I'm making this thread to ask what are the sexiest things that your partner does when she is busting you/you are busting him.

For me, I love when I kick him, and he tries as hard as he can not to fall to the ground - he keeps his legs spread and his nuts exposed... At the same time he is quivering on the verge of falling. I know from experience that he eventually falls to the ground most of the time. So I just take advantage of my opportunity and FINISH HIM. With a solid kick :)

I also love to watch him quiver on the ground, and when he makes funny noises it's a plus!

GUYS: What are the sexiest things a woman could do when busting you?

GALS: What are the sexiest things a man could do when u bust him?


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The sexiest thing she can do is have a BIG SMILE on her face when she kicks me, and then laugh her ass off at me when I'm rolling around in agony.  

I like when the gf grabs em tight with one hand so there tight together in a fist and when she takes the other and starts squeezing harder and harder til i give a reaction, meanwhile she just sits there giving me a hell of a sexy smirk. Punching up there too especially during sex and even sometimes since I got low hangers shell sit behind me and punch both hands over and over like a speedbag!

the man asking me to do it harder, even if i can tell hes reaching his limits. then either whimpering or moaning into my mouth or neck, while i squeeze his balls. 

After a swift hard kick or knee, Caressing my balls lightly and kissing my neck, pulling me to her so she can feel my heavy breathes as I recover from the bust. Then taking me by surprise by punching my balls as hard as she can several times till I drop to the floor.

       With me it would be the verbal follow ups.The laughs "Oh darling you look so funny" "All that whimpering".Then the protests "I hardly touched you".Are they really that sensitive"."Your not tough at all are you?"  The scorn."So much for having a guy to protesct me " 'How do you cope witth all that stupid stuff sagging around betwen your legs?" Christ yoy most be frightened all the time of getting hurt""You should be wrapped up in cotton wool.And finally the stroking ,holding  suddling with her cupping my balls and the baby tone."Poor little boy .Let me look after your poor balls.I'll not let any rough girls hurt them."Such a beave little man not letting anyone see how frightened he is"etc

       I,d like to see more of this on videos too.The response of both partners is as sexy as the action.

The sexist thing my wife does when she bust is enjoy doing it. When she laughs and smiles. Love when she tells me to turn around, or when she tells me to stop moving. She only commanded me to spread em once, but that was really hot.

I just love the look of intensity when the wife is trying to get the perfect hit, whether its a kick, knee, punch or mallet strike after she has missed her mark once or twice. Rocks my world.



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