I totally get it when you bust for fun but would there ever be a time when you might stop and think that maybe the guy is to young or to old to bust?

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Actually a god question, im surprised not more responses, for me,  I would not bust a really old guy unless he was attacking me or seriously perverted, I would be worried if I kicked him it could give him it could give him a shock or heart attack!!  So he may have deserved a kick, but not to die!! Aye    But as far as how young I would go when kicking, thats tricky, I wouldn't kick a little boy, but some boys are pretty grown up, so maybe in age they are young, but in actions and abilities they are acting really grown. 

Ive actually had a situation when my friends a 9 year old cousin kept getting touchy with my booty at a family event. I was maybe 25 when this happened. I really didn't know what to do, cause my instinct was to kick him, and teach him how to be respectful, but it would have seemed inappropriate to do so cause of the event. So, at some point I spoke to his mom, my friend, and she was not surprised and said he get it from his brothers, and she was embarrassed by his actions, and that I to my surprise she actually suggested that I "teach him a lesson"  and actually said to me in Spanish to basically just kick him in his huevos if it happens again!!  She was like, the thought had crossed her mind, but I should do it!!... So I didnt know what to say, so we both just laughed- but she was serious i know, but it was crazy that his own mom suggested it to me. I never did kick him, but he knew i spoke to his mom, and I think just knowing how she talks and how she is, he figured she said something to me, so he just stopped coming around me after that.

if he continue would you kick him

I might've pushed him away, but he's a super big kid, it looks like he's about 14 or 15, so I don't know I might've? but if I did I don't think I would've done it really hard, just enough to get away

At first I was also totally surprised and a little bit shocked that his own mother suggested to kick a 9 yr. old boy in the balls. But it came to my mind that she mybe just tried to protect his little jewels.

She certainly knows or assumes that he behaves not only towards you in that way but also against other girls. If you would kick him I assume that you definitely would not kick full force but give him only a light kick to teach him a lesson. This could prevent him from behaving that way to other girls in the future.

If he keeps getting touchy with other girls booties they may kick his jewels into mush.

So maybe it was just a weird but well-meant suggestion to protect him.

Yeah, that might've been her intention, because she knows I wouldn't kick him too hard, just enough to teach him a lesson. I guess I might've kicked him if it really started to get out of hand and he wouldn't stop- maybe I would actually be helping him by doing it!! Lol

 In theory that bust could help him, just imagine if he was touchy with booty of girl few years older then him

I would had told that boy if you touch me again, I will kick you so hard in the balls.

I am sure many boys would see this as an additional reason to touch you :)

True, true.

Hey, come on, Mz Jhoana and Stiletto Ann, give us older guys a chance! Ok, we may have grown up in a different time, but we notice very well, what is going on around as nowadays, and we certainly enjoy being kicked in the groin by a young, attraktive woman. Don't hold back. Kick us if you find it necessary. Don't force us to have to become really rude to you first, before you lose this fear about maybe killing us and start kicking.

Lol thx Dave, I will keep it in mind!!

Wow at that story Mz Jhoana. It makes me think two things: a) how good of a mother is this woman that she lets her son act in such a way, and feels like she gives up and says "Oh just hit him", to actually suggest you kick her own son in the family jewels, and b) how badly brought up is this kid, lol. He's only 9, and he's doing some really cheeky things like grabbing asses and not caring.

I feel conflicted at the moment, haha. A part of me says that violence isn't the answer, and especially not with kids, while the other half of me thinks well, I wonder if a light kick in the nuts would calm him down? lol. Sounds like a bad kid, but also a bad mum. Maybe a light kick to the kid, to teach him a lesson, and a kick to the mum too, to get her to be a better parent, hahaha. :P



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