Hey y'all, tired of me yet? I hope not. Welcome to more of the mindset that is me and Busting Ball's, part 3. 

      You know, every time I finish one of these I am always thinking "I could have added this", or " I could have talked about that". I honestly have no idea on what I am going to talk about until I start getting into it.  The last one had a different tone to it, so will try and mix it up a bit on this one. 

     Let's start with what else goes through my mind when I am busting balls. What do I think about? I know how I feel, but what I think is something different, which brings me to this BB session that I am about to share with you

    This own is one of my older busting's. It was during the time that I was really getting into ballbusting. I wasn't quite where I am at now, and the busting was sparse as I was trying to get feel on where my husband was at and how much he could handle. I did a lot of random kicking, surprise shots, and the sessions that I did do were not as intense as now. 

     I have had ball busting sessions with him before, but I do consider this my first, true, hard core ball busting session. I really put him through the ringer on this one. It started out light heartedly, and ended with me really pushing him to his limit at the time. I wanted to know just how far I could take him. I was not disappointed. I feel like this is the session I really learned what I like and what I was truly capable of. Per usual, I warn that it gets highly aggressive towards the end, so if you don't like or agree, then you probably shouldn't read. We know your going to though. 

      Me and my husband had just gotten home from a trip to the store, the kids where all gone, out and about.  I was wearing one of my favorite pair of white leggings with the pink flowers all over them. My shirt was a white t-shirt with the words "Bad Bitch" in red lettering across the chest and I was wearing my black and white converse shoes that day.

       I was anxious and wound tight, something that just tends to happen at times. I suffer from anxiety and it likes to ramp up now and again. He noticed I was feeling off, asking me if I was alright. 

        "Yeah, I am alright. I just have a little anxiety. Feels like I have a lot of pent up energy." I told him. 

       He cupped my ass in his hands from behind before he put his arms around my waist and said jokingly "Well I can always help you burn off that energy" 

       I said "Of course you would say that. You should be careful what you wish for".

       I yelped when his hands slid down my thighs and moved in-between my legs, making me jump. I tend to be extremely ticklish in this area when I am not aroused and he knows it. 

       I swung my fist backward, nailling him the balls. It wasn't very strong, but it managed to make him grunt in pain. I turned around and wrapped my arm's around his neck 

       I was feeling playful as I said " You know, I am kind of antsy but...",  and then I lightly kneed him in the nuts to make my point. 

      "I am not sure you can handle it", I teased, smiling at him. 

      I slammed  my thigh in-between his legs, pressing into him, trying to crush his ball's as I held it there. One of his hands gripped my ass as the other held me leg, pulling me into him as he groaned.

    "You are such an evil woman sometimes, you know that?", he said with desire in his voice. 

     " I know. That is part of why you love me.",  I responded as I wiggled my thigh still nestled between is legs.

     I started to get that ballbusting urge building up inside me. When it happens, it comes on as either slow and subtle or pure and raw. This time it was pure and raw, I wanted him on the floor in agony at my feet.

    I pushed him off me towards the wall In  our living room, pinning him against it, my hands on his shoulders now. I quickly slammed my knee into his nuts again, making him slid down to to my eye level as he groaned. I leaned in close to his face, biting his earlobe. 

     I whispered "let's find out"

     "Find out what?", he asked with lingering pain on his face. 

     "Let's find out how much you can handle. Bettter yet, let's find out how evil I can really be." I said smiling at him. 

     I slammed my knee into his ball's over and over until he was hunched over in pain. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up, forcing him to stand straight. I pinned his hands to the as high as I could as I got close to kiss him. 

   I kissed him with a frenzy, making both our heads spin as I drew my knee back and kneed him again driving the air from his lungs and sucking it into my own, literally taking his breath away. 

    He wasn't able to really close his legs as I pressed in-between them, his hands pinned so he couldn't grab his jewels. I wanted more. I kissed him again, biting his bottom lip until I could hear him yelp. 

     "Don't you dare fall down or it's gonna be way worse for you" I told him as I helped him straighten back up.

     I kneed him again to see what he would do. He grunted in pain, but stayed up. I know he can take alot more punishment when he is expecting it, not like when I get the drop on him when I surprise him. I am counting on this, as I know that eventually he is going to go down. 

    I began to knee him softly but rapidly, increasing my strength as I kept going. He gritted his teeth as the onslaught to his balls continued to get harder and more painful with each knee.  

