Joe Metal's Blog (7)

My step sister (real CB story)

I'm writing and uploading this late because I just got back from the bar. Apologies in advance for any typos, again I just got back from the bar. 

I posted some blog posts that I called my "ballbusting/cuntbusting memoirs" back when I was in college (which was 10 years ago? God I feel old). Now, those were real stories, but I definitely embellished the details a bit. Every story I mentioned actually happened, just not the exact way I wrote them. This story, though, I'm…


Added by Joe Metal on September 23, 2022 at 2:59am — 1 Comment

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 5 of 4

I'm back and I've got exciting news, fellas. I've got some more ballbusting stories to share that you'll have to read to beleive. I'll start at the beginning, a few months ago.

I was out at a fast food joint, waiting for my chicken nuggets when in walks Susan. Susan was a girl I knew back in high school. Back then, she was hot. Not hottest-girl-in-school hot, but hot enough that I had to settle for admiring her from a distance. Years later, and she had it. She had large breasts and a…


Added by Joe Metal on December 13, 2012 at 10:54pm — 2 Comments

My Cbusting Memoirs: Part 1 of 1

You might remember me from last year when I posted my ballbusting memoirs. I'm back now, and have decided to post my Cbusting memoirs. Instead of posting these two at a time every other month, I've decided to save time and just post them all here at once.

The first time I ever saw a girl get hit in the crotch was back in England, in about 2nd grade, if memory serves. Her name was Emily, she was just about my height with shoulder-length brown hair and practically always wore the same…


Added by Joe Metal on May 28, 2012 at 11:21am — No Comments

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 4 of 4

Do you remember how I ended last post saying writing this wouldn't last as long as writing part 3? I lied. Also in the last post, I told you about my vacation in '06. We pick up next in May of the next year. I was 17 at this point (In case you're wondering, I was born at the end of summer of '89), and I was part of my school's ROTC program. There, I was a member of our shooting team, as was a girl henceforth referred to as Brittany. She, being almost a year older than me, was a few inches…


Added by Joe Metal on February 15, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 3 of 4

This post starts when I'm the ripe old age of 15. I was in high school, and had a good group of friends. One of them was named "Kindra" and another was called "Sammy". Kindra isn't important at the moment, but Sammy is.

Sammy, to be honest, was and probably still is the cutest girls I've ever known. I can't quite put my finger on it, but she's very attractive. One day,…


Added by Joe Metal on September 10, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 2 of 4

Last blog post, I told you how I first got interested in being busted. Following getting kneed by Miranda, I started trying to get girls to bust me. For the most part, this just included being a bit of a jerk to girls, not enough to make them hate me, just enough to bust me, and only being mean a third of the time. This plan didn't work well, though, and It was another year before I was hit in my "special place".

It was in P.E., third period I believe. It was a cloudy day, but we were…


Added by Joe Metal on June 29, 2011 at 12:45am — 2 Comments

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 1 of 4

As a child growing up in England, I always saw somebody getting hit in the nuts as a funny thing, something to be laughed at. However, that all changed when, at age 10, my family moved from England to a city in central Florida which, as far as I can tell, is ball busting heaven.At first, I didn't realize this, because I was still a child, focusing more on the fact that I had no friends in America.

When I first went to middle school, I quickly got a small number of loyal friends. Not…


Added by Joe Metal on June 13, 2011 at 4:38pm — 1 Comment


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