My interview...ask any question you want, but it might not be what you're hoping to hear. Let's have some fun.

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Did you catch all three of them by surprise? Will you give more details about what you did?

I had in inebriation on my side. Their reflexes were rather slow, but i do remember my husband giving out the warning "Watch you groins". 

Did your husband's warning had any effect? Like did they try to protect their balls, or to run away?

Also, did you hit them hard, and they remembered the episode the day after, or they were too drunk to remember?

They were drunk and lethargic at the time, they actually did very little but stand there in shock as they fell one by one.

As drunk as they were, they remembered it the next day. One of them even said..."remind me not to get on your bad side again". I hope they were still sore to be honest, but they didn't say.

Hello Jessika,

How tall (approx) and how short were the shortest and tallest men you've ever busted ?

Do you/would you like it in particular to bust a man you tower over (say 5'6-5'8...) ?

How tall are you in your favorite pair of heels ?

Hello goalie, I'm not sure what you wanted ask if anything at all, you sent a blank reply.

Hmm... that's odd. I'm pretty sure I left a post here :)

I was wondering how tall was the the tallest adult guy you ever busted and how short was the shortest one (approx) ?

Also, I was wondering about busting guys you tower over (say, 5,6-5,8) - if that makes you feel more dominant and if you like that in particular and how tall are you in your favorite pair of high heels ?


My tallest man i have ever busted was my first husband, he stood at 6'8" (203.2 cm), he was 8 inches (20.3 cm) taller then me at the time of the busts.

The shortest adult man i have ever busted was a man nicknamed "Shorty" . He is 5'4" (162.6 cm) tall and was almost 8 inches (19.6 cm) shorter then me at the time of the bust.

Yes, i feel like a conquering amazon when i bust guys that much shorter then me, even guys standing 5'10" (177.8 cm), i get that dominant feeling.

'at the time of the busts' :) And I like the 'conquering amazon' description.

What about high heels ?

Thanks again for the interview.

Ummm, yes, once in a while i do wear heels. A lot of my shoes are kittens with maybe 1 inch heels. I also have 2 and 3 inch heels that I wear once in a while.

Hi Jessika. You said earlier that the guy in college lost at least one testicle and possibly both, but it didn't slow you down at all. How does it feel to have possible ended that dude's sex life? That's a lot of power. 

I have no feelings for him, he assaulted me and I'm sure if i was injured he wouldn't of cared either.



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