     I pressed him against the wall, drawing me knee back so I can hit him with as much force as I could generate. He was struggling to stand when I hammered my knee into his crotch, gritting my teeth as did. He let out a long "ohhhhh", mixed with  coughing and what almost sound like chuckling. He slid partly down the wall as his knees started to give out.  I had to use all my strength to stop him from falling completely down.  

      "Ohh shit that one hurt baby", he said trying to take deep breaths. 

     As I held my knee in place, I laughed and said "Ready for another one?"

    He didn't really have time to respond as I drew back again and swung my knee into is groin again full force, taking his breath away. I couldn't hold him up anymore as he came crashing to his knees, loosing my grip on his hands. His arms wrapped around my legs and squeezed me tight as his face rested against my stomach, almost knocking me over with his weight.

     I ran my fingers through his hair and told him frankly "Welp, I guess that means you lose doesn't it." 

    I kept running my hands through his hair until he caught his breath, controlling my own pace of breathing. A small moment of serenity is always nice before you wreck a man's world. 

       My hands started to to tingle, as it traveled up into my chest spreading out through my whole body. I don't know if you know what a combat high feels like, but this is very similar. I feel like there is an energy in me,  like electricity surging through my body. It this isn't power then I don't know what is. 

     My whole body was feeling it, I needed to let it loose. I grabbed his hair in fist as I opened the distance a little bit between us. I took a deep breath, and with a force that surprised even me, I kicked him quickly and extremely hard while he was on his knees, the toes of my converse shoes crushing  his balls with zero mercy. 

   He reacted with gut wreching sound as I moved out the way and watched him crumple to the floor holding his battered balls In his hands. I wasn't done though, I wanted to see him in more pain from what I was doing to him. As he struggled and rolled around, I surveyed the front room real quick and saw my robe on the the back of our couch. I went and grabbed the soft belt that was in it and headed back to my man on floor. 

    He was lying on his stomach holding himself as I put my knee into his back, pulling his hands behind him, bounding them with the robe belt. I didn't want his hands getting in the way of me busting his nuts. 

    I rolled him on to his back and then stood over him smiling and said "There, now your hands won't get in the way. I wouldn't want to accidentally break one." 

   I rested my foot on the bulg in his pants as he said nervously, still in pain "I think I'm more worried about you breaking those at this point". 

    "Good. It's something I would definitely worry about in your position.", I responded, pressing into is his balls with my foot. 

    He let out an "ugh!" Sound as I stepped up on to his groin, balancing myself between his legs on one foot, putting all my weight on to his nuts. I started to bounce up and down, bringing him even more pain. He couldn't stay still, making me lose my balance, forcing me to step off. I brought my foot up and quickly slammed it down, stomping on his Manhood with all my strength. His back arched as he squirmed on to his side, trying to ball up. His face turned beat red as he tried to breath. 

    I know I must have got a least one of them good with that last shot as he struggled on the floor. It wasn't good enough for me though. I wanted to hurt him more, and I figured his jeans were padding my blows, so they had to go.

   I moved down to his feet pulling his boots off, and then straddled his legs. I quickly undid the button on his jeans and proceeded to pull his pants open. His underwear were tight and black, boxer briefs, made of mostly polyester. They held his package perfectly, making it stand out, like a pouch waiting to be kicked. I ripped his pants off as quickly as I could. I have always loved when he wore these kind of briefs, they just always seemed so delicious. 

    I stood up and drew my foot back, my target begging to be kicked full force. I slammed the toe of my shoe into his Manhood package like I was trying to kick a field goal. His ball's bounced violent as I kicked him full force, sending him into agony as he rolled around on the floor, unable to grab himself.  

   I forced him onto his back, and kicked him again with all my strength  when I had a clear shot. He's eyes bulged from his head as I assaulted him. I did this upward of 4 times, until he looked like he was going to puke from the pain. I was so wrapped up in wanting to hurt him,  I never thought about any damage that I could be causing to his precious nuts. 

   He was in pain as I pulled him up to his knees, I hugged his head as he knelt before me. I let him catch his breath as I let feel agony sink in. I put the tip of my toes against his balls and swang my foot back and forth to take aim, to make him nervous. It worked as he flinched each time I brought my foot close to his package. 

    Once I was sure he wasn't going to flinch, I punted them again with all my strength. His backs arched and the he walked a few steps forward on his knees before he tried to collapse. I was standing in front of him though, so all could do was slump against my legs as I looked down at him. 

   "Did that hurt?" I asked him as he presses against me. 

