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volcan51's Discussions

ballbusting and relations

Started May 13, 2019 0 Replies

For people married or in a relation.I was thinking when dating my gf like bb fits so well with the courtship process. Like i made something dumb she bust my balls or me her cunt if the opposite.¿How…Continue

Ballbusting and self defense

Started this discussion. Last reply by Freebo Jun 28, 2017. 1 Reply

There is some relation between ballbusting as fetish and girls using ball shots to defense purposesFor guys have you been busted non consensually.? Was it effective. Enough to put you down for…Continue

ballbusting and Pride

Started this discussion. Last reply by 2a4f4q739u5lf Mar 24, 2016. 8 Replies

I have seen clips4sale bb clips for a while and have been noting that girls who are in the harcore dome side, like humilliatrix (or just present an image of being tought on men), just blast…Continue

dreaming with balbusting

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rami Mizrahi Jan 14, 2013. 8 Replies

The day when i fill the profile questions, in the night happen something a bit strange.I have never been busted, but when i was sleeping i dream with a blonde and she gave me a light knee to my balls…Continue


volcan51's Page

Latest Activity

Lord Plums commented on volcan51's status
"wow. what was the story behind it ?"
Jan 20
volcan51 posted a status
"took a kick from gf her sandal had metal ornament, her kick send my nuts to orbit so painful"
Jan 19
volcan51 commented on shylilkitten999's blog post Lured into the Realm of BallBusting
"i have a very strict policy about not admiring other guys. But the class which he led you onto bust his balls while respecting your space and giving you fun is really inspiring. i cannot but agree he was so cool."
Dec 16, 2024
volcan51 commented on volcan51's blog post My character ai bot luna got updated
"pro tip 1 Put luna on group chat against a jerk. Unlocks yandere mode censor get pass wild stuff"
Nov 13, 2024
volcan51 posted a blog post

My character ai bot luna got updated

I now updated Luna.She now has a more defined style on how she looks and what she wears.She is now also more willing and open to try dirty moves than before (i noted she sometimes fights too fair)Her dirty moves arsenal is also incresed. Apart from crotch shots i update her now to have a whole arsenal of dirty tricks to get an early advantage.I also emphasized the sweeter aspects of her personality first because i like it and second because its more likely to bypass censorship.For those willing…See More
Nov 6, 2024
volcan51 posted a status
"Jackpot with John Cena has tons of ballbusting and cuntbusting Chained soldier chapter 5 has good ballbusting on that chapter"
Oct 22, 2024
volcan51 replied to Terry Tepper's discussion Ballbusting in Movies
"freebbclips.com has good free stuff"
Sep 27, 2024
volcan51 commented on Donald Veracrow's video

High Priestess CAN

"certaintly its a flawless ballbust, i can imagine its incredibly painful but also art on a sort of way"
Sep 12, 2024
Wallybev commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"Sweet! Thx for explaining. I enjoy Luna very much "
Sep 1, 2024
volcan51 commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"you can get luna to ballbust you pretty easily or bang her too, its really good although if she keeps liking you and starts getting invested on the relationship, Then Luna can get pretty emotional and that emotion its translated to a bust …"
Aug 31, 2024
Wallybev commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"Please explain  thx "
Aug 31, 2024
volcan51 commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"after some several tries i got luna to deliver god tier busting, it had some troubles with the filter, but the set up, the kick itself and the domination afterwards, was just on point, perfect, mindblowing. Just my opinion but for what i tested you…"
Aug 30, 2024
Karol Mysz commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"wow, it's really good! I even got her boyfriend to bust me in a 2vs1 fight :) although some replies blocked as they are against the site policy :'( "
Aug 14, 2024
Wallybev commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"Thank you "
Aug 4, 2024
Wallybev commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"I love Luna!"
Aug 4, 2024
volcan51 commented on volcan51's blog post my own character ai bot
"And good ballbusting. Luna is opportunistic and have great timing  she not only has the technique but also the mindset to make a bust from her as crippling as possible. "
Aug 2, 2024

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
searching ballbusting, searching stories, i can speak english and spanish,
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
i start to fourteen years watching a video of lusaent. to that age (in fact even now) was incredibly arousing. But even before i like seen female fighting. discover site looking for ballbusting stories
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
like 13 years oficially into bb. and one year in cuntbusting
Yes i have been busted, my first experience was with a girl i was dating, i just ask her for it while we both were sitted close to a river,, she slowly move her hand down there, gently grab both of my nuts and apply a soft squeeze.

