In the weeks after the self defense class it was clear the dynamic in the marriage between Bob and Marg had changed. Marg, in the past quite passive, had become dominant over Bob. Telling him what to wear, what to eat, and most importantly what to do at every opportunity. She also made a routine of telling him to put his cup on so she could stay sharp on all her new moves. He would groan about it but invariably lugged himself upstairs and came back down wearing his cup, and a pair of sweatpants. This was when he was a, in her words, “Good boy”. If he had angered her in any way she would tell him she wanted to practice the grabs. They would move the furniture aside and he would be forced to stand they while his wife practiced slapping, grabbing and twisting his poor balls until he fell to the floor in gut wrenching pain. She liked watching him on the floor, hands covering his battered nuts. She also liked to tease him asking if she had bruised his “little buddies”. He would get annoyed but knew better than the back talk and simply nod in acknowledgement. After a while of this however Marg started to get bored. She felt it was a shame that she couldn’t share this new found power with her girlfriends and decided to change that.

So that week she picked a day she knew Bob would be out and invited her 4 of her friends by for a little demonstration. She told them what had happened at the class and they had been bugging her to bring them along. Instead, she thought she could just show them herself being a bit of an expert by now. They sat in the living room as she told them stories of how much fun it was to kick a grown man in his testicles and watch him squirm on the ground at her feet. “There’s this moment before the pain really hits them where they look you in the eyes as if to say ‘please no'” she told them “it really does make you feel like a queen, like your in complete control”. Her friends were laughing and told her they were dying to try it out.

Bob arrived home and his heart sank as he had noticed the cars in the driveway and simply thought his wife had some company. When he saw the furniture moved and most embarrassingly his little cup and sweatpants laid put prominently he realized this was going to be bad for him. Still though, he felt he could get out of it by acting like he didn’t know what was going on..

“Hey girls” he said in his most affable tone. They looked at him like a group of hyenas stalking their prey. “Hey honey” his wife replied. “I thought it would be nice to have the girls over for a little self defense lesson, after all you agreed women need to know how to protect themselves”. Bob looked at her with disbelief, it was exactly what he was worried about. “Of course! Well yall have fun.” he said still hoping to get out of what he knew was coming. She looked at him with raised eyebrows “Obviously well need some help, after all none of us have anything dangling between our legs” this got a laugh out of the women. Marg leaned in and whispered in his ear “don’t embarrass me in front of my friends dear, be a good boy and put on your cup for us or you know whatll happen later”. Bob gulped and knew he was stuck, his face went a bit red as he slowly walked over and grabbed his protection then went upstairs to change. The women cheered knowing they were about to have some fun.

Once he was ready, he came back downstairs as his wife grabbed his hand and led him to the center of the room. “OK ladies, this first one is easy. Just line him up and let your foot fly directly into his manhood. Even with the protection you’ll see how effective it is”. With that she stepped back and unleashed a crushing kick directly into his groin. There was a loud popping sound and a deep manly grunt from Bob followed by him crouching down slowly as the pain recoiled through his entire body. The cup really didn’t stop the pain at all, just made it somewhat tolerable and recover fast enough to endure more. The women were really enjoying this, he looked up after a second to see 5 gleaming faced all looking down at him with a mix of smug superiority and excitement. “Now the fun part, who wants to go first?”. Her friend Nancy’s hand shot up immediately “I’d love to!”. She stood in the middle of the room and squared Bob’s shoulders up to her for a little added theater. Bob gazed at her with the most pathetic look of resignation. “OK big boy, here comes trouble!” as she sent another powerful kick dead center on his groin lifting him to his toes and left her foot there. Bob’s face scrunched up like prune before again slowly sinking down to the ground at her feet. Since she had not pulled her foot back, it looked almost like he was hugging her ankle as he held himself on the ground. This caused the ladies to howle with laughter as they couldn’t believe what a mess he looked like after getting hit with a cup on. Nancy, relishing the moment, put a finger under Bobs chin and lifted his head to meet her eyes “tell me where it hurts big boy.” She said sternly. “My balls” he said in a somber tone “you hurt my balls”. She gave him a big smile. They all took a turn but Nancy was certainly seemed to get the biggest kick out of it both literally and figuratively.

“OK Bob now we want to do some grabs. So take off the cup and don’t worry about the sweats, just like a few weeks ago!” with this Bob began to walk upstairs “I don’t see what the point is hun, in a few minutes we’ll all be pretty familiar with what you’ve got down there” Nancy said in a laughing voice . He ignored her and walked upstairs, he needed a minute and also really didn’t want to undress in front of all his wife’s friends. He came back down with his jeans on in an act of defiance, one he would soon regret.