    He was having trouble breathing, his face red as he said "My right ball".

   "What about it?" I said, amused. 

   "You keep hitting my right ball.", he said weakly. 

    I smiled that evil smile as I laughed and said "Good. At least I know which one I am going to try and break now."

    I pushed him back and ordered him to spread his legs. As he did, I took aim at his ball with the toe of my converse telling him that I was going to kick him as hard as I could in his right nut. He let put a slight whimper as lined up my shot, intent on obliterating his sore, swollen ball. 

    He flinched again at the practice kick, as I wanted to make sure that I was going to hit that right jewel with  everything I had. Once I had my aim perfect. I drew my foot back and drove it as hard as I could, trying to smash his right testicle with all the force I could muster. 

     I could see the toe of my foot slam into his ball, his eyes bulged as he came crashing to his face of the floor in immense pain. He thrashed around on the floor trying to handle the nut pain that I has just delivered to him. I thought for sure he was going to puke as he heaved and coughed, trying desperately to not spew everywhere. He rolled around on the ground for several minutes, trying to somehow alleviate the pain he was in. 

    My mind had went to playful ball kicking to brutal nut crushing without me realizing it as I forced him on his back, sitting on his stomach. I spread his legs and used my own  legs to pin his open, giving me complete access to his groin.  I could feel every muscle in his body tensed as he trembled. I grabbed his nuts violently by the base, trapping them in a nice sack so they had no where to escape. I could tell his right ball had begun to swell up from the damage I had inflected. 

    What came over me, I can't tell you, but I was intent on hurting him. I made a fist and told my husband to tell me he loves me as I squeezed his ball cords in my hand with all my strength. 

    "Oh my God. Please baby, ease up!" He said with panic at his current perdicitment.

    I yelled at him " I said tell me you love me!", as I yanked up on his trapped testicles. I vaguely wondered how hard I would have to pull until I could rip them off. 

     "Ahhh! I love you! I love babe, please stop!", he has yelled, on the verge of tears. 

     I laughed and said "That's all I wanted to hear", and then proceeded to punch him in the balls over and over again. 

   He struggled to get out from under me as I hammered my fist into his nuts, focusing on his right one. With hands bound and me on top of holding his legs open with mine  give me the leverage I needed to keep from getting  thrown off of him as I assaulted his Manhood. 

    One shot turned into five, five turned into twenty, and twenty turned into a never ending barrage of punches as I tried to burst his nut like a grape. The sounds of  pleading and begging me to stop fell on deaf  ears as I kept going, hell bent on my torture. He had almost tossed me off a few times like a bucking bronco as he desperately tried to get me off of him. 

   I heard him faintly screaming at me to please stop, true fear and panic in his voice at what I was doing to his Manhood. My brutal attack came to a halt as I could see his right ball through his underware swelling to a size I have never seen it grow to. I gripped his left nugget and squeezed it my hand as hard as could digging my nails deep into it. 

    "I think maybe I should even it out a little"  I said with gritted teeth as he bucked some more. 

   I kept squeezing and squeezing until my hand literally started to hurt from the effort I was putting into it. A deep scream of agony came from his lungs as I dug my nails deeper into his nut, with no clear view of when I was actually going to stop. I didn't want to. I wanted to squeeze it until it broke. A strange thought for me at the time as I wasn't sure from which depth of my mind that it came from. 

   He was losing all control of himself underneath me, as he too was in a new realm of pain and panic. I have never gone this hard on him before now and the uncertainty of what was going to happen to his precious testicles were filling him with fear. He kept screaming for me stop, and  that It was going to pop, which made me squeez even harder with every ounce of power I had. The high pitch scream he let out as I waited for the ball to explode between my fingers was interrupted by a load knock on the door. 

  "Oh fuck" I said, still caught in a daze  of euphoria. 

    I released the ball I was on the verge of breaking and untangled  myself from my husband. I quickly made my way to door to peak through the spy hole. My kids had just got home and where banging on the door to let them in because I had locked it earlier.

    "Shit!" I cursed, " Hold on!" I told them through the door. 

    I ran back to my husband curled up in a ball as best he could on the floor and untied his hand. 

  "The kids are home. Get you ass up and grab you pants, go!"  

    Despite his pain he knew he just couldn't lay there as he was, so he got up as quick as  he could gripping his pants and making his way to the room. Another bang at the door filled the room. 

