Took an at home male fertility test the other day, and it would appear I have a low or non-existent sperm count. 4+ years of practicing BB with partners and pro-domme''s. Who would have thunk it? Lol. Just figured I would share.

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Comment by micmac on June 9, 2018 at 1:04pm

That is what I learnt from medicine:

testicles are organs and as long as in place are functional. If they are essentially damaged they biologically desintegrate and need removal before they start to poison blood circulation.

What can happen in degradation from impact are internal fissures, where percentage of organ tissue vanishes due to internal scars. The number of productive cells simply counts down. The rest still is productive.

Medicine found during years in field researches that male fertility degrades in industrial countries.

That is not due to ballbusting. It finally is not the number of sperms but their agility. And this depends on a wider context in metabolism.

As Tom already mentioned: narcotics, alcohol, smoking. Such chemically changes the blood metabolism with cellular impact.

Second was found narrow pants, pressing testicles to the body by what rises their standard temperature. This is the most critical point as sperm production needs to run significantly below of body temperature. According the new fashion of these bicycle condom clothings got accused, bicycle riding as such for pressure, etc.

One still could exclude that there is a significant risk of infertility in these average nut kicks. 

Comment by playfight on June 9, 2018 at 12:23pm

I read a lot about this topic on net lately and find more and more examples that hard bb during time cause problem with fertility (mellinda husband is one of them)

yes i also read or chat that a lot of guys have children after years of hard bb but also a lot of guys who did in hard way never try to have kids and never did test so i guess there much more guys with fertile problems that we think ...

Comment by Thomas on June 22, 2017 at 6:04pm
Thank you for sharing that..I've got 3 boys already, don't want anymore kids,and I don't want a vasectomy this is my best option in all seriousness. As long as no other health concerns come from it. Haven't met a girl that can drop me yet so I'm going to keep experimenting with this and get one of those tests..thanks again for sharing
Comment by Tommy T down in cali on June 22, 2017 at 1:08am
Incase anybody was curious. Repeated test recently. Test is not tainted, second test still ranked with low to zero fertility. Fantasy is one thing, but Everybody please make an educated choice before you consent to practice this fetish of ours.
Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on April 13, 2017 at 9:54am
Where did you get this, i want to get one.
Comment by Donald Veracrow on April 8, 2017 at 4:13am

@Tommy T down i cali

Bro... That is so psychotic. lmao. 200 kicks in one hour. I'd be crying and wondering if my balls still worked xD

Comment by Tommy T down in cali on April 7, 2017 at 3:34pm
Playfight makes an important point about timing, and indeed I have no previous kids/tests so therefore it can not be determined with total clarity if I ever had a normal to high count before, or if deterioration may have actually been caused by alternate factors like age (mid30's)+prolonged marijuana, tobacco, or alcohol use among other possibilities. As Playfight also mentioned, I too live without regret at this time. I think I'd rather be a stepdad anyway, and I've had a bunch of fun, and as long as I can still get hard and watch a lady smile while I give it to her, i regret no fetish fun from previous occasions. But I would encourage all guys who like to practice this fetish to take this inexpensive home test. Some of you may put biological parenthood as a higher priority than others of us would.
In 2015 i sessioned with a part time prodomme who was a full time kickboxing instructor by day. (She mentioned the latter after the session was over) I consented to her giving me at least 200 groin strikes within 60 minutes. In the aftermath I had bruising discoloration that lasted for around 30 days and even had to visit a doctor. It would not surprise or disappoint me if all obstructing scar tissue was actually developed in that experience lol.
Comment by Kulkuset on April 6, 2017 at 7:32pm

The testicles itself are very tough, but remember that sperm is stored in the epididymis which is not protected by the tough layer. Also the cords can get scar tissue (probably from a lot of prolonged hard ballbusting). However even this doesn't necessarily mean you are infertile because there are fertility treatments where the sperm is extracted straight from the testicles with a needle. There are guys on other forums who say they've had kids after years of ballbusting,  so who knows but I must say it would be interesting if other people took the test as well.

Comment by playfight on April 6, 2017 at 5:29pm

Because you never did sperm check before you started ballbusting you can not be sure you were fertile before you started bb, but if we are realistic it must be that. My situation is similar, mine sperm ability is 20% but i m smoker, over 40, smoking pot, drinking a lot of beer so can not be sure but when i remember all hard kicks i taken it is a hard to believe it is not from bb. 

However i do not want kids and it was a lot of fun doing this and i m still very sex capable...

Comment by Maskedguy 1.7 on April 6, 2017 at 9:59am

when you do the test?


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