“I thought I was clear that I wanted you in just your undies?” his wife said sternly “are you sure you want to piss me off now?” she was right it wasn’t the smartest move by him knowing what was coming either way but there was a part of him still trying to maintain a molecule of pride. “This is perfect actually, ladies, let me show you how easy men really are to control”. With that Margs hand shot down underneath his balls and lifted up bringing all the material of the jeans with it and grabbed his testicles like a vice. She really had become quite skilled as Bob thought he was somewhat protected by the jeans. His eyes widened and a faint gasp left him involuntarily as his wife began undoing his pants with the other hand. He was helpless as she quickly undid the button pulled the zipper and opened his pants up. Then she reached into his underwear with her other hand switching his balls from right to left with ease. With that she dropped his jeans and told him to step out of them which he did immediately. She knew she had complete control and to demonstrate this told him to pull his underwear down as well. Bob had no choice but to do as he was told leaving him completely naked in front of this group of women. They could now for the first time see the most intimate parts of their friends husbands anatomy which cause them to nearly fall out of their seats laughing. It really was a pathetic sight, this grown man standing nude from the waist down being held by his balls by his wife pleading with her to have mercy and apologizing for being uncooperative. “You see girls? Men really are the weaker sex, I have my poor hubby nearly in tears because I have his tiny balls in my grip. He'll do anything I say right now and it took almost no effort at all. Isn’t that right little man?” she said tightening her grip for dramatic effect. He nodded his head feverishly making sure not to disobey any further “That’s right, now be a good boy and help us finish so these ladies can do the same to their husband’s tonight. But first I’m a bit thirsty from having to yell at you. So go get us some wine from the kitchen then come back and pour us a glass”. With that she released him and he doggishly walked naked to the do as told. When he came back she held out her empty glass for him to fill which he did. “Wow” said Nancy “I never imagined the night would go like this!”. “Neither did I” Marg replied “But I won’t tolerate disrespect and with men there’s only one way to deal with it, you gotta nip it in the bud”. They laughed as Nancy said “squash it in the grapes more like it!”

Bob stood there nude as his wife explained how much happier she was since she took control. Her friends took turns nodding their head at her and then turning to ogle his naked body. “OK now, I want to show you one last thing. As much as hitting their balls anywhere makes them hurt, hitting the bottom of them will make them fold like a cheap card table. We learned this in class”. She stood up and walked over to her husband, stood directly beside him, and with a closed fist smacked him with her knuckles which caused him to grunt and bend over. “See how he’s still standing? That means I didn’t get him good enough” she took a sip of her wine as she watched him recover. When he stood back up she knelt down in front of him and gave him a solid uppercut to his nuts pushing them up into his pelvis and held her fist in place. Bobs eyes were bugged out of his head with the most stupefied expression on his face they’d ever seen. The ladies were loving it as they took a moment to appreciate how his nuts had basically disappeared under his wife’s fist leaving only a tiny head poking out. Marg got up and finally let her husband fall to the ground in a heap of agony. He was lying in the middle of the room while the women watched him deal with his uniquely male pain. They chatted about hitting balls as if he wasn’t even there, or rather the way you would discuss training a dog to be obedient in its presence without fear of reprisal.

“I find it amazing what you’ve done Marg.” Nancy said starring down at Bob “I feel like as women we were never taught to control men properly but seeing what you’ve done here has inspired me. From now on I’m not only not going to apologize for be a strong woman but make men apologize to me for being so pathetic. Also I guess I always assumed guys with smaller nuts wouldn’t get hurt as bad but he really seems in agony”

With that Bob was finally starting to get up out of his fetal state. He was completely resigned to his fate and only wanted to avoid another ball bashing. “Good your finally up” his wife said “Now I want you to stand up and place your tiny little balls in my hand so I can be sure you’ll never disrespect me like that again”. He did as he was told taking his extremely sore nuts and placing them in his wifes upturned hand. “Say I’m sorry for disobeying you” she commended “I’m sorry sweetie” he said humiliated. “Good boy” she said giving him a light condescending pat “Now go sit down”.

“Any questions, Ladies?” She asked the crowd.

“I have one” her friend Sandy said who hadn’t been as vocal. “go ahead” Marg encouraged her. “Bob, I’m curious how it actually feels, what makes it so that you can’t even function that leaves you so helplessly laying here. If it was me I would have wanted to run out of room from embarrassment?”. Bob looked at her for a second thinking “It’s hard to describe if you don’t have balls, but at first it’s a jolt to the system, then there’s a second where you think it hurts but I can take it”. She nodded understanding so far “but then, there’s this creeping pain in my stomach that just keeps coming and getting worse. Like my insides are twisting up, and then it just keeps coming in waves and waves seemingly getting worse. That’s why we fall down and curl up, us guys have literally no other choice. And that makes its super embarrassing. Knowing your completely not in control and you just have to accept this is happening”. “That’s right” his wife chimed in “I was curious so I did some reading on why, apparently, the balls actually develop I the abdomen before descending. So it’s all tied up inside them and it really rocks them to their literal core when they get hit their. It’s pretty amazing stuff. Glad I’m a woman.” She said ending the statement with a smirk. “Wow” said Sandy “we definitely don’t use our girl power enough, my husband I think is going to learn a little more respect now”.

With that they all left for the night but with a new found sense of power and self esteem. Their husband’s and men at large would soon find out however how much they had learned.

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Replies to This Discussion

Lovely story...! And so well written. If there will be next, my wish would be for more detailed descriptions of the womens clothes (jeans/dresses, stockings/socks/barefeet, high heels/sneakers/bare etc) and of course also they need to learn how to KNEE...;o) 

But really a great story sequel...really hoping for more to come!

Marg is my kind of woman. 



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