Melinda the Ball Breaker's Blog (11)

Thank you and I love you


     Hey you all.  I know it’s been awhile since I have been on. The last year has not been the best. At the start of the year I had a stroke. It happened when I was sleeping in the beginning of January. I woke up in the morning and I could not feel the left side of my body. A blood clot had moved to my brain when I was sleeping, causing me to have a stroke. After more tests then I can count, they were not able to figure out where it came from or why it happened. I lost part of my…


Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on September 1, 2023 at 12:10am — 16 Comments

Why I love Ballbusting, part 3.

      Hey y'all, tired of me yet? I hope not. Welcome to more of the mindset that is me and Busting Ball's, part 3. 

      You know, every time I finish one of these I am always thinking "I could have added this", or " I could have talked about that". I honestly have no idea on what I am going to talk about until I start getting into it.  The last one had a different tone to it, so will try and mix it up a bit on this one. 

     Let's start with what else goes through…


Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on October 14, 2021 at 11:00pm — 10 Comments

I Love Ballbusting! Part 2

      Hello yall, welcome back to Why I love Ballbusting - part 2. Last time kind of went a little into Why I love BB so much. It is a very sexy an empowering thing for me to do and I absolutely love it doing it. I kind of went into how it makes me feel, but I want to dive more into the why it makes me feel that way. 

     Part of why it makes me feel so sexy is because when I am busting his balls, I am literally the centerpiece of everything in his mind at that point. 



Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 10, 2021 at 12:00pm — 10 Comments

I Love Ballbusting! Part 1

      I love BB. Pretty self explanatory right? I am going to be getting into feelings  and thoughts, what I think about BB, some of my favorite busts, questions that get asked often, and random tidbits hear and there. So I hope you enjoy.

     First and foremost, I absolutely love ballbusting. Why do I love it you ask? Let's look at that a bit shall we? We all know that busting balls can be considered taboo for the average person. We are told that a guy should never be hit in…


Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 3, 2021 at 6:02pm — 11 Comments

Ballbusting Holiday's

Hey guys and gal's, how is it going? It's been awhile since I posted anything and for that I am sorry. So I am just going to dive into it and talk  about my favorite  Ball Busting holiday's.

Holidays are some of the best times of the year, even more so for me when I add BB to the equation. These days I try to hold special Ball Busting sessions to mark the occasion and give him something to look forward to (or fear). Now these aren't in any particular order so I am just going to list…


Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 15, 2021 at 1:50pm — 5 Comments

Savage Fun


Hello everyone, glad to see that the site is still around. Here is a story that I hope you enjoy,

Reader Discretion is advised as this contains sexual content and gets intense, if that bothers you, then read no further, for those who will enjoy !

This particular bust happened about 6 months ago, it started out soft and sensual, but ended pretty brutal…


Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on November 2, 2017 at 8:42pm — 18 Comments

Summer Time Assault

Summertime, a time for fun, a time for sun, and time for ballbusting! This story is for you knee lovers out there, and I hope you will enjoy it.

Kneeing a set of balls in my opinion is one of the most effective way to put a man in his place. They are quick, deadly, and hard to see coming if you do them right. Some of the most brutal ballbusting I have done involve kneeing.

It was the beginning of July, hot and sunny, me and the man decided to go out and enjoy the day for… Continue

Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 19, 2017 at 11:13pm — 12 Comments

A ball squeezing good time.

Personal note: this is kind of the first story I have shared on here with any real sexual content, so be warned. Hopefully everyone enjoys, it's hard to write about intimate stuff like this, mainly just the wording. Though I can get pretty detailed, there really isn't a guideline of how much detail people can handle.

I enjoy ballbusting a lot, and needless to say, there are plenty of ways to bust a man's balls. One of my favorite ways is squeezing them. I don't know why, but when I… Continue

Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 15, 2017 at 2:53am — 14 Comments

BB: My little red dress.

I haven't always been a very confident person. Actually I was the opposite, very quiet and shy, insecure about myself. Trying to be sexy always made me feel like I was a complete moron. Naturally I can pull of sexy, and I have been told I am quite feisty, but that is just my personality. I never really dressed up to show off or go out, and when I did, it was rare. I just wanted my jeans and a t-shirt. No fancy underwear or lingerie, just boxers or booty shorts for me. It wasn't because I…


Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on September 4, 2015 at 1:10pm — 12 Comments

BB: A Bitchs Diary (2)

Do you know what I craving is? It is a intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing, according to Webster's anyway. Now the problem with a craving is that they come whenever they want, and hang around as long as you let them. To me, cravings became a pain staking ordeal because let's face it; Restaurant girl is not always there to to give me a reason to bust my husbands balls, neither is the bartender, the grocery clerk with the really tight pants, or even the jail bait crossing the crosswalk… Continue

Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on April 24, 2015 at 8:09pm — 10 Comments

BallBusting: A Bitches Diary

I am a Ball Buster, I do it for fun, I do it for pleasure, and I do it for power. I have a lot stories to share, but some aren't big enough or I can't go into as much detail as I want, because I am a perfectionist and it takes me forever to write a good story, especially one drawn up from old memories because is hard to recapture the moment in precise detail. The thing I love about busting my husbands balls, is that it creates these moments that I can relive in my head, moments that feed my… Continue

Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on April 14, 2015 at 6:14pm — 8 Comments


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