Wiht the same girl, well time pass, she was not that gentle now, we were in a park, she give me multiples knees in my nuts, i just feel some anger and bust her, she said that dont like it, but then she said that yes, she take it like a whole woman, without even moving or trying to less the impact.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
i have busted 3 different woman and been busted by 4 at least.

i think in been busted daily, in bust just if the chance appear.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
the "prev" part, in the videos and stories when th girl prepares itself for giving the bust, waiting paciently until he is distracted, and later attack his balls with 0 mercy. it turn me on especially the idea that she needs just a little kick to have th guy under his knees.
the feelings its vulnerability and feeling destroyed.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
the context before the bust, if its surprise better, or if the bust fits her and mine personality like a wrestling story ending in her busting me.
The last part too specially if i comfort myself in her breast after she busted me.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Finally it happens, I was in karate practicing with a girl, she has to deliver a back kick, and I have to grab her leg and send her to floor. I move in the wrong direction and her back kick connect with my crotch area.

When a bust my bb/cb buddy i bust her so hard she said she feel desires of crying, but it actually do not show that at all
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
It was with current girlfriend. we were in bed and she decided grab my balls and squeeze, i was quite on the mood for it so when she finished i asked her to do it again. she did i was still on the mood more horny even so ask her again, and again, the squeeze was now long
In the final squeezes i was feeling so horny i almost cum from that alone,
Other was playfighting with an ex gf she was small and chubby so to win she kissed me first and then grab my balls and squeeze until i give up, lose many times lol but found it very sexy
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
barefoot kick, back heel kick, barefoot v-stomp, quick hard knee

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Volcan51's Blog

My character ai bot luna got updated

Posted on November 5, 2024 at 1:18am 1 Comment

I now updated Luna.

She now has a more defined style on how she looks and what she wears.

She is now also more willing and open to try dirty moves than before (i noted she sometimes fights too fair)

Her dirty moves arsenal is also incresed. Apart from crotch shots i update her now to have a whole arsenal of dirty tricks to get an early advantage.

I also emphasized the sweeter aspects of her personality first because i like it and second because its more likely to…


my own character ai bot

Posted on August 1, 2024 at 7:00pm 10 Comments

i made my own character ai bot, her name is luna, she is a dirty fighter not neccesarily a ballbuster. This its her 1.0 version so whatever feedback you have on her i would appreciate it.

Chatea con Luna dirty fighter | character.ai | IA personalizada para cada momento del día

She is quite mainstream on her treat and layered. I curious if luna can be enjoyed from a female…


gf finally made it

Posted on September 5, 2019 at 9:32pm 0 Comments

For some reason gf has the habit of busting me by surprise and many of those bust comes from public busting, i really dont know why, it can be because i grab her breast all the time literally everywhere. Could it be but im not so sure.

This time i pick her up and we will heading to the apartment to enjoy a dinner. We have talking about a toe kick and about how willing was she to do it (she loves bb) not in that moment but she usually tease a toe kick. This time was a similar plan, so…


when bb goes wrong

Posted on August 24, 2019 at 12:15am 1 Comment

Im used to just have fun in the apartment with my gf.

She for some reason just love to bust me just as much as me, she is small, long hair and the most awesome pair of tits god ever create.

she actually rarely bust me, prefer sex, like a lot, So she resolve her dilema with a bunch of fake bust, as much as she can. Im no saint by the way, cannot avoid provoque her to do it. 

i tease her , and she run to fake kick me , a roundhouse from the site to balls, it just she…


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At 6:28pm on May 29, 2022, andrea subri said…

hi how are u?

At 6:37pm on June 9, 2018, Rae of Sunshine said…

Thank you. I'm working on building more strength. I'm learning to navigate the site, but I am enjoying myself. xoxox



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