Here's another story that I wrote for my little blog (, enjoy!
It was now late August and I was really getting into the swing of things at my new job. Stacey, though, was about to start her sophomore year in college, and was heading back. She was moving into the same apartment complex that I'd lived in my senior year and I promised, weeks ago, that I would help her family move her in. This was before I'd gotten a job and before her decision to move back to college during a weekday.
Uh oh.
A day or two before she was going to head back to school, she IM'd me:
Stacey: hey :-D
Me: well hello there :-)}
Me: how's it goin?
Stacey: pretty good
Stacey: whats that thing on your smiley?
Me: i'm growing a beard, like it? ;-)}
Stacey: lol youre silly
Me: yes i am!
Stacey: one of the reasons why i love you!
Me: i love you 2 :-D}
Stacey: lol
Stacey: what time are coming on tuesday?
Me: tuesday?
Stacey: yeah when i move back into school lol
Me: i'm sorry sweetie, i can't, i have to work
Not even 10 seconds later, my phone began to buzz. I flipped it open (what? this was over ten years ago lol) and answered "Hello?" even though I knew who was calling.
"You're seriously not coming?" was what Stacey said on the other end. "You promised you would, and now everybody's expecting you!"
Instead of immediately apologizing for the mix up, or promising to make it up to her, I got mad and went into attack mode. I answered "I just got this job! I can't be takin' days off for no reason!" She pounced on my verbiage, asking "Oh, so coming to see me and helping me move into school is 'for no reason'? Wow." Again, given a chance to squash the argument, did I do that? Nope.
"Stacey, I don't have time for this shit. Talk to you when you get off your period." I hung up... and immediately felt like an asshole. We'd never been in a fight before, but I'm sure they weren't supposed to go this poorly. After a few minutes, I called back and surprisingly, she answered. She sounded like her voice was a little strained when she asked "What do you want? Did you call to say you're sorry for being a jerk?" My temper flared again and I said "You know what? I actually did, but nevermind. Talk to you when I talk to you." I hung up again.
We didn't speak for a couple of days. Given, we were young, but we were behaving like children half our age. Neither of us wanted to be first to break the silence and lose the first phase of the battle. However, on Friday night, my phone buzzed. I pumped my fist; she caved.
"Hi." Stacey said quietly. I answered, trying to keep the smugness out of my voice, replying "Hey."
"My parents and roommates think I overreacted," she said, "so... I'm sorry. I... I just don't want us to be so mad anymore." Wait a minute, I thought, she told her roommates? Before I could let my surprise and anger speak for me, I said "I'm sorry, too. I said I'd be there, and changed plans without telling you first. But your parents are awesome... and I'm starting to like your roommates already."
"Shut up," Stacey said, giggling, and just like that, the fight was over. Mostly. She continued "When are you coming to visit? You need to be kicked so you don't do that to me again." Just hearing her say that made me gasp and I couldn't help myself. I asked "How hard?" She let her voice slip into a more seductive tone when she answered "You'll be begging me to stop." When I made a sound of non-committal, she said in her sexiest voice "You know you want me to." I was starting to get really turned on and told her "You better stop..." She kept going, asking "Getting warmed up for me? I guess I shouldn't tell you how I'm going to step on your penis, then. Stand on it with one foot..." My breathing was becoming ragged so I said "Babe, you should stop. Or I'll touch myself and you'll be bored tomorrow." She immediately left her sexy voice behind, practically yelling "Wait, no! Don't touch!" Realization dawned on her and she asked excitedly "You're really coming tomorrow?" I grunted in the affirmative and she shouted her approval.
The call ended and I started packing. Around Saturday afternoon, I got on the road and arrived early evening. I got there just in time to have dinner with her new roommates, and there were three of them. They all seemed pretty cool, even playfully chastised Stacey for picking that fight a few days ago (even though we were both very much at fault). After dinner, they all went out to a movie and, as they left, made jokes about how we'd be "making up" from our spat. They had no idea...
The door had barely closed behind them when Stacey bolted into her bedroom and closed the door. I could faintly hear her rummaging around a bit, then I didn't hear anything for a few minutes. Finally, she opened the door, popped her hip out a little, and put her hand on the door jamb, making for a really sexy pose. She was also now wearing her red top with the criss crosses over her cleavage, her black micro-miniskirt, and the tall black heels. I swallowed hard; she looked so amazing.
"Still have all your clothes on?" Stacey asked, and I knew that was my cue to take them all off. I stripped completely naked and she beckoned to me with her finger, sliding her body to the side in silent invitation into the bedroom. I grabbed my clothes and slipped by her into her bedroom as she closed the door and locked it behind me. She pointed to the floor a few feet away and said sternly "Clothes." I understood and placed my clothes where she was pointing. She then held out both of her hands and I took them; as soon as she had a firm grip, I watched as one of her feet left the floor and crashed between my legs. I think I might have hit the floor before the shoe that kicked me did. She'd never kicked me so hard, and I was afraid our night was over almost before it began. It hurt SO much, almost too much to turn me on. Almost. And, although Stacey knew it really hurt, she apparently wasn't done with me.
"Get back up," she snapped, and I made my way back to standing, although very slowly. Without warning, she stepped forward and lifted her knee up, crushing both my balls with her thigh and, before I could protect myself, she took a slight step back and kneed me with her other leg. This time, however, her kneecap found its target and I collapsed to the floor in a heap. She grabbed me under my arms and attempted to pull me up, presumably so she could kick me again, but I found my voice and begged her to wait. She let me go but not before she said "Bet you won't act like a jerk to me again, will you?" She gave me a few more minutes then got tired of waiting, so she ordered me to sit and "give her room;" she was going to step on me.
I did as I was told and she stepped into the V my legs created, then pressed my semi-hard cock onto her floor. This carpeting was a lot less plush than in her bedroom at her house and I was only partially erect, so it REALLY hurt this time. When I closed my eyes and whimpered, I felt her hand caress my face and I thought she was going to kiss me. Instead, she said "Open your eyes, sweetie. I want you to watch." I opened my eyes slowly and glanced down, seeing her shoe on my cock, and felt it grow despite the pain; it was always really sexy watching her work.
As she ground me, stomped me, and stood on me with one foot, she taunted me "Does it hurt when I stand on your penis? Just like this? How about when I step down HARD! Am I hurting you? You're so hard under me... you must like it." Stacey let me up and stomped me back down, grinding me, her rough sole making me burn. She switched feet, having a little less control but she made up for that with her viciousness. Finally, I guess she got bored after a while, because she stepped off of me and kicked my balls with her shoe's rounded toe when my erection moved out of the way. She backed away from me, wordlessly waiting for me to stand up, and when I did, she guided me to her bed. We got into it side by side and she said "You're lucky you get to finish tonight. Touch yourself for me." I wrapped my fingers around it and stroked up and down, not bothering to tease her at all, going fast right out of the gate. Stacey said quietly "Watch, baby" before driving her knee into my balls. I grunted and stopped jerking for a second, but she said "Don't stop, keep going while I knee you." As I moved my hand up and down, she would knee me, hard sometimes and gently other times, ask me if I thought her shoes were sexy on her, if I liked her smooth sexy legs. When she could sense that the end was near, she kneed me once more, but left her knee there to grind into me. I'm pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head and I may have passed out when I went over the edge...
When I came back down to earth, she was already out of bed, taking her heels and skirt off and changing into her pajamas. She came back into bed and helped me clean myself up, then turned out the light, got into bed with me, and said "I'm tired tonight. Tomorrow, you owe me twice; for the fight, and for tonight.
I didn't argue with that assessment as we drifted off to sleep.
The End.
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