Erica Noelle Wang's Blog (4)

In case you were wondering..

For those of you also on Reddit, yes, that is indeed me.. But you guys here who were with me from the start will be the ones to get early previews at the stories!

Added by Erica Noelle Wang on September 29, 2023 at 11:06am — 4 Comments

My latest adventure

I know I have not been posting for awhile(busy with work and relationship) but I'll share some stories on what's been going on lately.

I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with this, but I LOVE being a huge cock tease to my men, and frequently turn on my partner big time, only to leave him hanging, promising a bigger reward when I finally go all the way with him. He really likes it a lot when I press my knee against his nuts while I go to work with my hands or mouth(at least I think he… Continue

Added by Erica Noelle Wang on July 13, 2017 at 1:21pm — 6 Comments

Ex-Boyfriend Busts

Well there was this one guy in particular who was not really physically imposing, but he really knew how to push my buttons with his words. The first time I accidentally got him with my knee while we were cuddling, although it was very lightly. That got a confession out of him, about how while he had girls threaten to kick him there before, he had never actually been kicked by a girl. (He had a few close friends who were girls who have threatened to bust him before, although they were…


Added by Erica Noelle Wang on July 6, 2015 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

Sex ed class

This was from when I was 15, and wanted to get back at a boy who was making me feel miserable. I am not a violent person, and hitting him there seemed more like a emergency button than a fight.

It took place a few days after a sex ed class our school nurse gave us, where she had specifically pointed at a chart of the male anatomy and told us girls to never kick a guy there, as the testicles were very delicate. She then proceeded to tell us a story about one of her friends who got…


Added by Erica Noelle Wang on October 24, 2014 at 10:19am — 9 Comments


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