5 Cheating guys 1 Hot girl, 5 boys balls destroyed then executed. (Part 1)

I am gonna write this in 5 parts or it will be way to long, I am gonna tell the story in first person view and I will be the last of the 5 so I can see it all just a warning theses stories will be violent and brutal! so if you can't handle it now don't read on!

5 of us boys were kidnapped and lined against a wall tied up with our legs spread, in nothing but our underwear. 

1 girl is standing there as we all woke up I had no idea what was going on, till one girl   starts talking she had white thigh high boots on mini skirt and midriff top on. and brunette lets say she looks like Olivia Munn

she begins talking 'Hello my name is Jenny, Right boys 2 things are gonna happen today. to all of you, 1 is your manhood is gonna be destroyed your cock and balls, in a variety of ways by my choice, the 2nd thing is I will execute you to end the misery of the death of your manhood which is also my choice of the way I will do that, hopefully for your sake it's quick and easy, but that all depends on the mood I am in. 

First of all you should all know by now why this is happening to you, it's simple you all cheated on your girlfriend or wife's, and I hate cheaters and I take great joy and destroying cheaters balls completely you are all gonna feel pain like no other, and what's better then having your balls destroyed it's the organ that makes you all a man it's the organ you used when you cheated it's also the most painful organ to hurt and fun, and such easy targets.  I really should leave you to live without your cock and balls but.... well I gotta dispose of you all and not leave evidence behind, so I am sorry you all have to die as well. so who goes first???

my heart started racing, I was trying to think of an escape plan I didn't want to be first because if I was first I didn't have enough time, then one guy says 'no way you dumb bitch you are not serious let us go!!

Her jaw drops 'well looks like you wanna go first,Robert is it? I am gonna finish you quick so that all theses guys can see how serious I am!! she gets a knife and cuts his underwear apart to reveal his full package. 

You see this boot?? how dangerous it is? Well today i feel like just getting you over with first fast, there are some that cheated even worse then you, so they will get a long more painful end to their manhood, but your just a dumb big mouth who paid for a handjob from a hooker, how dumb can you get, I will show you what a bootjob is how about that?? I am gonna shove the 6 inch heel of my boot right into your cock, then I am gonna pop each ball with it 1 by 1, you see how nice I am?? I am not even gonna kick you with them, another guy starts laughing the one next to me.

Watch my boot now guys Robert is about to feel something sharp

Oh you think this is funny?? she says... you will be next and you will be getting a lot of kicks don't you worry about that! You will see if it is funny!

Watch my heels guys here it goes! her heel goes right into poor Roberts cock deep inside, we hear him scream in agony and yell please stop please stop!! mercy!! she then grinds and twists her boot,  to the right... he screams louder, then twists it to the left and it rips right off still attached to her boot!

ewwwww it's stuck on my heel' she pulls it off her heel puts it into Roberts mouth 'just shut up screaming this will quiet you. and her heel goes inter his right testicle and she grinds and pops it.  with her heel all I can see is blood pouring out. now lets pop your other left one, Roberts you should thank me I am doing you fast the others won't have that! she grinds his remaining ball and we all hear a loud pop crushing sound like breakfast serial. 

Ok Robert, I won't let you bleed out, I am not that cruel, but did you enjoy your bootjob?? was it better then a handjob?? I think it would be!! I don't think the other 4 would dear ask me for a blow job would they?? maybe I will give one of them one, I think they can guess how that will end, one of you 4 will sadly get one.... Ok Robert time to finish you, she grabs his neck and twists and breaks it.

'Ok so 4 of you left, mr laughing man you will be next!! I guaranteed you won't be laughing anymore. prepare for a long slow death of your testicles. 

To Be continued 

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