A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Very good written and interesting for me as a guy. Hope all the girls will read this, and I will spread this as much as I can.
( Before we began I just want to say sorry for vanishing for so long, life has been rough. Hopefully you will forgive me and enjoy this nice little chunk of writing)
Okay ladies, now that I have gone into a little detail on how I kick a pair of balls, I think it may be time to try it a little, after all, practice makes perfect. The more avid busters like me might have already gone way beyond this point, so this is geared a little more towards ladies that are starting out( hint for the males), it is for those who might be a little more timid in nature, but don't worry, there will be plenty of Ball Breaking later for those who are eager to start neutering.
So ladies, now is the time to take your victim to a nice open area If you can, this is going to give him the room that he is going to need to roll around on the ground. Now the first problem you will have is the clothes girls, if anything, the pants have got to go. Tell him to take them off, and I mean TELL him. Asking is not the same as telling him, something to always keep in mind while busting. If you’re not that assertive or want a different flavor, don't worry, there is no book saying you have to go all Dom on him to bust his balls. Actually, I think it quite unfair for a man to expect her to anyway, because not all of our personalities are the same and we aren't usually just waiting to dominate someone. Unless you’re me of course. I think that is where most women get confused with this fetish because they seem to think that in order to bust balls, they have to become some sort of dominatrix or something and that just isn't the case. You could always just take them off for him; with your teeth on the way down if you want to and lick his body on the way back up. Your imagination is the only real thing that is going to limit you.
Moving on, I like to have my man spread his legs about two shoulder widths apart; the more space between his legs, the more access to his lovely balls that I and you are going to have.
By the way, don’t ever be afraid to tell him to spread his legs wider, wider is better. I do this because it gives me undeniable access to his testicles, and pretty much eliminates the chance that your foot is going to lose any power by accidently hitting his leg or thigh. It also places them in the perfect position to kick.
If he happens to me naked or in his underoos then those precious jewels should be hanging front and center, right between his legs. This ladies, is by far my most go to position. I have kicked, kneed, punched, and squeezed a man’s balls with great success using it, although personally I have my man bend his legs slightly when he spreads his legs, it makes his balls dangle even lower, really leaving them out there for the proper abuse. Give it a try, you well be surprised on how much of a difference it makes. Now that you have your man in what I like to call the "Proper Position", he should be feeling hopefully a little nervous and probably super exposed. Now let’s crush some balls!
(Fashion tip for the men: if you’re not nude then be wary of the underwear you have on, because it could hinder the busting. Boxers I find leave him pretty exposed and it provides vertically no protection. Briefs hold everything close and tight, so men ask your lady what she prefers. It’s a small decision but one that you should let her have, trust me, it holds way more power than you think. My personal preference is boxers if he has to wear anything and I can only do briefs if they are the special kind with the pouch. If you have no idea what I'm talking about ladies then google ergowear, Obviously for Men, Argacio, and 2xist and lick you lips because fucking Yummy! Now besides the boxers, my husband would never wear the others on his own, they are at my request and that request applies even outside the bedroom, mainly after I have busted his balls really good, Its like putting my toys away in a awesome pouch that you can noticeably see the bulge that they make in any pants, like my trophy's. It is something so small, but it matters so much.
Now before you just stat kicking for all its worth girls, consider the second thing you should always keep in mind: intensity. How hard you kick and how many times. How hard you kick is going to determine how many times you kick. Why? Because once a man’s balls start swelling and bruising, it usually means playtime isn't going to last much longer unless you plain on fucking his world up. If you like busting hard like me, you’re going to realize that bruised and swollen testicles can happen within the first 15 minutes of you busting his balls, which can also put him out of action for a week (two in my case). Controlling the force of your kick can turn a 15 minute ball blasting session, into a grueling hour long testicle shattering experience. If you can learn about really drawing it out and making it hurt, you will be a queen in no time, but for now let’s focus on the man with his legs spread wide in front of you, balls dangling, begging to be kicked.
OK, seeing how not everyone is a natural buster or maybe you have tried but felt unsure about or maybe your man asked for it and you don’t know what to really do with that info, these little ball busting exercises are pretty simple and should teach you the basics of what I am talking about. These sessions are a little more on the formal plain side of busting, he stands there, and you kick. I know, I can hear the groans right now, where is fun in that right? Well don’t get used to it because what I teach you after this will hopefully show you how to naturally integrate ball busting sessions into your day, turning you into the potential nut breaking bitch you were born to be. Remember these are just the basics and you need to learn them if you want to own your set of balls. So loosen up a bit and let’s get started.
