Does anyone know the Origin of the "Ball kicking questions" Youtube videos?

Hey KITG, 

As a lot of you may know there are a ton of verbal bb playlists on youtube. A lot of the videos are question and answer type videos, where a girl goes through and answers around 10 questions about ball kicking. Some of them are great, others not so much. 

These questions are submitted by several users, TDNugent17, kicksgirl04, Olivia, Neo1Mark. But where did these videos originate? Are they still actively getting these questions answered? Are there any other users I am not aware of that are getting these questions answered? The search for these videos will produce literally hundreds of videos, but I have never known who is behind this? is it the same guy? Or a team effort? 

I'm not a fan of getting people to go along with a sexual fetish without them knowing, however the videos are pretty harmless (a few feature girls that are too young but that is my only issue). I'm looking to add them all to a playlist, but I want to make sure I get them all. Any other username/search terms I should be checking for?

I hope some of you know what I am talking about, thanks!

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I've seen a lot of those videos where they mention ElGreat12 as having sent them, so you might want to add him to the search
Thanks for the response, I'll check it out.

The first I saw was td Nugent, but the most I saw was under 83abcable.

Yes 83abcable gets the most results for sure. Elgreat12 turns up a lot of cbusting. I would have guessed the creator of those questionnaires would post on here, but maybe not. They are generally pretty good verbal videos.



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