Hi guy's, Mel here. I was wondering if you guys have any experience with ball crushers? Have you used one?  What did it feel like. How painful was it and what was your reaction to having your balls crushed? What was going threw your head? I am dying to hear more about these things because I have used this lovely device on my husband's testicals a many times and the pain seems absoululty exquisite. He has described what it feels like and I want to know how other's feel about it too. So please share your experiences if you have the time. 

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Who cares the size of your lemons? There are still ways to crush them like the fruit they are. Fruits are meant to be plucked. Oh and the bigger the fruit the more of a mess they make when they pop. Keep that in mind ;)

Just saying, the type which are essentially two sheets of plexiglass are plenty capable of applying more than enough pressure. I've got the pics to prove it; thin, flat white discs amongst a sea of red sac. Any tighter on the crusher and there would have been a mess

Oh i was just being a bitch. You will get used to it. 

Never used one, honestly not sure if they would really be anything I'm interested in. I mean, it's an appliance, a cold unfeeling machine. Part of the thrill for me is having her touch, her squeeze, her foot, her knee applied to me. Much more personal, and I am just not sure if this would be something I would even want. Also, I am not really interested in getting actually damaged. I will leave that in the fantasy realm. 

Well to each his own. I know its an appliance, a tool. Cold Hard and relentless. Like my heart sometimes, unfeeling and a lovely shade of black haha! The thrill for me is when your begging, whimpering, yelling for it stop, you know stuff like that. Well to be fair, i haven't castrated him with it....yet. Thanks for sharing lol. 

Yikes! The attitude is great, and in a fantasy setting, AWESOME, but I really don't think I could handle that in real life! You've got me scared for your guy! LOL!

Well to be fair, every man should be scared of me. If it was up to me, you all would have done to you. There would Definitely be a shortage of testicles in the world i promise that.

It should be up to you

You can make one out of plywood, bolts, washers, and wing nuts. I’ve got about $5 in mine and the plywood is thick so there is zero give.
Melinda the castrator my wife and I are looking for a woman to do a full running kick from behind with steel toe boots on while I lay down over some crates so my balls are about a foot off the ground and Amy will be sitting on my butt so I can't absorb the force by raising it and seriously try to crush my balls with their best running kick bet you can't crush my balls

Your going to have to find another lady love. I am not a service girl.  Though i am going to have to store that wonderful idea in my Pandora's box for later.

Purely out of curiosity and hypothetically, would you have considered it had his proposition been about you getting one such kick to him while his wife gets the same to your own man? Or are you totally against it?



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