Your focus on this set of kicks should be solely about aiming and getting your form correct , so start with something light, let’s call them your "love taps" . I really want you to kick his balls a lot this round, you want to see what he is made of and to see if he is even worthy of a harder kick. Always remember to Aim, take a couple practice swings before you strike. Rest your foot right under his balls where you want your foot to come in contact with them if you have to. I actually encourage you to do this from here on out when you bust his balls because it really improves aim and helps you lineup your shot, not only that, but it will also help build anticipation and anxiety for your victim. You can always take a page straight from the book of me, and just use this light kick as your practice swings because, I personally love the fact that my foot is always coming into contact with his balls even If I'm just lining up my kicks. Never underestimate the small time it takes to aim before you kick, you can devastate a man very quickly with perfectly placed shots. If you feel stupid, uncomfortable, or maybe just plain ridicules then good. That is normal, especially if you have never really done anything like this. Don’t get used to it; it WILL be going away at some point soon. You don’t have to be super serious about it either ladies, honestly you probably won’t even be able to keep a straight face, or stop from laughing at some point. If you’re not having fun then there really isn't a point. Try and make it a game if you want, make him find out how many he can take before it gets really uncomfortable.
Once you are a little bit more comfortable with your form and the idea of kicking a set of balls, I want you to start working on increasing the power of your kicks. In this set you’re going to be kicking harder than the last time. Before, you were just giving love taps so these should be actual kicks, don’t be afraid to put a little force behind your foot, you want to hear the thud or the smack as it comes into contact with his wonderful balls. Use this set of kicks to test applying power to the technique that I gave you. Your kicks should be light, controlled, but still solid. Think of it as a light version of a hard thing. The importance of a light kick is underappreciated in ball busting, but if used right, will literally let you pick a man completely apart when you need to, so remember that for later. Now If your poor man is in the proper position then this are probably going to hurt more then he realizes, especially if he isn't accustomed to it, and even if he is, he might find it more intense then he thought. It is the reason I have my man take the "position" sometimes because when he is standing like that and you kick him with a well-aimed shot, nothing but your foot and the force behind it comes into contact with his nuts before smashing into his pelvic bone. Give him as many kicks as he can take, you’re not going full force so don't go easy on him. This is just where you are going to soften up his balls and make them nice and tender for a good breaking. Feel free to mix it up, personally I love using love taps to help me aim better and adjust, and it also lets me kick his nuts that much more. Just make sure you hold back because the next set of kicks are going to be harder, so once your comfortably with the lighter kicking, move on to your next set of kicks.
Now before I have you begin on kicking the shit out your man’s balls, I just want to say that anything that you do is up to you, if you are truly uncomfortable doing something then don’t do it because someone else wants you to. That being said if your wonderful man hasn't been introduced to the floor yet, he will be. One, he has already been softened up with your pervious shots to the nuts, these are going to work against him, and Two: Your next kicks are GOING to be HARD, and they ARE going to HURT. You want these kicks to be the cream of the crop, meaning these should be your go to level of strength when it comes to ball busting. I really hope you have been practicing that kicking technique I showed you early, because this is where it is really going to start paying off. You should start by using a decent amount of force but don’t over exert yourself, you’re not trying to break his balls yet, but you should be putting some oomph behind it. Remember: chamber your kick, use you knee as a targeting device, snap your foot into target, and then back down again. It should be one fluid motion because if not, your kick has the potential to lose power when you stop. Remember in the beginning when you start off, you had all your weight on the front leg? Well when you step forward to kick, your using the weight shift to add momentum and power to your leg as it is moving forward, so stopping to chamber will just cost you all the energy you built up so far so don’t. Chambering is meant to speed up your kick and give it more power by isolating the muscles you are using, basically delivering a payload with all the force you just generated directly into his testicles! Really focus on this set, because I want you to keep trying to put him on the floor if you already haven't, this is where you are going break down his resistance and willpower before you really have fun with him. Keep busting his balls until it gets harder for him to stay standing, and once his starts having trouble recovering from your kicks, it means it is time for the real Busting.
These Final set of kicks are going to be the real deal ladies and victims so get your game face on. You worked on your accuracy, so this should be all about speed and power, because speed impacts power. Now is the time to work on perfecting your technique. If your poor bastard is in the "proper position" then there really won't be much room for error, but this is also were a good kick can be wasted by not aiming or by not putting any real effort into it so focus. Take more than a couple of practice shots before delivering these kicks, because you really want to utilize all your technique at this point and make sure nothing is going to block you or get in your way and make sure you have plenty of space to move around. Once you feel ready, let’s give him something to worry about. When you first start to continue your ball busting assault, you shouldn't be using full force because you are going to work yourself up to it. Start out at the same strength you finished with in your last round of kicks and then increase it every time you kick him the nuts until your almost using full force These are going to quick but powerful kicks, so make sure you follow through. Once your foot comes off the ground and smashes into his balls, it should already be going back to your starting position. Remember one other really important thing as well; breathing. Make sure you exhale when you’re kicking. Holding air in your lungs creates unnecessary tension in your muscles. When it comes to striking, tension in your muscles can slow you down and make you weaker so always exhale when you’re kicking or really any other form of striking. Exhaling also helps you produce more explosive movements as well, fighters and athletes will tell you the same thing, so don't forget the importance of proper breathing, it definitely matters! Last but definitely not least, is to enjoy your watching your current victim drop to the floor in agony grasping those precious orbs he calls his manhood. Don't be surprised if your man can’t take much more punishment once you start kicking him harder, the more power you use, the less he is actual going to be able to handle, stacked with the fact that you took the time to wear him down earlier is really going to start showing.