   I couldn't help myself as he gimped back to the room. I quickly ran up behind him, reaching around and grabbing that lovely swollen right ball and squeezing it hard. I put hand over his mouth to stop him from making any sound as he almost buckled, trying to pry my hand off his Nut.

   "Looks like you were saved by the bell love. Literally.", and then pushed him into the bedroom, shutting the door. 

   I took minute to adjust my self and made sure I didn't look like a savage when I opened the door. 

    "Mom! Why is the door locked!", as my son banged on the door again. 

    I ran over and unlocked and opened the door trying to pretend nothing had happened. A lot harder to do then I realized as my heart was still pounding in my chest and my blood was rushing through my body. 

    "Hey, sorry I forgot I had locked the door", I told them as they came in.

    My oldest boy looked at me weird and asked "You ok mom? Your breathing kind of hard. What were you doing?"

    I could feel blood rush to my face as i tried to think of something, anything to tell him. 

   "Ummm...I was just cleaning, and you know, moving stuff around. That's all." I told him, my face beat red.  

    "Where is dad at? Doesn't he usually help you when your moving heavy stuff around?", he had asked looking around the house. 

   "No, yeah he does. He had to lay down for bit, I think he strained something helping me out", I told him smiling 

   "Cool. Alright mom, I love you.", he told me as he ran upstairs to his room, the other kids dispersing as well. 

    I went to my room and closed the door behind me. My husband laid on the bed comforting his ball's in his hand. 

    "You alright?", I asked him. 

     "Ugh. God dame babe, you have never been that brutal. I thought were trying to pop one of my balls for minute there." He groaned. 

   I walked over to the side of the bed and bent down, kissing him on the lips, long and passionate. I pulled back catch my breath and looked him dead in the eye. 

   "Well that is because I was trying to pop one" I said and smiled as the look of disbelief crossed his eyes. 

    "But..", he began to say before I cut him off.

   "Now you know how evil I can be," I said still smiling. "You might not be so lucky to have an interruption the next time."

    "The next time?", he asked me with worry on his voice. 

    "Yeah, the next time.", I winked in response as I walked out of the room. 


Now I learned two very important things this day. One was my ability to cause suffering and enjoy it was even more then I thought myself capable of. Two, was that the fact that literally popping one his balls was no longer off the table. A fact that would eventually extend to both balls, but that is another story. 

    Alright ladies and gentleman, that is enough for now. I will continue writing on more to share with you guys. There is much I want to share. I still have the truly brutal tales waiting to be told. I haven't shared them with you yet because honestly, I don't think most are ready for them. In time though. All in good time. Until next then.  - xoxo




















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Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on September 29, 2022 at 8:17pm

@Jordan  I love kicking  squeezing and punching. If I had to choose it would be kicking and squeezing. Defiantly not a fair question lol

Comment by amalyanath on February 5, 2022 at 2:31am
More i am redu
Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on January 11, 2022 at 7:46pm

@ Carlo, keep dreaming buddy ;) and thank you. Glad people still read these. I will do another one at some point, just been busy with life. @ Gabe. Yeah the kids have saved his balls on more then one occasion.

Comment by Carlo Schmitt on January 7, 2022 at 4:10pm

Hello Melinda,

first of all thanks for your 3 posts why I love BB.

Very interesting how you came to this fetish and live it out in real life!

I would be happy to hear more from you ... ;-)

Maybe see you soon

greeting Carlo

Comment by Gabriel Walters on November 16, 2021 at 11:19pm

Oh, wow. There's probably a lot I could say but I think "Thanks for sharing" should suffice since I really did enjoy reading this, even if you're way too hardcore for me :D

Funny thing, I always wondered if kids interrupt you in sessions, guess they do judging from this story :)

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on November 3, 2021 at 7:35pm

Thank you:)

Comment by Weak dude on November 3, 2021 at 4:24pm

wow, love it

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on October 19, 2021 at 7:21pm

@ Thomas, well your logic seems sound, but it also a little flawed unfortunately. The first time I broke a nut was when I was barefoot haha! He didn't need surgery or anything but we had to stop for 8 weeks for him to recover ;)

@ nolizards, Thank you!

Comment by nolizards on October 19, 2021 at 1:18am

wow that was extremely hot… Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Thomas Jones on October 18, 2021 at 10:48pm

It would be fun to get busted by you and see if it would be possible to take it. You seem to know what you're doing but I  would still try and probably regret it, lol. I would just ask to take it barefoot and figure that would not make it as bad and tolerable to an extant.


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