A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Attention all members,
The mentality of BB culture has always been a dark, dungeony, humiliation driven and distant solo kind of kink. The BB culture makes men feel like they are losers, pathetic and worthless and they are taught to feel ashamed about their kink. Much of the BB content is full of dominant, cold, abrasive, callus women beating the crap out of naked, sniveling, cowering, men in hoods and masks. Don't get me wrong I buy that hardcore stuff and I play those hardcore scenes offline with gf's and play dates, but when I created this site I wanted to offer the first PG-Rated environment one that was an approachable alternative for women, newbies and the casual to hardcore BB and CB fetishists. Anyone can create a forum or share video and photos but not many will take the time or effort to enforce strict rules for protecting the BB and CB producer content, or respecting each other or not running off every female in a community because there is no discipline or safeguards in place.
KITG isn't' just a website with BB and CB content its a way of thinking about the Groin Busting Culture from a more human perspective. We approach people as if we are meeting them on the street for the first time rather than in some seedy back alley. Its a place of tolerance and appreciations for all flavors of Groinbusting brothers and sisters, we are all family we have too many people who could potentially give us grief on this so we should all support one another. The BB community needs a responsible and carefully guarded site like a KITG to help bring some type of balance to the scene.
After this transition it is clear that many of you will not have a BB home. You will have to shop around now for a new BB home and thats cool. Please feel free to have a look through the links that I've complied over the years of the sites that are out there. Maybe the fetish is not as strong for some of you, so its no big loss and thats cool too. But I can assure you that there is absolutely nothing out there like the community that we have here. Where ever any of you end up, It is my hope that each of you are able to share some of the vibe and culture that we all shared and contributed here on this site. If you choose to come back sometime in the future you will be welcome. I wish you all well.
Oh one last thing. All profiles will still be available if you decide to join. So those of you who didn't donate or subscribe you will have access. Plus nothing is set in stone we have never done this before so we don't know what we are able to do yet. So keep coming back to see what changes or upgrades or pricing structures and flexibility that we have. Obviously we are not stingy people cause the site would not have been free for all these years. We need to regroup and figure out what to do next as we transition.
- Dvhour (Site Owner)
Honestly, it's pretty damn shady to leave user-generated content (like profiles) online while banishing all the folks who aren't paying you.
Roger, I've followed your work for years and I value you as a fellow BB producer and ambassador for our culture. So let me say that your comment is massively upsetting and completely unfair, so I write this to appeal to your intellect with facts rather than someone with just pure hurt feelings.
How much business did KITG send to you and Belinda?
KITG gets 400-500 viewers daily. Half are members, the other half are regular and new lurkers from across the globe. We have the most comprehensive BB and CB link section on the web. There is not a single website with as many BB or CB links. With that said, your pay site Belinda Beats Her Boyfriend was one of the very first links that we posted. It is likely you found us because you saw a trail of paying customers coming from this website. We didnt' beg you or other BB or CB site owners to join KITG but many of them joined us when they realized we were bringing them business. We didn't ask for you or the other producers to link back to us, neither did we ask you to do anything special we just supported you. Honestly, in the past 4 years how much business do you think KITG sent to you and Belinda?
Fight BBtube Not KITG!!!!
It would appear that you and a MANY other BB producers have benefitted massively from this site. Not only are we the first site that enforced and preached support the Paid Content Producers but we sent people your way as well. That alone should have been of value to you. People always talk about BBtube and though i admittedly go to their site, I realize I already own a ton of that material because I purchased it with my hard working dollars. I support the BB Producers with my money because I want them to continue on. On BBtube though, much of that content is flat out paid content and thats not right!!! If you want to start talking shady then you need to look at the overall problem of the BB community as a whole. People don't want to pay for shit. They want and EXPECT free stuff and they don't care that it takes food out of the mouths of people who are producing this content just for them. If you want to call someone shady then go challenge BBtube for knowingly allowing its members to illegally upload paid content. Look, KITG is a friend to BB and CB Producers, We are not your enemy. This site is the balance between the BBtubes of the world, don't be so fast to dismiss our value. Who will you count on to help protect your material?
You NEVER helped!!!! Why complain now?
This site has helped to bring folks to your domain. We didn't ask you for anything nor did we chastise you.... Hell you guys charge $5-$10 per clip. One purchase of your clips would have easily helped. You never offered a single dollar nor offered any advice nor support, so don't complain now that we are seeking alternative methods to keep the site going. Nothing is set in stone we are just trying another approach because the $1 donation was too much to ask to keep a quality community like KITG running. We protected and supported you and this is the thanks we get? Only to get slapped in the face with a back hand on your way out? The bitter thing to do would be to remove your link from our listing, but that would be too easy, so let everyone see how its prominently placed on our links page and how DV personally recommended it.
Your time and energy more valuable than ours?
Another point. I don't see you offering free BB content, you charge between $5 to $10 a clip. Sure you have overhead and energy spent creating the content... but so do we. How is your production more valuable than the continuance of KITG's culture. You have approximately 300 clips over a two year period. I shoot and edit video for a living and I have done BB Content myself, I can assure you that its massively simple work compared to running an entire Social Network for four years straight 365 days a year with no break in between. Yet you charge people per clip Mallory and I custodian and entire social network for free. Seriously!!!! Granted you are the producers of original content, but why is your time and energy more valuable than ours? Why should we not be valued as the custodians and maintainers of keeping this ship sparkling and running? Are you implying that we don't deserve a single dime for all the hard work, the careful thoughtful approach and well being of this community? Even people who work for non-profits and museums get paid. Give me a break. We are not robots, we have feelings, we have deeply involved lives, family problems and we work hard just like everyone else yet we are being vilified like we stole your 401K and it sucks massively that people like you feel you can abuse us like this.
