I've been aroused by BB since I was 12 or 13, but I only was comfortable telling women about it starting from when I was around 26 or 27 (5 or 6 years ago...ugh getting old).  Since then, I've brought it up with about a dozen women.  I always ask if they've ever kicked a guy in the balls (in a sexual or non-sexual setting), and of the dozen or so, only one has said yes.  It was actually a hot story--she was a very petite Asian girl who kneed and kicked some fratboy douchebag at a party in college and completely humiliated him in front of everybody (kind of my fantasy).  

But I digress.  My point is that I believe that, as much as we like to think bb happens all of the time, the vast majority of women will go their whole lives without ever kicking a dude in the nuts.  Am I just meeting the wrong women, or is this closer to reality?  Any thoughts?

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I enjoy kicking a guy in his balls!!!! It's like a powerful adrenaline rush that makes me feel strong. I never thought I would have enjoyed it until about 5 years ago and then a guy asked me too, and since then I'm hooked. I would love to kick random guys in the balls for hitting on me or being dicks to other girls. In the bedroom I enjoy a good long squeeze and slaps also. I'm hooked and u would be too if u felt my wrath :)
Haha Lilly I didn't know you were on this site. We actually got in contact twice about this but nothing ever became of it. I'm in AZ too.

You are ABSOLUTELY correct! I feel the same.

I laughed when I read this. I love kicking a man in the balls, I love causing that kind of pain to a
man. Most women don't think about it, but here's a secret, if a woman is introduced to it right, we can get into pretty easily. I have brought it up to some of my girlfriends, very casually. I asked them if they would kick man in the balls if there were no consequences, 4 out of 5 said they would in a heart beat, and 3 said they do it as hard as they can. It is not outside the realm of possibility, you just have learn how to bring out the wild bitch inside us. All woman have them, you just have let them know it's ok to bring her to the party. Just be careful, you might regret it. ;)

I have to agree with Charlotte - until 4 years ago I hade no idea that men enjoy having the balls busted and I am 74. I always was told not to hit a man between his legs and when I caught my daughter kicking my son's balls I went crazy and I don't think she kicked them again.

John, my partner got me into it and it took me a few months to feel comfortable kicking, squeezing and punching his balls, but now we both enjoy it, but lately we are doing it less and less. This makes our ball busting sessions much more fun and safe.

We both enjoy it and I also know that after John's balls are slightly recovered that we have some fun that I enjoy more than busting his balls!!!!!

But there are men and boy's that don't like it anymore as a joke or as a game of dominance and in my point of view to many girls/women had to learn it hard way just like boys/men, it was after they were kicked in the groin that they showed sympathy for the men or boy :-(.

Call it anti ball-busting or whatever you want  but girls/women or boys/men should be careful with who they kick because.

Reeded on the Internet no specific site anymore there are boys/men that kicked a girl in to her groin because the girl humiliated them in a painful and mental way :-(

Short answer: YES! bb-women exist. Although I think most women just think about smashing the nads, while very few actually do it. However, I have met quite a few of those bb-women:

In my early twenties I had a gf who used to bust me every time the opportunity came up. She didn't know I was into it, probably thought it annoyed me (she never ever busted during sex), but she did it all the time, and of course I was crazy about that.

Twice I had girls try to throw directly at my nuts when passing something, seemingly aiming somewhere else, "not at all knowing that they hit right there", although it was obvious that it was on purpose.

Once I sat down playing ball with a girl, and the instant I spread my legs, she decided to kick the ball right into my nads (just like I was hoping for....). It seemed like such a natural thing for her to aim there that it made me assume that many women do have the instinct to go for the balls, also when the man is not a threat to them.

Once I was playfighting with a friend and as soon as she got on top of me, she instantly made sure to press her thigh into my nuts and make an upwards movement.

All of these girls/women busted my nuts solely for their own entertainment, because they didn't know I was into it, and they clearly all enjoyed doing it. This proves that bb-women do exist. And for the record, all of the girls were what you'd call "normal girls", nothing crazy, sadist, weird about them in any way. So I assume that most girls secretly would be potential bb-girls, and that if a "normal girl" becomes your partner, you can turn her into a bb-lover.

no, we don't.

I think most females, especially over the age of 30 are taught not to kick a guy there except in a self defense situation, so a lot of women won't do it naturally- plus as females in general, we don't think about violence like that.

BUT on the flip side,  I kinda see times changing with younger females who would hit a guy there in ANY situation she thinks he needs it: maybe a little attitude adjustment for hubby/bf might get a love tap in the crotch, or if a guy is just being annoying or in her space at a club she might kick him rather than walk away like in the past, females are more assertive and its more acceptable, especially when society depicts it so much in media and movies for female empowerment ..dunno but interesting subject!

TOTALLY TRUE, if you ever saw a male hitting a female, in anyway, even in defense he would be punished/arrested, if a female kicks a guy even if she is not in harm, people are gonna side with her 99% of the time.

Females are portrayed as the victim and the male is always the aggressor. Its crazy to think it, but If I walked up to a random guy in public walked in front of him for like a second then turned around and kicked him in the huevos, people would be running over to me to make sure Im ok, while hes rolling around on the ground...(someone may even call the cops on him) its sooo messed up but im serious, that's how society is. Its not fair for males but the female has the upper hand on that one.

Movies make it ok and like you said portray it as comical, and basically make light of the guys situation and pain, which really makes it look like its no biggie if I felt like kicking some guy cause its only his balls were talking about right....soo crazy....aye.

Girl Power :-))

This girl does!



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