A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Melinda I bet you have a universal amount of reasons haha that is probably the most reasonable reason though! I bet if you had your way they'd be broken weekly too! And that bitch mode seems to have a thirst for swollen and broken nuts! I thought you might relish that idea lol I can imagine you leading a army of women on ball purge night with the most dangerous of tools and shoes marching through the streets and making any each guy yous come across have swollen, broken or no balls! Hahaha
Hi folks, I have a technical question, and since this thread is intended to be a guide I thought it might be the best place for it.
Let's assume I have found a buddy who is starting to get into BB, and her favourite so far is kneeing me while I am naked. She is still afraid of kicking me with shoes for not causing damage.
Anyway, getting kneed naked is pretty hot for me, but somehow the knees don't impact as they should, because obviously my balls have too much room to slip away. The power of the impact is taken up mostly by my pelvis.
What can you recommend to solve that? Probably wearing pants or trousers would help by fixing them, but also reduce the submissive part of having to be naked. What else can I do?
And if you have suggestions of how to lead a still careful newbie to kicking with shoes, you are welcome, too.
Hey Jack!
These are actually pretty good legit questions. I can share some thoughts on it if you would like.
So for your first question, I am assuming that said new BB partner isn't that experienced in busting in general correct? Kneeing in general tends be a hit or miss from my experiences. I would say they are far more effective when you are clothed or wearing some kind of underwear as it stops their movement somewhat when they are hit. Even then the angle and where you strike can make it ineffective. Using more of your kneecap then your thigh works a little better. More so, for a knee to be more effective, they have to be fast and powerful, as in she needs to put some strength into it. Straight nude ball kneeing I find is a lot more difficult then one would think. They are basically designed to avoid direct damage and slip away so they aren't trapped between your pelvis and what ever is trying to smash them. Being naked, they will be pushed mostly out harms way when she does knee them. That is why you your pelvis takes most of the force. Like you said there is to much room for them to slip away.
Things that I find that work, really depends on how comfortable you are and how comfortable she is. You could wear just underwear, though it seems she doesn't mind you naked for it. Boxers are pointless. Boxer briefs can stop them from moving around a bit. If your adventurous and aren't self conscious about yourself, get a speedo. It can be visually appealing having you junk in a banana hammock. It's like a nice neat perfect package ready to be smashed haha. I have personally picked out a few underwear that I like him to wear sometimes when I bust my man. They are quite revealing so to speak and have a pouch like seam In them that makes his package stand out considerable. Good for kicking and kneeing. I am not gonna lie though, he felt stupid at first wearing them as they were not really his style. I enjoyed them immensely though during our ball busting sessions so he actually started liking them. He would even wear them when we weren't having sessions, when he wanted to get my attention. Let's just say they make everything stand out even when you have clothes on. First time he did it, I was like "oh my" with a giant grin. Talk about derailing your thoughts. All I could think about was getting his pants of and going ballistic on his ball's. Just thinking about it now is derailing my answer lol.
Anyway back on the subject, I have also seen men do the whole lycra shorts thing which also hugs everything quite nice. Some guys will cut a whole in them so their junk can hang out, providing the perfect target and making them move around less. We haven't tried that though personally, I have my own methods that I enjoy employing. Personally for me, I like using a hair tie or a cock ring when I am kneeing when he is naked. Cinch those balls up like a satchel so they have nowhere to escape to is pretty fucking effective. Bound them it at the base of your balls, and they lose all room to maneuver. The don't really have a choice other than to absorb dame near all of the force that they are taking. Even a light knee can become dehabiltaing at that point. Obviously practice safety when doing this. At full force busting, you are potentially inviting trouble to your testicles well being if you bound them! I only recommend going full force if A: you are OK with her possibly rupturing a ball, and B: She is comfortable with possibly rupturing one of your balls. If not then find your comfort zone and stick with it.
I personally use a pink rubber like cock ring that I bound his balls with when I am kneeing him naked. Hell I even make him wear when he is not. It makes busting more intense and I know his balls aren't escaping or going anywhere. It's just tight enough so it stops them from moving around and making them super vulnerable, but not tight enough to cut off circulation of blood flow so he can wear it underneath his clothing for long periods of time. Another plus is that it makes them super easy to access, especially for grabbing. Almost without effort. Just grab and squeeze. From what he has told me, it makes him feel very vulnerable because it eliminates their natural defense system as they have nowhere to slip away to. You could use a hair tie too but those can end up chafing sometimes. Hopefully that all makes sense.