KITG is a Museum not an exploitive Corporation!
Stop thinking about us as Corporate fat kats or exploiters of the BB and CB community, because as you know there is no money to be made in Groinbusting culture. Think of us as preserving the content as a museum would. We are protecting the data and keeping it on display for people to continue to contribute and for others to relish in the vastness of it. No one here is banished we are merely asking for a fee to join, just as a museum would. A $20 fee that covers an entire year compared to the cost of two of your $5 to $10 video clips. A fee that could easily change once we settle down and figure somethings out. Plus all the profiles of non subscribers will be preserved, so if someone wants to join us again then they can do so undisturbed. Its way better than the alternative, having nothing at all... Stop vilifying us, we are doing the best we can to keep this community going. We are trying to move on and be proactive so stop bringing the energy and value of this site down.
The traffic to my clipstore from here is a lot less than you might imagine- I think the vast majority of people are here for the free content. Most of the people here who have chatted me up about the vids I posted here have told me they didn't buy anything from the store and want more free clips.
But that's really besides the point; you're making what's called an ad hominem attack, where you go after something else instead of addressing what I was talking about. I was saying it's shady to take all this content that's been uploaded by users over the years and suddenly make it only available to paid users. In your long, rambly rant, you didn't explain why you feel that is an okay thing to do. It's kind of like if Facebook suddenly charging money to use their services, but kept everybody's photos and such for the paid customers to look at it, as if it's their own intellectual property.
Thank you for coming back to explain your position. I didn't understand the full context, intent or tone of your post, which is partly why I responded the way I did. I understand your intent better now so it takes a lot of the sting out and I can further elaborate on your question.
Facebook is a mega Giant thats family and corporation friendly. We are a PG-Rated fringy social network that encourages kicking men and women below the belt. Look much of the Kink community is afraid of our kink, we don't have a lot of supporters. We cant truly get regular non-kinky ad support, believe me, we tried. God forbid if we try to do adult ads like BBtube. Facebook is General purpose and its not a distinctive rare fetish site. It can be replaced by some other social network any day a site like KITG can not be so easily replaced. I do not say that out of ego, its fact. I'm not justifying the idea of holding the content hostage. We are just trying something different... ALL of the content on this site is out in the free domain anyone can get it all we did was offer a place to gather all of it. None of the content here is paid content. Pretty much every video producer, photographer, visual artists that have drawn for this site actually support our new decision, they are not complaining that we are ripping them off. PLUS all of the content producers have a free pass they are welcome to stay and produce content at their whim. Plus we are purchasing a video server that will be ours so they don't have to use Youtube. Thats one of the bonuses of the new upgrade. So in essence people will mainly be paying for the culture of this site to exist and for the opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals. Cause to be honest its never really been about the videos and photos its always been about the social component and the cozy vibe culture and thats where the value of this site is mostly.
As mentioned above in my last statement... please read the part that says... "KITG is a Museum not an exploitive Corporation!". I hope this helps.
Anyone who has ever uploaded content has the right to remove anything they want. No one is stopping them. Which keeps blowing my mind we have had this message up for over a month if someone wanted their stuff down they could have done it weeks ago. Mallory and I certainly will not be going to through the terrabytes of data here. You upload it and don't want it up then take it down its that simple...
You guys really need to relax no one is selling your content to some private institution. You guys are acting like people used their real names. This isn't Facebook, where you have to use your real name, its a freakN alias, that being the case who the heck would even know that was you? AGAIN if you don't want your stuff up REMOVE IT... tell your friends to remove theirs too... You seem to be missing something again its not so much about the content here its about the culture. Thats what people are buying into. We could erase everything here now and the core people who want to have real conversations and part of that culture would be happy to do so.
YES the written part of this site is the best part in my view I always said that I Love Knave and Kat+Joe and AW and WU and Bronson and Travis, Damien and Deezy and Fox&Wolf and a slew of other folks who contributed they helped to define the culture here and I value them but each of them know they can take their stuff down... but they support us they are not fighting us because they know we have the best intentions for their content and we always protected and respected them. As I said we are reformatting our situation here we did the free thing for 4 years...
Here are the options stresstoy
1. Let KITG fail completely and no body gets ANYTHING
2. Let KITG try this subsciption model out and figure things out
I mean if i find a massive wipe I might just do that... would that make you happy to never ever see this content again... who knows maybe we can figure things out and make it free again I don't know but why would you or anyone else opt for us to just wipe the clean slate of this site away... just because you personally don't want to support the site. People really need to have a longer range perspective rather than being so short sighted.
I'm pretty sure they'll still be able to log on and delete their content
All of what you said is extremely true and this is a one of a kind place. I thank you on behalf of myself, lotus, farren, and the others ive made vids for this site. I think the asking price for subscribing would be a easier pill to swallow if users had GARUNTEED material and content from me, KatKatbbsaverz, and others who put out grade A+ vids. Anyway, for whatever happens thanks for the years of holding it down!
I guarantee continued content from me, it might not be weekly or monthly guarantee but I'll have some new shit coming soon
I just signed up a few weeks ago and everyone was so welcoming and happy, now there is such hostility and tension! I hope things can be settled soon, I really want to upload new pics and videos regularly but it seems to be a bad time. Stay strong KITG! Get along everyone!
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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