Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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Hey, thanks for the reply, and hehe I know what you mean about superficial blood. Kind of like when I cut myself shaving, and it looks bad but isn't nearly as bad as it looks. Although the sight of blood on someone's genitals is bound to make them feel uncomfortable/panicky etc. hehe.

I love the range of shoes, and how the Converse stand out. First pair of shoes look like they have a hard front, and wide enough to catch both balls. Second looks more pointy, and sexy as hell, for more accurate kicks. Third looks like a pointy toe and shin kick one, where as the fourth one looks more like a wider foot and shin kick boot. Finally, the converse, the most cutesy and innocent looking one of all, which looks almost harmless, haha. But yeah, won't be laughing once those shoes pulverize a pair of testicles, lol. And they look comfy as well.

Do you like wearing different shoes depending on the mood you're in, or what techniques you want to use (like toe kick vs ball of foot kick etc). Sounds like you have a nice collection there too. I can almost imagine you bring your hubby along shoe shopping with you, so you can try out the shoes on him. ;P

Yes and usually the sight of their own blood all over the floor, your shoes, legs and thighs have an adverse affect al well ;) The shoes that I wear for busting is ironically all depended on my mood. I love busting barefoot, I like to feel his balls against my feet and the sharp sting of a nice kick. If i. Wearing shoes, there is always a reason. I use boots when I am feeling bad, or when I am in a foul mood. I use heels for for when I am in a good or feisty mood, or feeling extremely sexy with myself, or particularly evil. It also depends on if I'm mad at hubby or not, and how mad. Usually my anger will determine how pointy my shoes are, so if am actually mad at my husband his busting is usually a lot worse then normal. Now as for the pink converse, those would be my ultimate BB shoe if I had one. The mood consist of playfulness and the utmost cruelty. I use the converse when I want to hurt him, not only hurt him but to do it without compassion, without remorse. Every single time I have used those shoes, I have left him with black and blue balls, most of the time they are swollen really good. When I am in a true mood to emasculate my man ( and it does happen) I wear those.

Do you ever "announce" a particularly hard session by setting out those shoes?  For example, have you ever set left your pink converses outside of the bathroom so he sees them when he exits the shower letting him know what is in store for him? Or, has he ever come home to find you wearing your really pointy shoes?

You bet your ass I do. Sometimes it's the only warning he gets. I either put them on or leave them out were he can see them. Sometimes when I'm feeling really good, I will make him go grab the pair that I want to use on him. Sometimes I will leave the shoes I plan on busing him in on the end of the bed when I go to work, so he can see them when he gets home.

Very hot.  Fucking with the mind is better than fucking with the balls.

I entirely agree with this- I think the ability to fuck with somebody's mind is hot as hell XD  Have you ever done anything else to screw with his mind, make him uncertain or scared?

This is for Allen wits, I couldn't answer under your comment. I answer yes! I love fucking with his head almost as much as I love busting him. I always talk about him losing them first and Formost. It makes him nervous and definitely uncertain. I have to say the look he gets when I tell him I hope to pop them right before I kick him hard is one of fear, uncertainty, and general concern for his manhood. I consistintinly remind him that I can neuter him whenever I feel like it.

hi mel

I do martial arts and have to admit im really curious about your description of the front kick, tecnically perfect i'm giving thanks you are not in my class, how yor husband let you kick him  been able you to kick at that level

Have you practised martial arts?

Have you deliver a front kick accurately with the ball of the foot? its hard to be accurate but what happen if connects, if it more painfun that a instep one?

Well technically I am perfect ;) I can probably really and I mean like REALLY hurt my husband if I wanted to, and even though I have hurt him pretty good, it's not close to what I could do. I have practiced a lot of different typse of martial arts but I'm not laying claim to anything, a lot of that stuff I leaned when I was in the military. I loved combatives, so I got into hand to hand ,and a lot of those guys I trianed with knew all kinds of shit. One was a Boxer, one knew Taekwondo another knew Hapkido and Judo. I just absorbed as much as I possibly could. So yeah you can say I pratice martial arts. For your other question, no I can't say that I have. I have used the ball if my foot to break a guard in sparing or take out a knee, never for a groin shot though. ;)

so you are actually pitiful of your husband

Does he know it?

Yes he knows how bad I can hurt him, he knows what I have put him through and what could put him through.

reading you i feel, you are better fighter than your husband, so you can kick his ass and balls in the case you both ever get into a real fight fight.

Do you think or feel you are stronger than him?

Is (if its exist) the feeling influece your bb experience in some way?



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