This was from when I was 15, and wanted to get back at a boy who was making me feel miserable. I am not a violent person, and hitting him there seemed more like a emergency button than a fight.

It took place a few days after a sex ed class our school nurse gave us, where she had specifically pointed at a chart of the male anatomy and told us girls to never kick a guy there, as the testicles were very delicate. She then proceeded to tell us a story about one of her friends who got kicked there once by a girl, and he could not make babies with his wife today. Many of the boys were blushing, and several girls who had done it before giggled. For the whole day after that, I kept imagining what would a boy's reaction be when he gets kicked.  

So I fantasized doing it to this boy who teased me in school all the time, and practiced kicking him in my room. I picked a fight with him the next day, and got a whole bunch of people watching us. He started getting a little nervous, and tried to get away but I really pushed his buttons and he walked towards me, pointing at me. My heart was racing, and as he took his first step, I stood my ground and raised my foot up and in between his legs. I felt his nuts squish against his body, and held it there for a second as his eyes widened and he screamed. 

He went down crying, and everyone gasped. His girlfriend ran towards him from the crowd horrified, and had to help him to the nurse's office once he could start walking. 

The following day, the nurse who gave us the talk pulled me aside and spoke to me about the incident. She told me that if I had hit him any harder, I could have ruined his sex life and I should not do it again. I took her advice, I earned a name for myself already as "nut cracker girl". Anytime a guy tried to pick on me, I would raise my leg a little or threaten to kick them and that did the job and other girls would cheer me on.

As for that guy, apparently his girlfriend put him in the hospital within the week, during which he really got in her face during a heated argument, and she grabbed his shoulders and hit him there with her knee. He had still been recovering from the kick I gave him, and walked funny, and I heard that HER kick really messed him up down there and she got in huge trouble for it. He changed schools shortly after so I never found out what happened to him.

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Comment by Erica Noelle Wang on November 17, 2014 at 12:16pm

He must have been hurt very badly because she got him in the nuts again during the recovery! Yes, I do that to guys who annoy me often! Although often I do wonder what happened to him after he left.. 

Comment by nolizards on October 30, 2014 at 9:28am
Hey Erica, do you still lift your leg and threaten to kick guys, I always thought that kind of threat was intimidating from a girl. :-)
Comment by Erica Noelle Wang on October 30, 2014 at 8:04am

I think she broke his balls! A lot of people talked about it, but I do not know what is real 

Comment by playfight on October 29, 2014 at 2:53am

Great story. There was few girls in grade school who go often for balls but i was too shy to tease them enough.

Comment by comrade on October 29, 2014 at 1:25am

Fascinating, when I was in grade school I had a similar situation except I never got busted by the girl! I had a huge crush on her and she'd always go around threatening to kick boys. BIggest regret is not teasing her or anything!!

Comment by Lestat Lioncourt on October 28, 2014 at 9:48pm

Nice an terrorific history, but I hope forever and never any girl kick my nuts if I'm not hope

Comment by Erica Walo on October 28, 2014 at 8:50pm

um, hopefully she was smart enough to break up lol considering that boy probably just lost the ability to reproduce rofl

those poor ballies

Comment by Erica Noelle Wang on October 28, 2014 at 11:29am

He got swollen nuts from my kick, but I don't know the full extent of the damage she did. All I know is he had to wear supportive underwear after I kicked him, and go to the ER after she kneed him. I was not there to see it, but she did it in front of people again so you can see why he had to change schools after it so I never got to find out how bad her knee got him, but it must have hurt a lot to get hit there again. 

Comment by nolizards on October 27, 2014 at 1:13pm

Thanks for sharing that Erica.. very hot! You two girls really taught him the meaning of girl power.


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