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Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ
On Yahoo! Answers there are a couple of very descriptive answers to that question :P They usually include nausea and incremental pain that spreads to the stomach.
Personally, I've never been kicked hard enough to fall to the floor. I don't know if my fetish makes it hurt less, or if the girls that kicked me are terrible at it :P I'm also a bit of a coward, so after the pain reaches a certain level (usually between 2 and 10 kicks, depending on the girl), I stop letting her kick me until the pain passes a little. So, my best answer would be a pain that is really present and annoying, the kind you feel after the dentist stops drilling deep though your teeth :P You'll probably get a better answer from guys that have been kicked harder/better or are just more sensitive in that area :P
On the lines of "what goes through my mind", it happened a few times that, after a very long hard squeeze, I felt like... unprotected and vulnerable (not physically, but emotionally). Like I needed to be hugged. I don't know if this only happened to me, or if it's normal that this pain causes an emotional reaction besides the physical one.
By the way, the pain after after a kick is very different from the pain of a squeeze. When a girl squeezes my nuts, the pain is harder and sharper while she's squeezing, but it almost completely disappears when she stops.
Thanks for the great response, Garat. Fascinating, what you bring up about the squeezing pain possibly causing an emotional reaction...feeling like you needed a hugg. I love to feel nutts being squished in my grip...the look of fear and helplessness in their eyes was so intense, but I never thought to hugg any of the guys afterward hahaa :)
Yeah Mike, your Mother Nature theory makes perfect sense. But, to say that getting a good hard kick in the balls is actually "sweet nurturing from a woman"...well, that's just plain delicious ;)
It's been several years since I've taken a really good solid kick but I'll add what I can.
I have been hit hard enough to drop me, even single shots. For the most part, I don't know they're coming so I can't really speak to what I'm thinking about just before impact. Even if I do see it coming, its usually so fast and my natural reaction still tries to keep em safe so there isn't much more thought then "uh oh!"
The hit itself. Ouch! :) I wanna say there have been times I've started reacting to the pain even before I totally comprehended the fact that I just took a hit to the balls. As the others have said, the pain just kinda radiates out. Lighter hits may lead to what my friend called the "baby giraffe walk": body hunched over, hands between the legs, knees bent inward and taking stumbly (or is it fumbly?) steps. Hard hits - forget it, I'll be down and curled up in a nice little ball on the floor. As the pain spreads it likes to hit the stomach as well and that nausea feeling is the part I could do without. There can be a little light-headedness too but I've only noticed that after the real bad hits.
As to what I usually think: it's not so much thinking as just feeling/knowing 'oh shit this hurts, it needs to stop'. Even once back on my feet they still ache a bit and can be a bit sore for a good while. At that time I know I've thought to myself "man, and I actually like this?" :) Those light or playful hits I can enjoy at the time but those solid ones it tends to be later after the real pain subsides.
Apparently I added more then I expected. Go me! Hope this helps!
Thanks Lobstaboyyy, very refreshing to FINALLY hear a guy say he hates the pain that shoots up to his stomach...I never understood that. Guys always mention it, but I'm thinking whyyyyy would you love a bellyache?? I guess cuz it's just part of the whole reaction. "Man, and I actually like this?"...hahaa. And when you said "my natural reaction still tries to keep em safe", I don't know why but that REALLY made me laugh :D
Johnny, I am well aware there are many variables and no ONE way to really answer this...that's the beauty of it! I don't want to hear about getting busted by an attacker though :( I want to hear about all of the thoughts and sensations that a man experiences on the pain/pleasure side of it...in other words, i want the nitty gritty ;)
I've heard about this from a few guys...having their nutts squeezed hard during orgasm and I've seen videos before of guys literally getting the cum kicked out of em...woww what does THAT feel like?? That must be total sensory overload on both the pain AND pleasure meter!! :D
I've heard about this from a few guys...having their nutts squeezed hard during orgasm and I've seen videos before of guys literally getting the cum kicked out of em...woww what does THAT feel like?? That must be total sensory overload on both the pain AND pleasure meter!! :D
YUP, it's total sensory overload! I've never had the cum KICKED out of them although I have come close once. I HAVE had the cum squeezed and pounded out a couple of times, however. I had a gf that loved to grab and pound on mine while she had them all bound up in her grip. (using the "O" ring grip) The first time this happened, it was during a long sex session and she kept bundling them up and pounding on me. It was total overload for me between the pain and pleasure and the mind games from her doing this to me. All of a sudden, without a touch anywhere else, SPLOSH!!!! We both were totally freaked out by it! Yes, there was a LOT of arousal all along and leading up to this but there was NO stimulation going on anywhere else (if you know what I mean) for at least a minute before she made me squirt. I was in agony and extacy at the same time.
Afterward, within only about 15 or so seconds, the pain was really bad in my balls. It always is bad right after cumming and having had a very hard ball play session. Like Don was talking about, having them squeezed, tugged, and punched gives quite an overload while leading up to cumming and during an orgasm from other types of simotaneous stimulation. It doesn't take long after an orgasm, however, to have very painful cramps in my balls. It's as if they've been drained dry and it really hurts BADLY for a few minutes. But, like Don also mentioned, it's a good feeling in my mind to know how I've been drained but there is a fear and panic from the overwhelming pain that something might have gone wrong with them because the pain is so intense. What a rollercoaster of sensations!
The agony and the ecstasy...that's what it's all about. With my ex, I would squeeze
his nutts really hard and I loved that wonderful place between pain and euphoria
that I would hear in his moaning, which was incredibly arousing to me ;)
ive never seen a dude getting the cum kicked right out of him!! that sounds awesome, any links?
I'd also add that having one or both of your testicles squeezed hard when you are aroused can cause orgasm much sooner than normal. This is a good trick to try if your partner is aroused but having trouble cumming.
My gf has also been able to make me cum strictly by holding one testicle in each hand and rolling them and applying firm pressure for up to 15 minutes. She really flattens them and it is pain and pleasure combined, the more pointed end of each nut is very sensitive. She has complete control and that is sexy in itself. I do have to be pretty horny for this to work and it doesn't work if you've had booze, dulls the senstivity I guess.
I do like it when she kicks me in the balls as well. She is really good at kicking up under the testes and can usually target either left or right nut or both. She can double me over with a kick of less than half of what her full force kick is. A few times she has kicked harder and had no trouble disabling me for several minutes. The pain dropped me and felt like it was in the balls, stomach and lower back, too. I did not expeience nausea but if it were a fight with her, it would have been over.
My balls were really sensitive after the hard kick and she likes to flick them with her finger afterward which feels like a slap as they are so tender. The after effect is very pleasurable and I find it very arousing to now know that she could definitely overpower me with one or two hard kicks. I like the way my balls feel after she has reallly worked them over although I find the support of a jockstrap to be helpful, sometimes.
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