Hello everyone, I want to set up some kind of guide, ways I think will make a better ballbusting bitch. I encourage anyone to add there own thoughts, male or female. These are just my opinion, and mainly the way I am when I am busting :) I will add things that have tried or done that work. Give me anything you can think of. I want to corrupt your mind ;)

1) There is always a reason to bust his balls.

Be it because he was staring at another woman, grabbed your ass, a smart ass comment, or maybe you just want to hurt his testicles to see him suffer as a man. Either way, there is always a reason your man NEEDS his balls busted, find it.

2) OWN his testicles.

Literally. As in your going to do whatever you want to them, when you want, how ever hard you want. Every second he is still able to function as man Is a special gift from you. Don't be afraid to constantly remind him of it either. Make him fear losing his balls every time you go near them.

3) Why have power, if you don't use it.

Don't ask to bust his balls, demand too. He is going to stand there and spread his legs and take as many hits as he can before he is on the floor, and then he gets busted harder for not being able handle it. Your goal is to bust, break, and shatter his manhood. It's his to goal to beg, plead, and bribe you not to destroy them. So tell him to start begging and make it good, you could always use more foot rubs, and body massages. See where I'm going with this.

I have more and will continue to add more as well. You are more then welcome to add more. One more thing; this is under the assumption that you are in a consensual bb relationship, I wouldn't suggest doing these things to strangers :)

ADVISORY: Could bring out a woman's BB bitch side. General caution is advised.
CAUTION: Men could find said BB bitch crazy and should take the begging part serious.

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:D I read this and just smiled, magnifico Ann. This ultimately sums it all up , simple, pure and to the point.
Thank you everyone who has put input and thought into this post, 15 is a good number to end on I think, leaving it off at 14 would have driven me crazy. Happy ball smashing ladies ;)

Well said Ann!!  :)

OMG I sooooo love this post jajaja.  I have to say from personal experience, reason one is 100% totally true. Sometimes I think as women we forget this. We get complacent and busy with other things. Its usually those times when my man messes up and act disrespectful. Gotta keep your man in check, and all men learn fast when their balls are in our hands!!  My man looks at other chicas all the time. I will admit some of these females these days put it all out there, so its hard not to look, but still, if he starts leering, he can expect a little knee, or a squeeze when we get home. And my papi is a better man because I take control of his man hood that way.   Which is also why I agree with the second point so much too, we gotta remind our bfs/hubbys that WE own that thing between their legs- not them. I sometimes Men should be great full that we let them even play with themselves aye!  My man knows everything is up to me when it comes to sex. I control when and if he has it. When he messes up, I control when he gets to feel my "super mami powers" on his balls!!! lol


Thank you ladies, i encourage the woman to feel free to add thier own, it one thing for to me to tell you how to be a BB bitch, but it would be better if other woman shared how as well. You girls know you have it in you, what would that bitch in the back of your head do if she had a pair of nuts in her hand? It's all this post needs to turn it into a true mans nut crunching nightmare. A master piece. :)

I <3 your descriptions

Lol you're evil.

Guy here. You can't imagine how much I cringed reading this. Legs are sufficiently folded and quivering! lol

nice & scary ideas.

Not sure if I'm too late for suggestions, but I had this funny idea in my head.

You could get your man to get you some groceries, and you tell him say, you want a packet of chips.

When he returns with chips, you convince him that you got the wrong brand/flavour etc. 

He'll probably reason with you that you didn't specify so you could say "you should know my favourite!"

As punishment, he doesn't just get a kick in the nuts, but he has to go back to the shops and find more.

This could happen multiple times, and you can imagine him going back to the same shops, possibly now limping around due to his aching testicles, trying hard to find exactly what it is you're looking for.

If he manages to fail for the day, you give him one strike. You threaten that three strikes means he loses a nut.

I think that would be pretty bitchy? Haha.

This sounds good.

Ma,am what you say is absolutely correct. i believe every lady that rules a male either married to or boyfriend or slave should be ball busted for any infraction of attitude or manners to a Lady. our worthless balls are so sited that they just beg to be broken by a Lady and there can be no better situation for a male than to belong to a Lady as above where she believes as you do that the balls on a male are the property of a Lady to do with as she desires. speaking for myself when i was owned as a Lady,s slave she believed i should have my worthless eggs cracked daily one to teach me humility and my place in life and the other to suffer for her pleasure.as her slave i existed to serve her unconditionally in every way i was kept naked always in permanent chastity and each morning and evening i had to assume the position on my knees head on floor to receive my daily reminder of her superiority. it was always done ritually first i had to kiss and worship her feet and beg her to break my balls that she owned then i would be made to fetch her footwear which she demanded sometimes her boots sometimes her high heeled shoes by carrying them in my mouth and fitting them to her legs before assuming the position and always saying "Ma,am your slave present,s your balls for treatment". she always used to ask me if she should rupture me or castrate the balls? my answer was always the same "Ma,am i merely carry them for you, please do as you desire". i was never ruptured but over time the balls and sac did swell quite a bit and after many weeks and moths she did have to kick me harder as the balls kinda got used to it to get the same response she desired. as i was sterile anyway it was all they was worth to be broken by her

with deep respect slave brian



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