Hello ladies ( and the unfortunate gentlemen ), today I would like to bring the start of a hopefully successful guide in the Beautiful Art of Ball Busting. Now in the last Forum discussion, I described on how you can be a ruthless BallBusting Bitch in certain situations. In this one I am going to describe to you how to actually Bust a pair of Balls. Ok I know what your thinking, busting balls is pretty self explanatory right? Not exactly, not if you want a good Busting to become an Epic Busting. I want to tell you how to beat, batter, bruise, and possibly break a mans precious Testicles. I shall say in all seriousness that if you are a man and you find the thought of losing one or both of your balls offensive, then click away from this now, you are not going to like what i have to say. The things that I put here come form personal experiences, and I put them here for one reason only: For woman who want to have a blast busting balls.

DISCLAIMER! Warning. Anything that you do in following this guide is YOUR responsibility. I do not, and will not take responsibility for any harm a woman can cause to your reproductive organs after reading this. If your worried about it then I would not recommend showing this to your potential busting partner. The side effects could include all and up to: light to extreme pain, swelling, bruising, bleeding, lose of sex drive, lose of testosterone, lose of consciousness, induce vomiting and dry heaving, lose of fertility, and a medium to high risk of becoming a eunuch.

That being said there will be more to follow, good luck boys. ;)

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Melinda, both I and my wife are eager to see the rest of your treatise on the art! (disclaimer understood)
Will be updating some of this today
Alright, now that I have gotten some of the painful technical details out of the way, let's start to get into fun part, Ball Busting. I'm not going to go into the techniques of every kick you can do because frankly it will take forever, and this isn't a karate class. If you want to do a snap kick instead then use your front leg, obviously the weight distribution is going to be a little different, and chambering is generally the same concept for as for the front kick.

There are probably three things to keep in mind when busting a set of nuts, one being protection, barriers, shit that gets in the way. In Ball Busting you realize that the less there is between you and him, the better off you'll be. Nothing worse then delivering a well placed kicked and realizing you only grazed them, or the clothes he was wearing absorbed a lot of the force. If your going to kick him in the nuts, then make sure your actually kicking them!
I know some of you ladies aren't into busting your man while they are bare balled, either because you aren't comfortable or it isn't really an option or considerable for your current bustee. If your more intimate with your set of balls then there should be no reason for him not to be naked. If your not comfortable or maybe your set of nuts are of mutual consent then strip him down to his underwear, or you can make him wear lose shorts with nothing underneath. The less protection he has, the more it's going to hurt. Not only that, but it's going to give a real good visual to work with. So remember less is better.
Seconed thing to consider is intensity. Learning how hard to kick and when to hold back is crucial to memorial Ball Busitng skills. I mean of course a woman can stand there kicking a man full force over and over, it may be brutal, but it will ultimately be really short. Controlling the power of your kicks will give you the ability to drag a session out for as long as you desire. Every man has a limit on how many times he can be kicked in the balls. All men very, but a good rule to remember is that the harder you hit, the less hits he can take, and that could mean your not putting him in the most pain possible. I will explain more on this later.
Third thing to consider is consistency. When kicking balls you should be consistent, meaning you should try to keep the actual time that passes between your busts the same and to a minimal. The reasoning is that the next kick should always hurt more then the last, even if it's marginal. What I have learned about Busting Balls, is that the pain can take a bit to dissipate after you kick him in the balls, so there is actually a recover time he has to go through. How much time between kicks is really going to determine what kind of pain he is going to be in. Less recovery time = more pain. Any guy who has been punted rapid and repeatedly in his testicals with no break 15 to 20 times, is not going stand up for any amount of real time, and he WILL be singing, If not you can always kick harder. More lovely tips coming at you soon, and Boys, you could be becoming victims sooner then you think, so heads up: Yhis hasn't even gotten good yet.

awesome guide mel, hard fact of life, female foot its pure bone and balls are well, balls. No matter if its barefoot, flip flops or heels, a kick in the balls hurts.

I always have believed there its a difference between raising a foot between legs and actually aim a kick targetting speciffically nuts ad its concentration. when the girl cannot see the target, her body tries to reach the largest area possible hoping get the nuts, when she can see, the natural move its to stuck the foot on the nuts, like a stab, all the weight converge in that small area. And that its why even small protection like shorts or pants helps a lot to take the power of the kicks (and knees of course).

just one thing to add, to stop the first ikck, body and mind prepare, for second or third, body its just a target, kicks hurts as surprise shots

Volcan it's funny you should mention the very last part about the practice kicks, because I put that in this guide pages back ;) don't forget who your talking too sweetie. I'm further on this thing then you think. Writing it is kind of a chore, most of it is on paper that I'm still writing, then I type it up change anything I want to change or add. The stuff that has made it on here has been written and looked at more then once, part of the reason it takes so long to update. I try to take what I write seriously, I'm not doing it for me. :)
Update : I am still writing this, but I will no longer be posting it in this discussion, it's really just to big, so I'm going to put it in a blog post.

I'd at least like to express gratitude for that- what you're writing is fascinating, and also quite useful for girls getting into bb... I know that you've had far more bad experiences on here than you should have to put up with, but thank you VERY much for keeping going!  You're a hell of a contributor to the website, and that isn't acknowledged nearly enough :)

I'm glad the disgusting person didn't take away the fun of it for you and that you're still engaged.  Look forward to reading!

do you have an ETA on the final product? can't wait to read it!

Eta on final product is about 2 weeks now. I'm revising it currently. I have been with life bullshit and haven't had the time to come on here and for that I'm sorry. I haven't forget this place. Right now it's looking good and I have been really able to focus on writing. So look out over the next few weeks for the blog post, it's too big to put here and considering its size, it's only part one really. Don't worry it will be awesome and is full of wonderful things I teach your woman. ;)

Any updates? :)

^ I'm curious as well



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