My interview...ask any question you want, but it might not be what you're hoping to hear. Let's have some fun.

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It's like his balls got control of his brain and wanted to get as far away from you as was physically possible at that moment LOL.

Jessika K said:
This one goes back a few years, i was 22 and just graduated from college. I remember visiting a college buddy out in the nice rural suburban area. I was a small gathering of friends from college. We were in the backyard of my friends house and one of our friends seemed a little inebriated (alcohol the cause again), he was squinting as he looked at my chest, i noticed him looking, but i figured what the hell, he was being harmless. When all of a sudden i feel something between my breast, I look down and I see my friend sticking his finger right in there in the cleavage. I grabbed his arm, and and pulled him into my knee, i slammed him very hard, I let go and he ran away frantically and then fell out on the ground about 50 feet (15 meters) away and then writhed wildly. Everyone saw it and my one friend from college even said something like "Just like old times".

Goalie said:


Would you please tell us the full story ?


Jessika K said:

I think he ran on adrenaline and shock like a chicken with his legs cut off and running on nerve power. I never asked, but that's the way i like to look at it, it's actually a pretty sexy reaction when i think about it.

giordy said:
Yes,the story of that guy that ran away 50 feet is interesting. Did he ran away because he was afraid you would hit him again? And you think he was able to run because of the adrenaline, or just because the full pain hadn't arrived to him yet?

Hi Jessika,


Have you ever ruptured a guy's testicle, or thought you might have? Have you wanted to? Hypothetically, if you were to do it, what method would you want to use? Would you want to do it fast and hard with a knee or kick, or slower, in a grip with your hand, so you could actually feel it?

hey jessica i was also like someone that asked earlier..... how did u damage ur busting buddy? would u please tell the story..... and what exactly was the damage done?

thnx for ur time :)

Guys say they feel a delay when they get hit in the balls, but i never really notice a time delay, I'm sure it's gotta be way different in a guy's mind that just got kicked.

Lisa said:
When you kick a guy in the balls it always takes a few seconds before the pain comes hahaha. There face is SO funny, it looks like "OMG i just got kicked in the balls" lol
That actually depends on why I'm busting the guy, i do want to cause some pain for even the ones done for fun, but not always the most.

Lisa said:
When you go for the balls, I am guessing you aim to cause the most PAIN you can, that's why you do it in the first place. Right? hahhaha

Lisa said:

Jessika K said:
My busts also work on a range from 1 to 10 like everyone else. I probably don't deliver too many on the lower end of the scale by my design.

Mike said:
I look at most your replies and see that you seem to hit or squeeze pretty hard. So i want to know what is a "light" hit to you?
No, my brother was never into it, he's definitely not into it now. It was never my aim to get my brother aroused nor was it arousing for me, i was just being a mean little sister to her older brother nothing more to it then that.

playfight said:
what u think after all this busts was he in bb.did u always kick him in playfights and by supprise or he let u kick him sometimes

Jessika K said:

I busted my brother pretty hard, i usually always dropped him and i made him cry many times when he was younger. I racked him from when I was about age 6 until i was about age 15. In 11 years i'll say I busted him 30 times.

playfight said:

how many times u busted your brother and how hard?

When you were young and first started busting your brother, how did you first find out that his balls were such a weak spot?

TV actually, it's a great educator. 

LOL, you're such a comedian that's really funny.

greeneyedsusan said:
It's like his balls got control of his brain and wanted to get as far away from you as was physically possible at that moment LOL.

Jessika K said:
This one goes back a few years, i was 22 and just graduated from college. I remember visiting a college buddy out in the nice rural suburban area. I was a small gathering of friends from college. We were in the backyard of my friends house and one of our friends seemed a little inebriated (alcohol the cause again), he was squinting as he looked at my chest, i noticed him looking, but i figured what the hell, he was being harmless. When all of a sudden i feel something between my breast, I look down and I see my friend sticking his finger right in there in the cleavage. I grabbed his arm, and and pulled him into my knee, i slammed him very hard, I let go and he ran away frantically and then fell out on the ground about 50 feet (15 meters) away and then writhed wildly. Everyone saw it and my one friend from college even said something like "Just like old times".

Goalie said:


Would you please tell us the full story ?


Jessika K said:

I think he ran on adrenaline and shock like a chicken with his legs cut off and running on nerve power. I never asked, but that's the way i like to look at it, it's actually a pretty sexy reaction when i think about it.

giordy said:
Yes,the story of that guy that ran away 50 feet is interesting. Did he ran away because he was afraid you would hit him again? And you think he was able to run because of the adrenaline, or just because the full pain hadn't arrived to him yet?
I know for a fact I've sent a few to seek medical help but none of those suffered rupture. I'm not 100% sure any of the other guys I never saw again suffered a rupture. I was told by a reliable source that one of my busts when i was 19 years old resulted in the guy losing at least one of his testicles, the person was a personal friend of the guy i hit, but I'm not 100% sure.

Derek Blake said:

Hi Jessika,


Have you ever ruptured a guy's testicle, or thought you might have? Have you wanted to? Hypothetically, if you were to do it, what method would you want to use? Would you want to do it fast and hard with a knee or kick, or slower, in a grip with your hand, so you could actually feel it?

It wasn't one particular story that resulted in him becoming sterile, I feel it was seven years of sessions that caused that. I'd bust him five or six times a month and accumulated over many years resulted in sterility. To here him say it, it was one bust, I kneed him really hard about 4 years ago that made him puke, he thinks thats the crucial moment. I still feel it was from years and years of sessions.

Seth Settles said:

hey jessica i was also like someone that asked earlier..... how did u damage ur busting buddy? would u please tell the story..... and what exactly was the damage done?

thnx for ur time :)

I think it's also the same for the amount of time we're down after the hit.  May seem like ages but could only be just a minute.  Ever have him actually say something along the lines of being surprised how short a time it actually was?

Jessika K said:
Guys say they feel a delay when they get hit in the balls, but i never really notice a time delay, I'm sure it's gotta be way different in a guy's mind that just got kicked.



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