Once your man is ready and primed to have his nuts broken, usually indicted by the fact that he can’t take much more, it’s time to show him his place in your world. Up until this point you should have gotten a feel for the form, and discovered the difference of intensity and how to apply them, and how to control the speed and variation of your kick. If not then redo your excises to get it down or to adjust your intensity. This last kick is going to be harder than anything you have thrown at him so far, so you’re going to need to throw some of your body weight into it. Ball Breaking Disclaimer is in full effect here boys. So ladies with that being said, this kick you should not be holding anything back. You should be putting all your force it this one shot, getting your whole body into the movement. Remember; quick, powerful, and controlled. Your soul goal here should be putting him on the floor, in agony without mercy. Kick him so hard your foot stings from it. These are the kind of kicks you want to safe for last because it will be amplified by everything you have done to him so far, and the more you bust his balls prior, the more this kick is going to devastate him. Think of it as your endgame kick, or your testicle breaker, the kind of kick that will obliterate a set of balls if done too many times. This should be the kick he will fear and fill him with uncertainty. This is you at your best and quite possibly your worst.
So what about consistency? Remember that Intensity is what is going to control the flow of an actual ball busting session, the harder you go the less he will be able to take. Consistency is the ability to keep him at a certain level of pain though that session, being able to build up to a crescendo of pain. The main way to do that is to control the time in between your kicks, which is his recovery period. The general rule is the less time between your ball busting kicks, the more intense and painful the bust is going to be. Decide how long you want him to be able to recover between kicks and make that a standard, don't deviant unless you have to. What do I do personally? I give my man 10 to 20 seconds to recovery from a bust, unless it is a particular nasty bust that took him down. For my husband I know that is enough time to keep him in the game, but it isn't enough time for him to recover completely. This will help you keep your victim on the cusp of his torment. Now to put this in a little example to show what I mean is relatively easy. Give your man a number of kicks that he has to receive, let’s say 5. Now using what I have taught you, deliver those kicks to his precious balls hard but keep track of how long he is down for. Make him get back up and take the next one within 5 seconds and you will see what I mean. The time you’re giving him and the required time to recovery will be become quite clear. Don't be surprised boys if this ends up being way more intense then you thought it would be.
This is it for today boys and girls, but more will follow. Next I will go into positions to help hurt your set of balls, how to put together a hot ass ball busting session, Playing with fantasy, and of course more ways to break balls and more.
Stay tuned, love Mel.
First, I just want to say that I hope next year is kinder to you than whatever this one brought. 2016 sucked. Second, just wow. I am going to share this with my girl. Thank you for taking the time to write this awesome article!
WOW mel what a guide, im speechless, what a way you have to enforce control. And the setup its beautiful, it makes all have so much sense.
balls are the weakspot- you kick the balls, light at first- he want to show his worth, stand to the pain.- the light kicks gives him hope- you kick him hard- the pain becomes harder to deal, but manageable-then the hard ones, the balls seeking missiles comes on target- he inevitably falls to the floor, beated physically, sexually and overall emotionally.
The way you manipulated, control and played with him into take more and more pain, its so much what bb its about.
really thank you for the guide mel, i love it, and appreciate the effort you take.
Had me squirming the entire time. Great read! :P
Ma,am this is what is needed Ladies and girls should be taught this at an early age personally i believe it should be taught mandatory at school to all Female,s. If this was done there would be more Ladies using it to control the male in which we would have less abuse to the female and less problems with males harassing Ladies sexually or indecently. we really need more of this to be put in action and even go further making it mandatory for any male who either sexually harass,s a lady or female to have it,s balls beaten. personally i would take it further making it NOT a crime for a Lady to break a males testicles if she has reason to. yes i am a male and fully know the implications but having been properly ballbusted by a Lady i do know failure to please or disrespect to a Lady is a valuable lesson learnt when your balls have been properly cracked. in other words the male soon learns not to do this. we all know a males brain rests between it,s legs and there is no better place to teach a male of it,s inferiority than there. i also go as far and agree that if the male is guilty of an horrendous crime against a Female. she should legally be allowed to rupture the male should she desire.
i am reliably told that it is possible to render a male,s testicles sterile by repeated ballbusting surely this would be better than the Lady taking drugs to stop her becoming pregnant when she doesn't want any more children rendering her husband or boyfriend sterile by breaking it,s balls has to be better for all
with deep respect slave brian
Ma,am i fully endorse this as a worthless male who is totally submissive to the superior sex of Females i believe there can be no compromise when your balls are owned by a Lady. how why when and what she does to your balls is not your decision. a Lady has the right to do what she will how she will and when she will to the testicles. when i present my worthless balls to a Lady it is done without rights or limits as anything other is not proper submission and if that results in mine being ruptured or broken then so be it.
with respect slave brian
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