Yes, no joke, in the last months i have written roundabout 6 or 7 poems about the topic.
My latest is one I wrote just for this board, it is a romantic one so I felt it matches what i posted in the blog.
And P.S.: Yeah i suck at writing poems but I try hard :D
You give yourself to my loving arms, they will catch you when you fall
Trust is the name of our game, daring is our journey to joy
To your realm that others cant name, so they cant find it
But we can, so dear boy let off all concern because I'm here for you
Your manly windchime rests in the mild breeze of the afternoon wind, longing to sound
Eye to eye, we smile in harmony, then the bells ring, ring so clear
I rock your skies, like a lightning jolt out of the blue
A pilot of love I've become, venturing to the limit of your horizon
The once little windchimes seem to have grown to the largest bells, vast and proud
Feelings craze you as I toll them, more intense than you could ever describe
Taste the magic of the moment, hun, reverberating pure as the sound of glass
Again and again, I'm knocking at the sensitive door to your sesame
You drop as it finally opens, overwhelmed, cant believe we did so fine
Relief in your eyes, relief in my soul
I smile full of bliss, you ache, still overwhelmed by the moment
The riches of satisfaction reveal to you as you lay on the ground,
A shiny splendour for me to watch from above, shiny as your eyes