Hello everyone, I want to set up some kind of guide, ways I think will make a better ballbusting bitch. I encourage anyone to add there own thoughts, male or female. These are just my opinion, and mainly the way I am when I am busting :) I will add things that have tried or done that work. Give me anything you can think of. I want to corrupt your mind ;)

1) There is always a reason to bust his balls.

Be it because he was staring at another woman, grabbed your ass, a smart ass comment, or maybe you just want to hurt his testicles to see him suffer as a man. Either way, there is always a reason your man NEEDS his balls busted, find it.

2) OWN his testicles.

Literally. As in your going to do whatever you want to them, when you want, how ever hard you want. Every second he is still able to function as man Is a special gift from you. Don't be afraid to constantly remind him of it either. Make him fear losing his balls every time you go near them.

3) Why have power, if you don't use it.

Don't ask to bust his balls, demand too. He is going to stand there and spread his legs and take as many hits as he can before he is on the floor, and then he gets busted harder for not being able handle it. Your goal is to bust, break, and shatter his manhood. It's his to goal to beg, plead, and bribe you not to destroy them. So tell him to start begging and make it good, you could always use more foot rubs, and body massages. See where I'm going with this.

I have more and will continue to add more as well. You are more then welcome to add more. One more thing; this is under the assumption that you are in a consensual bb relationship, I wouldn't suggest doing these things to strangers :)

ADVISORY: Could bring out a woman's BB bitch side. General caution is advised.
CAUTION: Men could find said BB bitch crazy and should take the begging part serious.

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Goodman this is perfect ;)

5) couldn't have put it better :)
This is an important one I think, essential even.

6) A penny for your thoughts.

Let him know what's on your mind when your busting his balls. There has to be all kinds of fun mean stuff going on up there, share it with him. Stuff like how much you enjoy kicking him in the nuts, or what they feel like when you bust him. Or maybe you wonder how much his balls can take before they actually break, or how hard you have to kick them for permanent damage. He needs to know these thoughts, this is everything you really wish you could do. I have developed a couple of dark fantasies and they all end with permanent soprano. Sharing is caring. ;)

That's right Melinda I think that's the most important thing for me I have to know her thoughts let it out how she feels about the pain I am in and what else should could do being threatened knowing she can end the life of my testicles is both scary and hot

god THIS is what does it for me! Literally just hearing a woman talking about how my "balls just went crunch from that last kick" just makes me so hard. Great thread :) every girl needs to read this!

1) Make up a rule and bust his balls when he breaks it. Let him figure out what the rule is.

For example, whenever he says a word with the letter "Z" in it, kick him in the balls.

If he asks why, say that he broke the rule. If he asks what the rule is, tell him that you've already told him and you're not going to say it again.

In this instance, you'd ask him questions to make him say words with "Z" and then kick him in the balls each time.

If he seems to be starting to figure out what the rule is, let him get away with it three times in a row just to confuse him then resume. Isn't it nice of you not to punish him those three times?

By the end of the week, he has to have guessed what the rule is. If he guessed right, the previous rule is replaced with a new one. If he guesses wrong, the new rule is added to the previous one(s).

2) Tell him he has a very short amount of time to do a task. Say, 5 minutes to do the dishes. When the 5 minutes are over, have him turn around and inspect his work. For every little mistake, show him and kick, knee or squeeze his balls. If there are none and say, the dishes are perfect, add smudges yourself.

I like it goodman

What size shoe do you inflict damage with? Also, when wearing pumps or boots, can you feel the testicles through the shoe?

Hey jay, isn't this more of an interview question?
Yes ma'am......I suppose you are right. I think I intended to ask on a different ppsting. Still trying to maneuver on thos site. I'm new. Sorry.
All answer it for you :)
1.2) if he gets it right, lie and say he got it wrong. Also bust him if he got it wrong. Men are always wrong, even if they're technically right.
This is probably for the more intimate busters out there, but I'm sure you can make it fit. This is one of my golden rules and try to always fallow it.

7) Nothing is for free

Especially when it's anything and everything sexual. Period. Doesn't matter if it's a look, a kiss, a quick grope, anything. Every time he grabs you in a sexual way, he gets busted. If he gets aroused by you, he gets busted. If he is going to get lucky, he gets busted. After he gets lucky, he gets busted. I can't stress it enough, if he wants ANYTHING sexual, he MUST be busted. Use the reason he has them against him and you will always have a reason to bust him.



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