Having been on this site for some years now, it seems incredible to find out the amount of women that participate in Bb. The most worrisome part is that for the large part i read stories of their attacks not for self defence and not towards people that agreed to partecipate. From school to adult hood it seems that these females are roaming free attacking boys an men, when in actual fact these are acts of sexual assault.  I don’t quite understand what kind of pride generates from all this. the whole theme was meant  to be based on the experience of two partners who agree into engaging in such activity. Instead we have a whole community constituted by the female side as clinical psychopaths (look up the definition of it) and a community of males who -dick in hand, don’t understand that they are giving their dignity away. I understand the sexy side of things between to agreeing parties, and I excuse the practice of Bb for self defence. for anything else we are only left with a sexual assault, as previously mentioned. It is more and more evident how in society men are definitely not treated the same. i suspect a poisonous culture of machism is at fault, telling males that everything goes and not to lament if they get hurt or get beaten up. I have trouble imagining a site existing where men would be writing their fun and exciting adventures of beating women. i can only imagine the reaction of today’s rampant feminists... The sheer number of Bb busting material in today’s films in general shows how worrisome it has become. kids grow thinking that its ok to be treated like that. From ridiculous notions where females are untouchable and yet males are treated like shit with impunity. If i was a teacher or principal i’d definitely know what to do... judging by the the stories told by the members i suspect a great deal of these ‘innocent girls’ would have been suspended to say the least. if that doesn’t happen then it is just proof of what is happening in society. i’ll conclude by reminding people and in this case especially men, that a person without dignity or self respect will be unlikely to live a decent life. And that if I was a woman I would definitely like a man by side who has respect for himself. 

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Don't confuse fetish with reality. This is the internet don't belive anything anyone says, least of all on a fetish site where people enjoy tales of hyperbole.

If your going to say anything about violence in film it's not male vs female it's more about the power elite denigration of humans and humanity generally telling them they are nothing special, you are not a unique snowflake, just a consumers whose worth is judged by what trinkets and shiny beads you own. Most divisions and labels are just a way to keep the plebs at each others throats while they fuck you over. /rantover. 

well an overall valid observation but do realize that such things trends have a habit of increasing steadily and then either declining or more likely reaching a constant sort of level.

This post is ridiculous. 

Any glorification of nonconsensual BB from the female perspective I've seen here on this site is either obviously an exaggerated story for sexual purposes or is called out in the Main Room or in comments. And the men on here that do respond positively to stories of nonconsensual BB are doing so obviously through the guise of their own sexual fantasies. Which is fine, because this is a FETISH WEBSITE centering around a kink that inherently implies the empowerment and superiority of women over men.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy here. The kink of ballbusting is indeed getting bigger, but there is no blooming trend of women assaulting men unprovoked more so than there always has been. There is something to be said about the way sexual assault against men is perceived in the public eye, yes, but taking aim at an online fetish community and labelling certain women here as psychopaths and perpetrators of sexual assault is as ridiculous as implying that submissive men who take part in these fantasies have no dignity or self respect.

Preach Eric.  

Basically, everything Eric said.

Basically. This its a bb website in a world where most woman who discover bb do it by their own in a nonconsensual way.

This bb website its a safe space for all who enjoy this. 

So woman dont call guys weirdos and guys dont judge them in fact that its the purpose of the site. Forgot all the real world "normal" stuff to focus on "is this story hot?" stuff.

You can make your case anywhere, just doing it here it so unappropiated

There is a reason that this website has rules against calling out profiles for pretending to be women.   A lot of dudes who re in to BB or fantasize about it pretend to be chicks online.   Those dudes type some ridiculous stuff for their jack off purposes.  Some others are women making up stories to promote their careers.   Lastly, some others are women's accounts being used as a sock puppet by their boyfriends.

It's impossible to evaluate what is happening in society when most of the women that you read are realy dudes jumping on their joysticks as they read your responses.

In the past it was more likely to be kicked IRL nonconsensually.

Yeah i think it’s true and I’ve been having similar thoughts lately but I know better than to air them on a fetish site..... or indeed the internet where feelings don’t care about your facts. 

What you could do though is start supporting people like Paul Elam, The Honey Badgers, Karen Straun, Phil Davies and those involved directly in men’s rights. If you’re not already. 

I’ll tell you something my therapist mentioned: It’s normal for people to eroticise trauma. Now this morning I started to realise that this applies to perpetrators also. So, I was abused as a child and that shaped my sexuality. Classic coping style. 

But what about this: a female on this site assaults a boy when she’s young for no reason and is quickly flooded by horrible feelings she cannot process. I’m not excusing her I’m jut laying out a case..... because we’re all human, she does the same thing a victim might do, she eroticises the ‘pain’. In this case her guilt and shame, etc.... she might adopt a worldview that justifies her actions and make sweeping generalisations about ‘male weakness’ and so forth. 

You’ll recognise this pattern because it correlates to almost all the males here who hold these preposterous views. And I was entirely confused and indeed offended by these weird outlooks, until it occurred to me that of course this ‘in game’ thinking, this perpetual role play, is all part of the erotic fantasy. It’s all a means to cope with trauma. 

Seen in this light, the young women who are clearly sadists, are also trying to cope. And if we can contain that and give it a measured release then maybe that is a service to society. 



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