd ever have to…


Added by KneeMyNuts on October 4, 2016 at 3:47pm — 3 Comments


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