Now for your second question. How do you lead a newbie in ballbusting to use shoes while busting you? I am assuming you are nude when you want or are you clothed? Either way it comes down to building up her confidence and assuring her that she is not causing any permanent damage. Which unless she is me, she isn't going to. Lets be real, if a guy suffered permanent damage everytine some woman delivered a boot to the ball's, the human population wouldn't be as high as it is. Despite how much shit I talk about it, a man's balls are a lot more durable then women think. If they weren't, you wouldn't have some of the wonderful ball busting videos we have seen over the years where men are talking boot clad foots to the gonads with considerable force. The fact is that they can take a fair amount of punishment and be fine. Something that needs to portrayed to her. If she is willing, have her try tennis shoes first with medium kicking. They are soft enough to not be intimidating when she is Busitng you. Again, you have to assure her that she is not going to damage you and you will be fine. Don't lie to her though. Yeah, it's probably going to hurt you especially if you yourself have not done any real intense ballbusitng. She needs to know that yeah it's going to hurt you but she is not going to damage you. Those are two different things In the world of ball busting. I can't stress that enough. She needs to know what to expect, because if you does happen to give a decent kick and you end up rolling around on the floor in agony, it might detour her from doing it harder or at all if she doesn't know what to expect.
Statistically speaking, most testicle injuries stem from motorcycle accidents or sports accidents. Those are the most common causes of actually testicular injury. Basically, an absurd amount of force is usually required to cause an injury to your balls. Her kicking your naked balls with shoes on is more then likely not going to do it. If that was the case, I would have castrated my husband a very long time ago lol. Of course there is always a risk, it comes with the territory. Probably not likely though. The point is that she needs to be made aware of that.
Also, you have to give her a reason to want to. Are you just trying to have her fulfill a sexual fantasy that you get satisfaction from? What is she going to get from the experience? Why should she? Honestly? What exactly are you offering her in return? Is it because you like pain, or do you like being subdued by a woman in such a personal way? Are you seeing her as just an object to fulfill a means? Or is she a woman you are offering power over to? I talked to a lot men on here. Most like the thought of being overpowered by a woman by having their balls busted by them, but do the woman know that? Do they know you want them to feel powerful, to be in control? Or are they trying manipulate her by not being straight forward with her? Do they want her to feel empowered and dominate, even if they aren't generally? Do they even have respect for them? These are things you have to think about when looking into a good BB partner, one you can have fun with and evolve with. You would be surprised what a woman will do for you or to you if you approached it correctly. It's not easy of course, woman are minefields. Being Honest with us is usually a first good step though.
Hopefully that sort of helps. It you have any other questions let me know.
Hey Melinda,
thanks a lot. It is really good to have apt and motivated support from someone as experienced as you obviously are.
About the technical things: I am afraid she is not ready yet for things like special clothing. I think, I will try wearing just normal pants and trousers but having my dick pointing upward, fixed under my belt. This way it looks like nothing out of the ordinary, but my balls are exposed and vulnerable to her knees. Maybe I could also combine it with you hair tie idea.
As for the shoes, I will suggest to her to start as lightly as she wants, so it doesn‘t even hurt, and then slowly increase while judging for herself by my reaction how far she can go. And yes, thanks for your reasoning that balls can‘t be that easy to damage – I will try to transfer it to her, too, though she probably doesn‘t even know yet, that there is a ballbusting community and I can refer to experiences from that. (I really loved b.t.w. how you said you would have castrated your husband a long time ago if balls were that vulnerable.)
However, apart from technical things, you are absolutely right that I have to give her a reason and be honest. She has busted me before, but probably just to do me a favour. At least, she seems to be comfortable with hurting my balls, but I wish for her to do it self-motivated. Still, I also do want her to benefit from it. From the choices you offered, I am probably the guy who likes being subdued by a woman in such a personal way and offering her power over me.
Now I have started (just recently) to deny myself orgasms and ask her to ballbust me on a daily routine. At the same time I am much more attentive and submissive, which she does seem to enjoy. And it is not a lie that this state of being denied and frequently ballbusted makes me feel that she with all her beauty, feminity and non-dangliness is superior and her needs should get much more attention than my own, and I really enjoy serving her. But it is also true that I would not enjoy it without that combination of denial and ballbusting. So am I doing it for her or just again for me? Maybe the only solution is making it a win-win-situation. So I give her the means to control me, and she decides what she controls me for. Does that seem reasonable?
By the way: I will also put a question into the ball crushing thread.
I would also love to share my Internet findings with her, so she can find out for herself, what are the things she likes most. But I am afraid that could still appear kinky to her. Well, a lot of thoughts, and still happy for any good advice.
Ummm how am I supposed to get maximum humiliated if I’m begging her not to kick me like a wimp? I know like MAYBE 2-3 girls I’ve worked with that would have even been able to do this if I were complaining about it. Fuck that, lol, i tell these girls to kick me as hard as they can and never, ever show worry or hesitance about hurting me lol.
When I go in with a little arrogance, watching her get euphoria and hearing her giggling at my defeat becomes all the better.
i do like a girl that knows how to bruise me up tho lol. I will still never beg her, but I have said countless times (sometimes on video) that I’m genuinely terrified as I square up in front of some of the girls who have kicked me.
in those cases I’m not gonna be a poser and act like it was easy. Usually i’m pretty much disabled by the end of sessions, lying on the floor unable to concentrate but first and foremost I always talk like I have balls of steel and i almost always get immediately put on the floor, and when she makes it obvious she’s making fun of my over confidence by acting all high and mighty and talking shit… that’s waaaay better than sex, people lol
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