So I was wondering, would you consider ballbusting addictiv? It just seems the more it happens the more I want it to happen.

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Yes, it is 100% it is. It is to do with the chemical release and what it takes for that release. I can speak from experience followed by research.

Absolutely Addictive: It gives me an incredible rush and I lose myself in this euphoric high

and ALLLL I want is another hit of this bb drug...and another...and another...and another.

The highest of highs for me is the hit that's hard as FUCK--the more, the merrier ;D

Definitely sounds like an addict ;)


If I could quote this and put it on a T-shirt I would.
Mallory is vicious :)

Nate, busting nutts does bring out the vicious in this kitty ;) *RAWR* 

It must be addictive,... it's totally out of my control... and i love and can't live without it!

Psychologically speaking, something isn't generally considered an addiction unless it has a negative impact on ones life. 

Endorphins are released during any sexual activity, and the good feeling associated with them can certainly be 'addictive'. I also had a theory that the adrenaline surge that happens naturally for men when struck in the testicles also can be very addictive (in the same way that adrenaline seekers in extreme sports get hooked on risk taking). That feeling of shaking, shivering etc... that come after a big hit is, as far as I know, a direct result of an adrenaline rush (also the reason why it is said that a hard enough hit/prolonged squeeze can cause shock). 

With that said though, while certain things can surely be 'addictive' in nature (chocolate, junk food, sex) I wouldn't call anything an addiction that doesn't negatively impact your life. If you find that it creates problems in interpersonal relationships, health issues due an excessive amount of it or you find yourself partaking/thinking about it at times that interfere with day to day life then I would say it definitely could be an addiction. 

For most of us though, I don't think it affects our life adversely at all...other than the struggle it may be to find a partner who enjoys/partakes in it as well.

I should say too, the adrenaline part isn't just for guys. Women (as well as men) can experience the release of epinephrine (adrenaline) from sexual excitement. Just that for guys, getting hit/squeezed hard down there is a sure fire way to have it released in large quantities whereas with sexual excitement, it's possibly to not have the levels up to that heart pounding, shivering, shaking level. I'd be willing to bet that the bigger the adrenaline 'rush' is, the more likely you'd be to want to chase that natural high again if you perceive it as a good thing.

Funny how adrenaline works like that. For a base jumper, the adrenaline rush from standing on the rock ready to jump is EVERYTHING and they'll spend most of their life chasing it down. But for the person afraid of heights, that EXACT SAME biochemical reaction gets interpreted in a way that makes them NEVER want to experience it again. Kind of mirrors what happens in guys who are into BB vs guys who aren't. I feel like that's a good way to explain it to people who think you're crazy for enjoying it. 

On a side note, I think adrenaline plays a bigger role in the enjoyment of the fetish than most may think. For guys, try to think back at your last bust. I know for me, even an hour or so after it's almost hard to remember the feeling of pain...but what sticks with you is that feeling of shock. Increased heart rate, shivering, shaking, that feeling of everything else fading into the background. In a squeeze, that sense of urgency and panic. It's almost as if it is not really the pain we are chasing but the symptoms of the release of epinephrine that come with it.

I totally agree it is not an addiction but I think the problem is, that there's lots of reasons guys find themselves enjoying this fetish.

I've met guys who do it because they get off not on the pain but on the submission. The submission part is essential. By itself the BB is nothing.  Also, I'm sure there's your 'Type T's' as well that you described who totally get off on the endorphins.  I've met a few masochists in my time (non bb) who really it seems, get off on the endorphin rush.

Then there's masochists like me who simply feel pleasure instead of pain. I relate to pain completely differently when it comes to CBT. It doesn't even take a lot...And yes, if I hit my balls accidentally, I still feel 'pleasure' of a sort, while my body is all racked up lol. I've found a meagre amount of research on this.. a few old studies suggesting it may be genetic, certain genes may determine how your brain interprets nociception (more or less pain) or whether or not it is even felt at all. Another researcher (VS Ramachadran) suggested fetishes may be related to synaesthesia (in this case your brain literally is wired to interpret something as sexual).

And perhaps it's a combination of any of the above for some too. I mean clearly if you get off on submission or pain, you might also get off on epinephrine. But in my case, it is totally about the sensation, not the rush. I can chill on the couch and a good squeeze feels ah-mah-zing.

What I'm trying to get at is that I don't think one shoe fits all.. and the answer is probably really freaking complicated, a great PhD thesis for somebody who lives in a time where people aren't terrified of understanding sex (I'd gladly volunteer for an fMRI in the interest of uh. science!)...

Absolutely it's an addiction. The endorphins, adrenaline and natural high has been talked about already and they are some of the sources of the addiction and the reason we crave to keep pushing the envelope and increasing our limits. I have done basically ever drug under the son back when I was younger and was into cocaine pretty heavily at one point, gave all that up...I used to drink every single day and was a total alcoholic. I gave up drinking save for Xmas and my Birthday for a couple of years to regain control and while I do drink again fairly regularly, like once, twice, maybe three times I week, I've gotten mature enough and responsible enough to control it to a manageable degree. I'd say I'm probably still an alcoholic but a functional one that is able to put more important priorities ahead of it quite easily. I still smoke too but I would say I'm WAY more addicted to Ballbusting than anything else in life. The cravings for it are far more instance than anything I've felt missing other "addictions". The natural high and the feeling both in the moment and in the hour or two that follows an intense session at the feet of my beautiful wife make for a far more euphoric experience than the high produced by any drug I've ever dabbled in.

I've had a couple of kind of scary experiences too. 4 Bleeding incidents over the years, the worst of which I only took 2 days off for recovery and two paralyzing moments where I was so overcome with pain that I wondered if I was ruptured or if I had gone too far, or what I'd let happen, but as the pain gave way to numbness and that gave way to feeling and everything was alright, I couldn't wait to try it again and get back to that place and try and push further. It is absolutely addictive. I think both the physical pain and the internal struggle to deal with it, as well as the mental aspect of being so vulnerable, compromised and at the mercy of the angel you adore, admiring her in all her gorgeous glory as she dishes out the type of punishment that pushes you to your limits and sometimes beyond work in perfect combination with one another for the ultimate high. The psychological surge of passion, energy and intensity combined with the adrenaline and endorphin release on the physical side just bring me into a world and create a state of being I can't imagine even heaven eclipsing and the moment I leave that world, I can't wait to get back there, so yeah, it is absolutely addictive!



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