Based on the scene of Aphrodite and Kratos in GOW 3. Very similar scene just slightly different from canon, BB different

The mighty ex god of war Kratos arrive by pure casualty to the room of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Who was as you remember very busy with her 2 servants.

Aphrodite: Oh. Kratos. The weather its different, because of you. You have killed the other ones. Have you come for me? To kill me too?

Kratos: I don’t care about you. Just tell me anything about Pandora. Where I can find her?

Aphrodite: Really. Why not?

Kratos: You are the most pathetic of Olimpians. Not even a real goddess. Drunken Hera has more dignity than you whore.

Aphrodite: Pandora its where not even you can find her. Bet also you want a piece of this whore.

Kratos: Sure

The ex-god of war proceeds to bang with fury at the goddess of love. Breaking her in more than one way. In the middle of the carnage Aphrodite tries to be sneaky and grab Kratos testicles.

Kratos: You want to die? (pulling his blade of exile)

Aphrodite: Are you scared? Previously you sounded like I cannot hurt you.

Kratos: Enough. Time to die.

Aphrodite: You can kill me. Or finish banging me.

The ex-god of war forbids the goddess and keep banging her with fury until he get full and powerful satisfaction. Aphrodite looked senseless.

Kratos: You got what you wanted whore. Remember you are only alive because I allow it.

The ex-god of war turn his back and barely walk two steps before feeling a sharp pain coming from the back of his testicles. Aphrodite have kicked him from behind with the ball of her foot. The kick just sneaked from the below of his skirt allowing Aphrodite get a perfect connection with the ex-god of war bare balls. Only pain was next for the mighty Kratos as he fall to his knees holding his aching crotch.

Kratos: how?

Aphrodite: You were the god of war. Not the god of sex. But more important let’s talk about your future. You will see, im not the type of goddess who gives second chances.

Aphrodite managed to move away kratos hands, move her hand to the underneath of his skirt and get a firm and secure grip of the ex-god of war balls. She wasted no time in starting the squeeze.

Kratos: Let me go (doing his best of trying to get his blades of exile)

Aphrodite: This its not like your ogre struggling. I feel no resistance from you package. The least movement from your part and I castrate you.

Kratos: Let me go (now fully quiet)

Aphrodite: You don’t get at all what its happening here right? Open your eyes my dear touch my body again.

Kratos proceeds to touch her. Her feet, her legs, hips, breast, ass, face. Even her pussy. The more he touches. More and more lust and desire. An unnatural level of lust. The more she squeezes. The more pain. More lust.

Kratos: You did something to me. Let me go now (while grabbing her pussy)

Aphrodite: Ok. Do as you please (She stop the squeeze while smiling)

The god of war unleashes wrath over the goddess of love. Punches her. Kicks her martyrize her body like if there was no tomorrow. Her face end bleeding, her hair fully speeded and her body from neck to feet full of bruises.

Kratos: I will finish you

Kratos gives a full force knee to the goddess of love groin. Aphrodite trembles, shocked in sudden pain. Put every last bit of her will to still stand, she had pride after all, not let herself fall to the god of war.

Aphrodite: Are you satisfied?

Kratos: no.

Aphrodite: I bet I can do something about it. (Still stand it move slowly her foot right to Kratos groin, touching it lightly.) Are you ready for what comes next?

Kratos: yes.

Aphrodite proceeds to kick full force to the balls of the god of war. Again Kratos feels this time from the front how the ball of the goddess of love foot gets from the underneath of his skirt and   crashes his gonads. The kick sound so hard the echo feels like the impact of a giant rock. Kratos fell directly to the floor completely paralyzed from the pain.

Aphrodite: Hope you has some godly balls. That kick was more than enough to castrate an ogre.

Kratos: How is this possible? (still shaking and cold sweating)

Aphrodite: Don’t underestimate the goddess of love dear. Now you are the one who lives because I allow it.

Kratos: I need recover. You will live.

Aphrodite: That it’s such a relief. For one moment I thought I would need to keep showcasing my skills. (Aphrodite foot was now on Kratos mouth pushing it and pressing against it) may I force you to lick my feet.

Kratos: Enough.

 Not even against Zeus was so hard to stand up. But Kratos did and left the room. Trying to forget. Everything.

Servant 1: Goddess how you did it?

Aphrodite: Do I owe you any explanation servant?

Servant 2: Please. We really want to know

Aphrodite: When he touching and having sex with me. I use that to force him to have an unmeasurable lust for whatever move I did. Specially for kicks and any attack on his groin.

Servant 1: Did that just work for you?

Aphrodite: Work for any woman. So If he comes and I’m not here you have to go for his groin and use it to survive until I return. He is actually smart. My power knows no limits. I could have him loving been stabbed or even dying. What I did was just playing,

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