So Violet came over and being the saint that she is, is helping me build a website that is based around members, password protected and completely secure from outsiders. This way we can accept the people we're closest to, and it will be a much more friendly environment. It's in the works, but this is actually happening. We'll keep everyone posted. But things are looking very promising :)

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Awesome, Hopefully this'll be a better way of Showing off your Videos without any Shenanigans,

and It'll feel more Personal and have much more Love and respect for your Work :D

That's awesome!! Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you guys have in store! :D

If you like, I can maybe help you with ensuring the videos are securely hosted?  I know enough HTML to look into that.

Awesome, this is hopefully the end-all be-all to the problems. Looking forward to it, keep doing what you do! Would gladly pay for it if needed too
Excellent way to do it. There are several ways a web developer can deter people from downloading the video.

As far as the other thing I meantioned, which I won't repeat......that will be difficult if not impossible to stop. What you might consider though is to make the best of it. Put a watermark in the video that at least tells everyone who and where you are. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a clip and wanted more but couldn't find the originator of the content. That is, of course, if you're going to charge for it. If you're goal is to just share with trusted people then you're going to have to screen people carefully. Anyway, good luck. I wish I could be more help but I'm more on the network side of the computer house.
Brilliant mate
I want to join your site!

Congratulations guys! We all appreciate your work around here and I'm super hopeful that this step addresses the issues you've been having via KITG

I wish you two the best of luck. ♥

Wish I could join. I always liked your videos.

Too bad a person couldn't put a watermark in the video that recorded which session it was downloaded from, that would track the login account, etc, so if the vid appeared on the net elsewhere, you could track who's account was used to take it. 

Good idea, hope it works
Looking foward for the next videos

Maybe with a bit more verbal? It would awesome =D
Keep the great work



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