- Dude your topic it’s the most stupid. Ever.
- Shut up Jake.
Jack and Jack were two friends discussing about what Jack will ask to this model in what it would be his first interview as a professional reporter.
- You really will ask her. A model, ask that piece of first class meat about self-defense. I’m your friend but come on. Can you be dumber?
- I told you Jake, shut up or you will be the one needing self-defense. You see I got these. All those other dudes are talking boring s*it about her career, I bring something new and fresh. Just look at her. Obviously she had to use self-defense in her life or else she would have been raped at least 5 times.
Look at that piece of beauty 5.8 tall, that immaculate tanned skin, with no ugly veins showing up, that long brunette and just a little curly hair. That class at dressing. You got me right?
- Get it, I will be your camera man, but of she looks at you like you are some kind of weird stalker I would ran for my life pretending you never existed. Deal?
- You are such a friend (while laughing). Let’s go man.
After a short ride they arrive to the location where the model was waiting for them. Finding her was the easiest thing in the world. Just alone in one table in the café, one of the most gorgeous woman they ever see. White but tanned skin, showing her slim legs with a short dark red dress and bright white high heel sandals.
- Hi miss….
- Natalya a pleasure. (shacking hands)
- I`m jack, he is Jake, we will get this quick. No worries.
- I really don’t have much time.
- So miss. Being you a model I imagine some guys just have try to take advantage of you. Have you had to defend yourself?
Jake was entering in an astral plane trying to not hear what his friend just says. For his astonishing she answered.
- Well, yes, many times, I remember a few when I have to be really mean.
- What cases have been those?
- Most guys just get to carry on, like talking really inappropriate, then I have to tell them I will not tolerate that language. But there are other that are a bit more violent.
- So you have to get physical right?
- The thing its I know I’m weaker than them, so I have to be extra mean, neutralize them quickly and give them no chances.
- How do you do that?
- I strike their testicles. Hard. Its important to take my time, make sure I really crush them. I know their bodies have lots of other weak spots but to crush their sexuality its like cutting the root of the problem. Right?
- Sure miss. Sounds like a good plan, but how you get the groin strike? I watch you now, you are surely athletic, but with that uncomfortable clothes. How can you do it?
- Since you invite me this coffee I can give you a demonstration. So whoever who watch this interview will know it’s not really big deal
- Sure miss.
They both stand up face each other.
- For safety measures I will kick you with my instep. (in a way slow motion place the instep between jack’s legs, rubbing it a little). Or maybe I should say caressing (rubs it more),….. teasing,….. massage them.
- What are you doing miss?
- What im doing? (She gets in close hugging him by the neck) Too close for you?.
- Yes. Should I kiss you. Pull you away?
- Think you are in control? How naïve (getting her lips closer to his)
As soon as the kiss feels imminent she suddenly grabs his neck hard, pulls a bit back and knees jack in the groin. The point of her kneecap crash his nuts and send waves of pain to poor jack’s body.
- Bet you forget your legs were still open (Natalya has a smile in whole her face)
- This s*it hurt like hell. Like the stomach too, not sure why. Like you kneed the stomach too. (Jake was trembling but still standing)
- I weakened you right? I bet I can take on you now. Sure I would beat you
- With due respect I’m just thinking in my balls right now.
- Can you please just fall to the floor? I’m starting to feel bad to no kneeing you full force.
- Wait that wasn’t full force? Come on.
- Don’t feel wrong, was like an 80%, I want to give a good impression.
Jake falls down and gets in fetal position.
- God save me.
- For defense isn’t really important, I could just knee you 2 or three times more. That always do the trick.
- I’m happy with one. Guess
- I think I will just leave the scene since I just defended myself.
- Can you tell us how you did it. This crap hurts. But I would love have another interview.
- If you write something nice about me I could keep spending my time in showing you my techniques.
- Deal