Medical study about decrease in testicle volume after trauma

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Comment by Rooomer on April 1, 2024 at 8:25am

I think some people are reading this study wrong. They studied guys who got just one of their balls hurts (or at least primarily hurt) from some trauma

The last two columns are measuring the size difference between the uninjured nut and the one that got smashed. I think the idea here is to isolate the trauma as the thing that affected size. 

No one had their balls measured pre-trauma. The fourth column describes the state of things when they went to the hospital the first time. Sometimes they had an ultrasound (u/s) sometimes they didn't. Sometimes their balls were roughly the same size, sometimes they weren't. Then some number of months later, they went back to get these measurements and in some cases that injured nut was now smaller than his brother. 

So in case 4, the guy got blasted in one nut by volleyball (really?). He went to the hospital. Didn't get an ultra sound, but a doctor felt him up and judged that his balls were roughly the same size. Two months later an ultra sound show injured ball was a little smaller than non-injured ball. (Also worth noting using an ultrasound to measure volume is not super accurate)

Still funny that there is a study on this, but it really doesn't say that one kick in the nuts will make your balls shrink by 50% or whatever. 

Comment by Donald Veracrow on March 31, 2024 at 2:36am

WAIT WAIT WAIT. I have a concern here!!

how did they know the percentage their balls shrank? How did they know how much “volume” there was in the balls before they showed up to the ER whining?

who has their balls measured like… ever? This study makes no sense

Comment by Donald Veracrow on February 13, 2024 at 2:45pm

Ik Erica. By these numbers, you’d think my balls are microscopic after how deep I’ve been with BB for over 10 years lol.

they’re not. And they still work lol

Comment by Erica Noelle Wang on February 13, 2024 at 9:44am

now this has got me thinking about the men i've kicked and how heavy their bag is before and after.. 

Comment by Donald Veracrow on February 6, 2024 at 9:31pm

This is quite confusing to those of us who have been kicked hundreds of times by women we told to kick as hard as they could. How in the world are these wussies developing detectable trauma and why are they going to the doctor every time they piss off some girl and get pwned for it? The WORST i have ever had was severely bruised nutsack and presumably balls too (quite dark and tender) and that was after COUNTLESS back to back hard kicks square in the balls.

i don’t get it 

Comment by Christoph on January 31, 2024 at 4:20pm

Gosh... the reductions of 10,8 to 4,8 and 22,6 to 7,6 seem pretty harsh given that they're caused by kick and knees (and likely by women then) :O

Comment by playfight on July 6, 2021 at 11:08pm

It would be fun to know if any was done by girl

Comment by Weak dude on July 4, 2021 at 6:23am

wow, very interesting!

Comment by Katja on March 13, 2020 at 9:38am

laugh. a good hit destroys ... :-D . 5/10 were a well placed kick additional a knee. wow .... probably most of it from an angry girl. :-D

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on March 12, 2020 at 12:09am

Skyhigh, even better :)


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